Thursday, April 25, 2024

APRIL 25 THE JESUS QUESTIONS (Day 11) Summary Review of JESUS Questions JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34)



(Day 11) Summary Review of JESUS Questions 


(Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34) 

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Praise be to the King of kings, the Eternal Light. Lord Jesus, Thy Word is TRUTH, Thy Way is PERFECT, only through You can we HOPE that our life can count for anything! 

Aside from our belief in You, we have nothing GOOD in us. 

Lord I pray for a RIGHT SPIRIT in my life so that it can be said that I do what is RIGHT in the eyes of the Lord — You are my strength and my very PRESENT HELP, I can do all things with You as my LIGHT leading me in PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.



Jesus continually moves us forward in the kingdom as He first builds on His last Lesson and during the present Lesson He points us to where all His Lesson/Questions are leading next. Of course the “Final Destination” is Eternity in Heaven with God Himself but Jesus always keeps us equipped for handling the “Now” (while we are still in our physical earthly bodies and “in the world”. 

Jesus  leaves Lesson 9 with three earthly miracles (1) a woman who had a

 “flow of blood” for 12 years was healed 

just by touching His garments and Jesus said; 

“Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith has made you well” (Matthew 9:22) 

and (2) Jesus raised a dead girl when 

“He went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose (Matthew 9:25) 

and thirdly (3) two blind men were healed as they cried out 

“Son of David, have mercy on us!” (Matthew 9:27)  

It was at this point that Jesus asked the Question that reveals the 

TRUTH of JESUS and His Healing Powers 

as He queried the two blind men, 

“Do you BELIEVE that I am able to do this?” 

(Matthew 9:28).  

Jesus then confirms the source of His Power as He heals the blind men and then reveals the TRUTH of GOD: 

“According to your faith let it be to you.” 

(Matthew 9:29) 

Jesus used these (3) miracles and tied them to “Personal Faith in God” and

 JESUS Teaches us that if we “believe” that Jesus is who He says He is and and can do all things through the Power of God that the Son of David WILL HAVE MERCY ON US!!!

— Jesus then confirms our “belief in God” with these three miracles 

then He moves to His next Teaching Question:

Lesson  10  JQ#10  “What is your ‘Spiritual Value’?”                Matthew 10:1-42

Jesus has just demonstrated His “Spiritual Power” 

and plainly tells us that 

His Power is from God because JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD and was sent to bestow Mercy and Grace on a lost and dying world and these 3 miracles were accomplished by the Power of God!!! 

Then JESUS effectively tells us that if we have “FAITH IN JESUS” that we also will have great “Spiritual Value”

Jesus started JQ#10 with the easy Question to answer about

 “two sparrows” having “value” 


we are of more value than two sparrows in God’s Eyes 

but He then turns our thinking towards some very serious reasons why we should

 “believe” that God IS “in Control”,  

that Jesus IS the Son of God, 

and why we have “Spiritual Value”! 

There are some very serious “consequences” if we do not “believe” 

as Jesus warns us 

“… And do not fear those who kill the body 

but cannot kill the soul. 

But rather fear Him who is able 

to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

 (Matthew 10:28)

 So Jesus transitioned from a light-hearted Question about sparrows to a very serious discussion about destruction of 

“both soul and body in hell.” 

Jesus uses the light-hearted and the very serious to create a contrast that really gets our attention and the Lesson here is that we have 

“both soul and body” 

and while the “body” is “finite” and will die and be buried,

 our “soul” is “eternal” 

therefore we should give great consideration to what we are doing with our

 “Personal Faith in the Eternal God” to recognize 

the grave importance of our “Spiritual Value”! 

Jesus Teaches in JQ#09 that 

there is a great miracle-working “Spiritual Power” at our disposal that is proportional to our “Faith in God” 

and then He Teaches in JQ#10 that our

 “Faith in God” will have “Eternal Consequences” for our “Soul”

so where do you think Jesus is pointing for JQ#11?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

APRIL 24 THE JESUS QUESTIONS (Day 10) Summary Review of JESUS Questions JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34)



(Day 10) Summary Review of JESUS Questions 

JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34) 

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Thank You Lord for being our Savior, we never stop to think that You are our Savior because You chose to be that Perfect Sacrifice and not because You were forced by some circumstance or to repay an obligation of some great work done by mankind! 

You LORD can choose to do literally ANYTHING, You are the Creator of ALL THINGS and yet in Your Plan for mankind You made us in Your Image and then You planned that You would get intimately involved in our Salvation which meant You volunteered to give up Your Divinity, be born of flesh as we are born of flesh and then live a Perfect Life on earth while being greatly persecuted by Your own people! 

Then Your Plan called for the worst death imaginable on a Cross at Calvary so that all who believe in Your Plan can have the Best Life possible and to have that Best Life for all Eternity! Thank You just isn’t enough to repay You for Your Grace so my prayer is that every breath I take, every thought that I have will be used to LIVE the Life You have Planned for me.      



Jesus is not only “Asking Questions” He is Teaching in a Specific Spiritual Sequence and if you have not been reading these posts in the order that they are written, you will be missing one of the 

“blessings” that the Holy Spirit has intended for

 “The JESUS Questions” Project

The Holy Spirit has presented all these Lessons in sequence 

(or as Holy Scripture says “precept upon precept”) 

with each new Lesson tying into the previous Lesson and then leading into the next Lesson in such a Divine Way that the “sequence”  is a Divine Lesson in itself. 

This Divine Sequence of Lessons and Revelations of the Truth of God by the Holy Spirit is a logical sequence of Teaching us about our responsibility to the kingdom and how to live a life of “Love”, “Faith”, and “Obedience” which then leads us to “Trust in God” and to “Walk-the-Walk”!!! Logically, as a result of those Kingdom Tools and Attributes, we are logically led to “Sharing-with-Others” the LOVE OF GOD 

— and then the Holy Spirit seems at first glance to inject a “deviation” from the logical sequence of Lessons with a Question about being “a friend of the Bridegroom?”

Lesson  9  JQ#09    “Are you a friend of the ‘Bridegroom’?”        Matthew 9:14-26

The Holy Spirit, just after Teaching us to “put Feet to our Faith”, then throws in what on the surface seems like a light-hearted Question in 

JQ#09 “Are you a friend of the ‘Bridegroom’?”

This Question by itself can be taken light-heartedly but taken in context of the previous Questions which are themselves unified by their 

Revelation of the Plan of God for the Salvation of mankind through the Life of the Father’s Only Begotten and Beloved Son, Jesus Christ

we must stop and seriously consider what the term “Bridegroom” means in terms of God’s Divine Plan for mankind? 

On face value, the term “Bridegroom” can be understood by all peoples, all languages, all cultures, every nation, all races … et. al. and therefore the Holy Spirit has introduced a “universal” concept that exceeds all national, social, economic, and racial boundaries! The term “Bridegroom” implies that there is certainly a “Bride” and also a “Marriage” and therefore is the most logically all-inclusive concept that could be introduced!!! 

Let us stop and consider that the

 God of the Universe, the Creator of All Things who is the only  Eternal “uncreated and self sustaining” being, who certainly does not need His Creation to survive, why would this self-supported, self-sustaining Being choose to be bonded in “marriage” by a convention He Himself established as “Holy Matrimony”??? 

Further, consider that God called everything “Good” in His Creation except for His statement about the new man He had just created that was without a mate:

 “And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” (Genesis 2:18) 

and then “… the LORD GOD … put the man in a deep sleep … and made…a woman (from a rib taken from the man’s side), and He brought her to the man.” (Genesis 2:22) and that became the first marriage. “And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh…” (Genesis 2:23) 

I personally get goose bumps when I think that Jesus Himself who is referred to as the Second Adam has been “put into a deep sleep” (called death) and from that sleep of death God the Father took part of the very “Spirit” of the Son and used that “Spirit” to create the Church just like He used Adam’s rib to create the first wife, Eve! 

To think about God giving His Son in Marriage is mind-bending at least — there could be volume upon volume written of the symbolism this 

Marriage” of God’s only Son, Jesus!  ——— The Holy Spirit then introduces a Divine Concept with this “Marriage” concept and we are left to consider the next JESUS Question: “Who is the ‘bride’ and ‘Are you a friend of the ‘Bridegroom?’”!!!???

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

APRIL 23 THE JESUS QUESTIONS (Day 9) Summary Review of JESUS Questions JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34)



(Day 9) Summary Review of JESUS Questions 

JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34) 

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, Praise be to the One! You LORD and You Alone are Worthy of all the Praise, Glory, and Honor that men utter, for there is no one that has ever lived besides Jesus Christ that has done a single righteous thing to be worthy of any praise. 

Lord Jesus please accept this offering of Praise and Thanksgiving because of “Who” You ARE and what You continue to do for a lost and dying world! 

Lord, I pray that Your Light will shine through my darkness so that all anyone sees when they look at me is You! Jesus, I know that daily I must die to self that I may be resurrected in You, so my prayer is that I may become “One” with You 

that I can reflect all that You are.      



Jesus has been progressively Teaching us with His JESUS Questions how to reflect, evaluate, and grow “Spiritually” and now Jesus is giving us specific Spiritual advice on how to develop the necessary tools for “Kingdom Work”

Lesson  8   JQ#8      “How do you put ‘Feet’ to your ‘Faith’?”        Matthew 9:1-13

Jesus has in the first 7 Jesus Questions Taught us to see that we should follow His Example as He teaches us how to be “salt and light” (JQ#01), to know the meaning of “True Love” (JQ#02), to forget about “worrying” because God is worrying for us and promised to provide for all our needs (JQ#03). 

Then Jesus starts in on some characteristics we should develop as He tells us

 “not to judge” because that’s God’s responsibility (JQ#04),

 and that we should pursue the Kingdom as we “Ask-Seek-Knock” (JQ#05)

with our goal to be producing “good fruit” for ourselves and for others (JQ#06)

so that our “Faith in God” will overcome our “Fears” (JQ#07). 

And then Jesus says that as His disciples we should follow His Example of “walking the walk” and not just “talking the talk” as He Teaches us by example in

 JQ#08 how to “put ‘feet’ to our ‘Faith’”

To learn these Lessons and develop the characteristics of Jesus and not share them with others is a huge problem in doing “Kingdom Work” because Jesus says we should take and apply the Lessons that are “in here” to the problem that is “out there”! Jesus Teaches us in JQ#08 the importance of “doing” for the “Kingdom’s Sake” instead of just talking about it. 

JQ#08 points to the importance of “going” as Matthew writes

 “So [Jesus] got into a boat, crossed over, came to His own city. Then behold, they brought to [Jesus] a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.’” (Matthew 9:1) 

In this one verse we see one “action” after another (1) Jesus got into a boat  (2) He crossed over  (3) [He] came to His own city  (4) they brought to Him a paralytic  (5) Jesus saw their faith … then as a result of all these “actions” Jesus (6) forgave the paralytic of his sins and (7) Jesus healed the paralytic and (8) the paralytic took up his bed and (9) walked. Jesus not only accomplished all these miracles 

but He Taught us that our “Faith in God” is to be used to “help others” 

and that we are to actually put “Feet to our Faith” 

for when Jesus sees us “exercising our Faith in God to help others” 

then Jesus will recognize our “efforts for the Kingdom” 

and then Jesus will perform miracles in the lives of those that come into contact with our “Faith in God”

Jesus confirmed He wanted us to “exercise” our “Faith” as he commanded

 “Arise and walk” (Matthew 9:5)

 Isn’t it obvious that if we “Arise” and “Walk” in the Name of Jesus 

and do “Kingdom Work” 

that we are going to accomplish more 

than if we just selfishly “Sit” and “Talk” about helping others???