JOHN 18:38 Pilate said to [JESUS], "What is truth?" And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews [demanding His crucifixion for blasphemy], and said to them, "I find no fault in Him at all.”

“Who Defines Morality?” This indeed is the question facing the world in 2019! The magazine pictured on the left is a conservative Christian publication that bills itself as “THE EVANGELICAL VOICE FOR TODAY” - but even in this “Christian” publication there is the creeping doubt as to what “real truth” is and I personally struggle with this New Age insistence that “Truth and morality are Relative”! I have been trying to put into words a reasonable logical explanation for a nagging question that has been bothering me for years now - the words to frame a correct answer have been right there on the tip of my tongue for the last few months as 2018 came to a close and one particular word [“Evil”] has risen again and again. But just like a popular movie series [Harry Potter] that refers to the villain as “he-who-can’t-be-named” my thoughts were suppressed and subconsciously I had looked upon “Evil” as the “thought that must not be spoken”! But alas another word has come to the forefront in my thinking and that word is “propaganda” - however when I think of “propaganda” I start thinking of words like “deception”, “manipulation” and that unspeakable word “evil”. Hence the question “Who Defines Morality” is the most relevant question of our age of mass media and without any doubt or question this “Social-Media-Me-Too” age is more “Evil” than any previous age in America!
“Who Defines Morality” is a legitimate question and we must face the responsibility that such an honest question deserves an honest answer. Unfortunately America has been in the Propaganda Shadow cast by a sold-out Mass Media and the LIGHT of TRUTH has been ignored by our policy makers who promote darkness and division so much that we as a society can no longer agree on what is “honest” anymore! HONOR as an ideology is in DOUBT because TRUTH itself has been under attack for almost a century of manipulated public opinion by the new owners/controllers of our political system. The mass media working for those same controllers are spewing the New World Order Propaganda to “We-The-People”, who through coordinated propaganda efforts are now newly classed as “we-the-sheeple”! Let me take a stab at explaining the “issue” and present a “solution” to the problem to provide a path to an ideology that promotes unity, honor, and integrity for ALL AMERICANS (without any modifiers!).
First I will try and cast light on one aspect of this darkness of the ideology of DOUBT that is encouraged by our current political clash which can be proved to be on purpose by those that control the sheeple through mass media and the American political system. Like the TRUTH that is expressed in the catchphrase “Follow the money” that was “popularized by the 1976 drama-documentary motion picture ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, which suggests political corruption can be brought to light by examining money transfers between parties”. We can in 2019 confirm that political corruption needs to be “brought to light” and the vehicle to take us to the TRUTH is indeed to “Follow the money”. Money itself is not “evil” and everyone that has money is not “dishonest” but the “love” of money and “lust” for the power that it provides to those willing to do “whatever it takes” and are addicted to the drug of “power” is the number 1 factor common among all “abusers of power”. The “Love of Money” and its twin “Lust for Power” are the poster children for what is wrong with our present political system so if we are going to find the flower of TRUTH amid the distracting weeds of dishonesty and doubt we must first look at the TRUTH of how money corrupts when allowed to be controlled by those seeking personal wealth and power! The United States Secret Service teaches its agents to spot counterfeit money by “studying the original intensely. When a counterfeit is presented, the flaws will be obvious because they have spent countless hours looking at the authentic.” So if we are going to find TRUTH by “following the money” we need to know what a political system that is not controlled by “Big Money” looks like, otherwise we will continue to be hoodwinked by this counterfeit political system now in place in this “once great nation”!
Let us begin our search for TRUTH by examining an “authentic” political American document protecting the Rights and Liberties of ALL Americans and I submit that the Constitution of the United States is such a document. In 1947 the 22nd Amendment was passed by Congress and in 1951 it had been ratified by the states. In 1945 FDR died and many Americans felt that it was not a good idea to let the Presidency be held by one individual for more than two 4 year terms and the 22nd amendment was written limiting the Presidency to only two 4 year terms in office. Before the FDR Presidency, never in American history had a President been elected to more than two terms! It was when WW2 ended that concerned Americans and many government officials began discussing the potential dangers resulting from allowing unlimited Presidential terms because a single individual could become an American Presidential dictator (much like FDR was becoming) which had become a major concern with Americans because of the policies being pushed on the American public by FDR and his Democratic party. FDR had been elected to a 3rd term because of the special circumstances surrounding America’s involvement in WW2 and because of the war there had been several liberties and freedoms suspended in America and the American people recognized the danger of a potential socialist dictatorship and wanted to take back control of the government of the republic that had been founded “by the people, for the people”. A proposal to limit the terms that an individual could serve as President became the best choice to return control to the American public so “Presidential term limits” was put in front of the American voter and once again the policy changing power of an individual vote was exercised by American citizens and the Constitution was amended to state:
Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
What was “dangerous” in 1947 is also “dangerous” 72 years later in 2019. The connection of the 22nd Amendment passed in 1947 to this article about “TRUTH” in 2019 is that the “TRUTH” expressed in the reason behind concerned Americans voting to pass this “Presidential Term Limits” amendment in 1947 is the “SAME TRUTH” of 2019! If an individual being elected to more than two four-year terms is dangerous in 1947 then how can it not be considered dangerous 72 years later when the power of American politicians is exponentially greater than it was in 1947! In other words, if “to much power” because of serving more that 2 four year terms by an elected official was dangerous in 1947 how can “more power” exercised by our elected officials be less dangerous in 2019?!?! Answer: It can’t!
In this age of Social Media we are walking a thin line between “convenience” and “personal privacy” and this spills over into “individual rights” verses the “common good”. Just like all things “secular” our “choices” have consequences that are determined by the “Moral TRUTH” of our actions. The social problem of our age is the “TRUTH” that our actions originate from our personal belief of what we consider to be “MORAL” has been replaced by what the propaganda machine has led the sheeple to believe is the “Progressive” definition of TRUTH.
Our society has turned to “sound bites” and “memes” in order to communicate our ideologies so in “keeping with the times” I will communicate my opinion on “TRUTH” and its global “moral relevance” with the following memes gathered off social media in my part of the world.
Meme # 1. This “1965…fell off my bike” meme is Exhibit #1 in my quest to demonstrate that “TRUTH” is not “RELATIVE” to a condition, time, or ideology. “TRUTH” is independent of our circumstances, the timing of the event, or any ideology espoused by any poor soul with a scraped knee (read “abused” Social Justice Warrior)! My point is that in 1965 when social media didn’t exist and I didn’t have a Social Justice Warrior around to “politically protect” my knees from the pavement and to “politically protect” me from parents who were so uncaring as to let me ride my bike on unsafe roads not approved by Social Warriors Against Uncontrolled Bike Riding Awareness Groups! Really, I don’t know how any of us survived all those bike riding accidents because I have the “scars” to prove it really happened! The “TRUTH” about bike riding in 1965 however remains unchanged in 2019 — falling off a bike can scar your knees, period! Even if you pass a thousand laws and have ten thousand “protests” against uncontrolled and unlicensed bike riding activities without the Politically Correct Permit, the “TRUTH” of bike riding will not change and is in no way relative to having the proper government approval — the “TRUTH” of falling off a bike and your knees making contact with the pavement is going to hurt, I don’t care how much social or governmental regulation there is. The only difference is that in 1965 we didn’t have a social pity-party forum and some busy body Socoal Justice Warrior trying to stick their stuff in my business! “TRUTH” is “TRUTH” regardless of circumstance, time frame, or opinion — falling off a bike is a fact of life and banging knees into the pavement is painful, how can that even be considered any other way — TRUTH is TRUTH, my cousin is a relative, Social Media is NOT RELATIVE TO THE TRUTH, it is an OPINION and is IRRELEVANT to TRUTH, but I digress.
Morality Cannot Be Legislated |
Meme # 2. While it is true that governments can pass laws and declare a specific action “legal” and thereby the “official” government representative is granted the “power” to “legally impose” it on the entire society, it is not true that just because there is “legislation in place” that the “legislation” is a “MORAL TRUTH” — there is always a “MORAL TRUTH” associated with all legislation and this “MORAL TRUTH” stands apart from the “legality” of each and every law regardless of the nation or national creed of any governing body — in other words, just because it is a law passed by men it is not automatically a “Moral TRUTH”! For example let’s hypothetically assume a law was passed by our government and upheld by a 3 to 2 majority of the Supreme Court (note that our Supreme Court Justices are NOT elected officials but are appointed) and this “law” gives “legal authority” to a specific group of people to go into public schools and select all students with blue eyes and publicly chop their heads off in front of the rest of the school because there are special interest groups opposed to blue eyed first graders and our government decided that for the “common good” that all blue-eyed first graders should be killed because they were not wanted by the “offended” special interest group (I will point out that if you look carefully at this hypothetical type of legislation that it is not clearly specified if the “common good” is for “we the people” or the “special interest groups” that requested the legislation?). The scary part about this example is that it is already in place and instead of “blue-eyed first graders” it is the unborn that are not wanted by their mothers who make the decision that it would be an inconvenience to them and a burden on society if the pregnancy is not terminated. Our government has “legalized and encourages” abortions and has passed laws that uses taxpayers money to subsidize these abortions. The “TRUTH” of abortions is that if the pregnancy was not terminated that the fetus would continue to develop into a human being. The “TRUTH” about a “human fetus” is that it is “human” regardless of the stage of development and it is “human” if it is in the uterus, the womb, or the birth canal. The “TRUTH” about “human” abortions is that during the abortion, a “human” is aborted. Any way you put it, the definition of “abort” is to “cease development, die, and be aborted” so if you “abort” a “human fetus” then that “human” will “cease development” and “die” as a result of the “abortion”. There is no law that can make “abortion” anything but the “MORAL TRUTH” that a “human” was denied the ability to continue its natural development as a human being and that when the natural development is interrupted the result is “death” for the fetus. There is no way to change the definition of death except to say that before something can “die” it must first be “alive” - and there is a universal moral law against taking someones life because you don’t want them. It is especially morally repugnant when the life of someone that cannot defend themself is taken from them when they are in a completely defenseless situation. There can be a billion people vote to legalize smashing babies against a wall until they cease to breath but the “TRUTH” is that if a life is “aborted” then a “death sentence” was imposed on a human being! Even though “abortion” is “legalized” by a majority of the society the “MORAL TRUTH” is that abortion results in the taking of the life of a human. HENCE: “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right & evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority!”
TRUTH in 1947 is TRUTH in 2019 |
Meme # 3. Today in America there is a great divide and Meme #3 directs us to the source of the “great divide” and points out that “TRUTH” is NOT RELATIVE nor does “MORALITY” have an expiration date! The “great divide” is not so “great” and “TRUTH” declares loudly that “divide” is the exact opposite of “unite” so we must look at our 2019 Congress and look to see if the programs put forth in Congress will result in unification or division. The problem is that there are certain “professional” politicians in Congress today that feel their loyalty lies solely with the “party” that put them into power and not the people that make up the party base! It is evident that having Congressional Power too long has a negative effect on these “professional politicians” and that the continual abuse of power should be addressed to protect “we the people” against what has become a “Special Interest Professional Congress”!Just like the 22nd Amendment addressed the problem of allowing a President to have Presidential Power for too long we the peoples should consider if the same problem now exists with our “Professional” Congress! If the POTUS must be limited to prevent a dictatorship for the “good of the people” then the CONGRESS should be subjected to the same standard! It is a MORAL TRUTH that “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” so let us apply this TRUTH logic to our Congress and declare on a MORAL basis “Term Limits” for all branches of our government! TRUTH is not just TRUTH for the Executive Branch as established with the 22nd amendment passed 72 years ago to protect “We The People” but let us apply this “Wisdom and Truth” to all three branches of our government — if “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” then the solution to 1 branch of our government should serve equally well to the remaining 2 branches. Or, vice versa, if there is no real problem here because of politicians remaining in power for too long then let us quickly repeal the 22nd Amendment and put all political players on a level playing field.
It is the opinion of this writer who himself is 72 years old that it is the experience of my lifetime that real TRUTH is eternal and thus being eternal and unchangeable by circumstance that by its very definition that it is “TRUTH”. As a nation we must seek to apply “ETERNAL TRUTH” to our lives or we end up living an alternate reality that becomes shaped and fashioned by the whims and desires of those sitting in seats of power. Every time there is a problem with a political system we hear the call to “Unseat” the person occupying the “seat” where “power” is being abused much like we hear the call to “Unseat” or “Impeach” the “Sitting President”. Those making the most noise are failing to realize that perhaps they are sitting themselves in a “political hot-seat” and their effort to “Unseat” a politician because they declare there is “corruption” in the air may well find that they are living in “glass houses and throwing stones” at their own “thrones” that they are sitting upon and have occupied the seat for decades!
In 1947 after America had gone through WW1 and WW2 where America had been forced into defending the “TRUTH” that the world was better off with a people guaranteed “Liberty” and the ideology that “All men are created equal” than with a dictator with unregulated power promoting a “master race” or a “party of privilege” that holds sway over “We The People”. My point is simply that it was a “self-evident” “TRUTH” that people should defend “freedom” against “tyranny” and to insure that absolute power in the hands of a few was kept in check the 22nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States was passed to limit the “terms” of the President. This 22nd Amendment was an effort to insure that “We The People” would control the government instead of the government controlling the people! The PEOPLE of the United States did not declare war, it was the American government and specifically the American President that had declared (without the consent of THE PEOPLE) that America’s resources and her sons and daughters would go to war against “tyranny”. It is ironic that those sacrificing their lives to defend our country swore an oath to “defend” the “constitution” from “all threats foreign and domestic” and the government that sent these brave men and women to war were actually abusing the very document they used to enlist “We The People” to defend! We must stop and understand that as a nation we must embrace an ideology that is not politically motivated and controlled by power mongers whose greed is fed by political lobbyists but rather let us embrace an ideology that returns us to a government described by Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address: “…and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth…”! This writer would add a note at this point that Lincoln was repeating the words that John Wycliffe wrote in 1384 in the prologue to his translation of the Bible! If America is going to be “GREAT AGAIN” then we must return to the ideology of “TRUTH” that is (1) the BIBLE (2) the CREATOR and TRUTH of the BIBLE (3) and the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that declared “these truths to be self-evident”!!!@
My desire is not to promote a political party, my desire is to return our political system to “TRUTH” and the “Author and Creator of TRUTH” who through His Omniscient Power directed the founding fathers of this previously great nation to write: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
This declaration was revisited in earnest in 1947 after America had lost many American sons and daughters in two World Wars to defend our “unalienable Rights” to “Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness” and it was the consensus of the America public that had sent their sons and daughters to defend American Freedom against the tyranny running rampant in Europe that the problem rested with the Executive Branch of the government which had taken on a dictatorial quality and many Americans felt that we had been “forced” into the war by what could be argued as an illegally appointed 3rd term of FDR — no President in the history of the United States had ever served 3 terms and it was evident that the powers FDR and his Democratic Party was wielding over the American public was “dangerous”. By declaring “America is at war” FDR had already impinged on what was supposed to be UNALIENABLE RIGHTS as many innocent Americans had lost their LIFE and had to forfeit their LIBERTY and Constitutional Rights as they were conscripted into the military and there is no logical way to argue that a World War was PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! In 1945 Presidential term limits initiated to keep the Executive Branch from gaining to much power over We The People and “term limits” was and passed by the Congress in 1947 and ratified by the states in 1951 and became the 22nd Amendment.
It seems logical that if Americans are being required to give their life and liberty to go to wars that “Congress” approves and it can be demonstrated that these wars are not what the American Public deems PUSUIT OF HAPPINESS then in 2019 discussions should begin on limiting the terms of “Congress” just like we did after WW2 to limit the Executive Branch. Politicians are now considered “Professional Politicians” and those in “power” wield their “power” to promote their careers and it can be demonstrated beyond any shadow of doubt that their efforts toward their personal careers has been achieved by legislating from a “Money Talks” ideology as our politicians have become an elite governing wealthy group while limiting the LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS of we the people of the United States. Congress has reduced the power of we the people by illegal immigration which puts Americans at odds with illegal aliens and instead of the American Congress protecting the American People the American Congress legislates themselves raises and earmarks billions for illegals but will do little to nothing to resolve and protect the Americans living in this country LEGALLY! It has come the time for Americans to take back control of our Constitution and for the same reason we adopted the 22nd Amendment to limit the terms of the President then in 2019 let us amend the 22nd Amendment by limiting the terms of the Legislative and Judicial right along the existing limits of the Executive Branch, everything that was TRUE in passing the 22nd in 1947 is still TRUE today. This is a call for TRUTH to be returned to AMERICA.