Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33
(Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17)
JESUS, today my first thoughts towards You are thoughts of “Thankfulness”
that You have done those things the Father asked You to do so that sinners
such as I would have a way to Eternally Fellowship with the TRINITY
through the Miracle of Grace — a Miracle that was bought with a
Heavenly Price and yet given with an Unconditional Love that can
never be reproduced! It is Your Divine Love that is freely poured out
on everyone that calls on the Precious Name of Jesus.
Lord, there is no way for us with our limited intellect to understand
the Heavenly Dynamics that provides Grace to wretched souls because
of the Holy Blood You Shed on the Cross on our behalf, nor why a
Sacrificial Lamb could be slain before the foundation of the world —
nor how the Shed Blood of the Lamb of God once applied to our Repentant
hearts brings about the Miracle of Salvation —
or why God Almighty The Great I AM would even consider the possibility
of Forgiveness of the guilty and Offer His Only Begotten Son —
O the Mystery of God to make such a Great Sacrifice of the Divine Innocent
for the sake of sinful man!?!?!?!?
our hearts overflow with three words: “THANK YOU LORD”
for being the Great God You ARE!!!
Jesus comes on the scene in the 3rd Chapter of His Gospel according
to St. Matthew after Jesus is announced as the “Lamb of God” by the
Star Witness sent by God for One specific purpose:
“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man
came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him
might believe…that [JESUS] was the true Light which gives light to
every man coming into the world.” (John 1:6-9)
Matthew documents the fact that before Jesus came to be baptized
by John that John the Baptist was already
“preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying,
‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!’” (Matthew 3:2)
Matthew was Jewish and was a well educated Jewish scholar and very
familiar with the Jewish Holy Scriptures (known today as the “Tanakh”—
the Hebrew Bible consisting of three sets of books: Torah,
Nevi’im <prophets and histories> and Ketuvim <writings>) and knew the
significance of John’s message to the nation Israel for there had been
400 years of silence since Malachi the last prophet had written God’s declaration
of the coming of the forerunner of the Messiah,
“BEHOLD, I send My messenger,
and he will prepare the way before Me.” (Malachi 3:1a)
Matthew sensed through that same Holy Spirit that the LORD was once
again speaking to Israel through His messenger, John the Baptist. This
John who started declaring the need for repentance of sin because
the “kingdom of heaven” was “at hand” is the “messenger” who was
foretold by the prophet Isaiah whom Matthew quoted when he wrote about John the
Baptist, “For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah,
saying, ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way
of the LORD…’” (Matthew 3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)
The impact of John the Baptizer on the nation Israel can be seen by
the simple statement of Matthew: “Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and
all the region around the Jordan went out to [John the Baptist]” (Matthew 3:5)
and the reason they were going out into the wilderness was to hear John
preaching “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” and Matthew
finishes his report on John the Baptist by stating that those going out
into the wilderness to hear John preach about the kingdom of heaven
“were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.” (Matthew 3:6)
Matthew with these simple statements makes it clear that John the Baptist
is not trying to build a church or establish a congregation for his
personal benefit because of the remote location in the desert wilderness
where John the Baptist was preaching therefore one must concentrate
on the message that John the Baptist was preaching and that message
was clearly “Repent”. The results of the Spirit filled message was that
people who listened to God’s Spirit filled Message to “Repent”
were “confessing their sins”! The success of John’s message from God
to Israel was also noted by Matthew for John became so well known
in the wilderness that he caught the attention of even the Pharisees
and Sadducees who themselves were “coming to” John
to be baptized in the Jordan. (Matthew 3:7a)
John’s reaction to the Pharisees and Sadducees must be viewed from the context
that the Holy Spirit was leading John and speaking through John so when
John calls the Pharisees and Sadducees a “brood of vipers” (Matthew 3:7b)
we can anticipate that when the Messiah comes upon the scene that
the Messiah, being led also by the Holy Spirit, will address the problem
of having a “brood of vipers” ruling the temple and leading temple worship
in Jerusalem! This “brood of vipers” were also responsible to God for
teaching God’s religious doctrines to the nation of Israel, doctrines from God
intended by God to promote Israel’s worship of
The Great “I AM”, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
that had delivered them out of their bondage in Egypt
and into the Promised Land.
So Matthew has now established that Jesus has fulfilled prophecy by
His Birth, and now John who has fulfilled the prophecy that there
would be a “forerunner” to the Messiah is about to see Jesus face-to-face
for the first time! Have you ever stopped in your Spiritual Journey and
considered that even though you believe and know who Jesus is,
that there will come that
first moment when you will stand in His Presence —
face to Face — for the first time!?!?!?!?!?! “
Now” is a good time to stop and think about that “moment” for it is a
“moment” in your “future” that was prophesied about you
by the same Holy Spirit that prophesied about the
Coming of the Anointed One
and your reaction will uncover what you believe about Jesus in the secret
parts of your heart and soul — and “Now” is the only time available for you
to get that “moment” settled between you
and your future with Jesus Christ Himself!!!
The TRUTH of GOD is that one day your “moment” in His Presence
will arrive and what you truly believe will be revealed as you
stand face-to-Face with God at that very “moment” ——
BUT once the “moment” arrives it is already to late ——
you must be prepared BEFORE the “Moment” arrives ——
and the time to think about that “Moment”
and who Jesus really IS,
is “Now”!!!