JQ#06 “Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?”
(Matthew 7:16)
JESUS, today Lord as I awake with the “Joyful” thought that it’s going
to be a “Good” day I stop and remind myself where that “joy and confidence”
comes from — JESUS!!! — and my heart rejoices because You are
the “Good Good Father” and you have “Good Plans” for us!
Help me LORD to share with everyone that they may know that every day
with God is a “Good Day”! My prayer is that our “Good Father” will be
revealed today to those that do not understand why the Cross
is “Good News”!! Nothing but the Precious Blood of the Son of the
“Good Father” could purchase such “Joy” — “Joy” everlasting because
of Your Eternal Victory over Sin, Death, and the Grave!
There is no thought so dynamic as God-Very-God
choosing out of Love for the unloveable
to be the Sacrificial Lamb for the Sins of the world,
and the Son of the “Good Father”, willingly and in Pure Innocence,
Suffering for all our sins on the Cross at Calvary!
Then, in His Grave, He defeated Death,
and on the Third Day was Risen by the “Good Father”
to Eternal Victory over sin, death and the grave!
Praise God, the “Good Father”,
Jesus the “Good Son”,
and the Holy “Good Spirit” of God
JESUS with His unique JESUS Questions/Lessons proves that He IS
the Master Teacher — for only the Master can Teach such Deep Truths of God
just by getting His students to answer simple day-to-day questions.
Jesus never Taught just one Lesson with only a single moral implication but
with each Lesson Jesus revealed a Deeper Truth of God so that we could
begin to glimpse God’s Bigger Truth picture for the world. Jesus is also
revealing the Father and the Father’s Heart to us that we may come to know the
Greatness of God’s Love.
This next section was originally two JESUS Questions but after studying
this section (Matthew 7:15-29) of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit made it clear
that both Questions (Matthew 7:16 and Matthew 7:22) are in essence the same.
These “JESUS Questions” should be studied for God’s Truth and to
glimpse God’s Glory as we learn about the
Magnificent Characteristics of Almighty God!
As I stated before, when I first started reading this section it seemed like
several small sections thrown in at the end of Chapter 7 but then as I
read and studied, it now seems like Jesus is actually bringing up these
questions to get our attention and then He Teaches one of His many
parables using our curiosity generated by these simple Questions.
Matthew 7:21 has always caused me discomfort but after applying the parable
to my personal uneasiness I have come to another of those places where
Jesus shines His Light on my discomfort and illuminates another “Peace”
that can only come through a study of Holy Scripture.
So not only is Jesus Teaching us God’s Truths, He is also confirming where
we are to obtain the seeds of God’s Truths,
where and how to plant God’s Truths,
and how to know that through God’s Truths He is blessing our lives —
which is the only True Peace we will ever find in our day-to-day lives.
Read through the sections in Matthew 7:15-29 and UNDERSTAND THAT
they are all Teaching Divine Truth as only the True Master Teacher can!
This section starts with a warning:
“Beware of false prophets…” (Matthew 7:15)
then gives us a test to apply to false teachers:
“Therefore by their fruits you will know them…” (Matthew 7:20)
but then Jesus points out that only God’s Truths will stand as the “Witness”
at our “judgment” when He declares:
“And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you…” (Matthew 7:23)
Jesus then Teaches us the parable of two builders which illustrates that
we should choose wisely where we build our “house” and what we should
use as the “foundation” of our “spiritual life”! See Matthew 7:24-27
for the parable but consider Matthew 7:15-23 as Questions to get us
thinking along certain terms that adds Godly Truth to the Teaching of
the parable of the two builders. I would also ask you to consider these
as additional revelations from God on His
“Law of Choice and Consequence” as there are several “choices”
presented in this section and as always God is perfectly clear as to what
He has already declared before the foundations of the earth as the
“consequence” of our actions. Tomorrow we will begin deciding on
materials to use to build our “foundation” as we look at what
Jesus Teaches us about “false prophets”.