Saturday, March 8, 2025

MARCH 08 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#08 “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” (Matthew 9:4)



JQ#08 “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” 

(Matthew 9:4)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord we know that because You are Risen that we can

 have confidence that our sins are Forgiven. 

Because You are Risen, we can Hope for our Eternal Fellowship with You

 and the Father immersed in the Eternal Light of the Holy Spirit!  Lord,

 forgive me when I get distracted by the world, for when I think I am in control,

 I quickly see that there is no “Power” in me — what “Power” that is in me

 is there because of the Marvelous Gift of Grace!

 Lord always keep Your Life-Death-Crucifixion-Burial & Resurrection

 before me for when my eyes are on You, I can’t see anything but 

You and the Living God!    



JESUS healed the paralytic and there was a “multitude” that heard Jesus

 when He stated the 

Divine Truth that He had the “power on earth to forgive sins” (Matthew 9:6).

 It should be noted here that the “multitudes” and the “Scribes” all

 witnessed the same event but there were two different outcomes: 

(T1) Those that believed Jesus, 

“marveled and glorified God” (Matthew 9:8) and 

(T2) those that accused Jesus of “blasphemy” were exposed as having

 “evil in [their] hearts” (Matthew 9:4)

This section also was full of examples of

 God’s Law of Choice and Consequence

One of God’s ways of involving our personal actions in His Work is the

 Gift of Free Will — God will reveal Himself and His Powers and 

He will make it clear what His Purpose and Intent towards us is, 

but He never forces us to choose Him! God wants us to be Free Agents 

so that we choose what we want to choose; however, He makes it 

perfectly clear that even though 

we are free to choose  our “actions” that God has already determined

 the “Consequence” of our “Free Will Choice”. 

The Truth of God IS that God NEVER changes and the “Consequence” 

of our actions is as constant as the effects of gravity 

for they are the result of God’s Law which is never changing 

and fairly administered to all creation.

 It is God’s Laws and His Divine Power that keeps the stars 

on their course through His heavens and we are able to chart 

our course because of that same consistency of God’s Laws.

 God declared in the Garden of Eden that the “penalty for sin is death” 

but He also provided an “acceptable sacrifice” to cover Adam and Eve’s sin

 when God killed an animal (most likely a lamb without blemish) which He

 then presented to Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness. 

God has been consistent to punish sin with death (i.e. the Great Flood) 

and yet with each judgement God gives us a choice — God told Noah 

to get on the ark but God did not force Noah on the ark. God rewarded 

Noah’s choice by giving all who chose to follow God’s instructions with “life” 

and those that chose not to get on the ark with “death”, 

thereby administering faithfully His Laws. 

I challenge you to read this Matthew 9:1-9 passage again and 

consider how God’s Law of Choice and Consequence was fairly applied

 to (C1) the ones that brought the paralytics to Jesus 

(C2) some of the scribes 

(C3) the paralytic himself and 

(C4) the multitudes that witnessed Jesus physically healing the paralytic.

 It is very interesting that Jesus said “Arise and walk” in verse 5, 

then again in verse 6 he says “Arise, take up your bed, and go…”

 then in verse 7 we read that the paralytic “arose and departed”

The Lesson is that Jesus wants us to get personally involved 

and exercise our Gift of Free Will to “act” upon our belief in God. 

Jesus then in verse 9 shows that His intent is for us to “Arise and go” 

when Jesus tells Matthew “Follow Me” and we read that Matthew 

“arose and followed Him.” (Matthew 1-9)  

Who are you going to chose to follow — 

Jesus or the world of men?!?!?

Friday, March 7, 2025

MARCH 07 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#08 “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” (Matthew 9:4)



  JQ#08 “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” 

(Matthew 9:4)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer   

JESUS, Lord, Savior, the Prince of Peace, my Redeemer, what Joy it is

 to awake to a new day and to know that I will not have to face this world

 alone for You are with me. Lord forgive me of the many years I spent 

running to my sin which is nothing more than running away from You. 

Thank You Jesus for showing me that it is my sin that separates me 

from You and that it is the purity of our lives lived through Your strength

 and sacrifice that draws us nearer to You — I pray to always be moving 

towards the Savior that my Joy may be made full.    AMEN


JESUS addressed a very personal issue which is universal to mankind

 when He addressed “evil” in 

JQ#08 “Why do you think evil in your hearts?” (Matthew 9:4) 

Our natural tendency is to suspect that the “evil” addressed by Jesus

 was directed at those that had chosen to follow man’s law instead of

 accepting the Truth of God. Indeed, Jesus had pointed out that God is

 not limited to what the Pharisees and their interpretation of what God

 “really meant to say”. 

Usurping the Power of God makes the Pharisee’s actions “evil”.

 God cannot be restricted in His Power and His Divine Sovereignty

 by anyone or anything so for the scribes to witness God’s Power 

being displayed through His Only Begotten Son in the healing of 

the paralytic, the Pharisees should have reasoned that if only God

 can do the things that Jesus was doing, then Jesus must be God!!! 

Instead “at once” the scribes passed judgement on Jesus based on

 the Pharisee’s laws and accused Jesus of blasphemy! Jesus knew what

 was in their hearts so He immediately asked the scribes who were blinded

 by the “legalism” of their day a second question, that if answered in the 

Spirit of Truth, would result in their faith being elevated to the point that 

their spiritual blindness would be healed and they would be able to see 

that Jesus was what He said He was, the

 SON OF GOD sent to do the work of THE FATHER

The second question Jesus asked the “evil” scribes immediately was JQ#8b, 

“For which is easier, to say ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ 

or to say ‘Arise and walk’?” (Matthew 9:5) 

which Jesus knew could only be answered by saying that “Only God” 

could heal the paralytic and “Only God” can forgive sins so both are

 above the power of men and only possible through the Power of God!  

Jesus didn’t leave them hanging as He  immediately told them the answer:

 “But that you may know that the Son of Man 

has power on earth to forgive sins” — 

then He said to the paralytic,

 “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” (Matthew 9:6)

 Just as Jesus pointed out that the “evil in their hearts” was the 

fruit of their unbelief in Him, He immediately gave them a visual to 

prove He was God as Jesus commanded the paralytic to “Arise”

We witness the fruit of the paralytic’s belief in Jesus because the paralytic 

“arose and departed to his house”! (Matthew 9:7)

 Jesus never leaves us hanging and He always makes it clear what answer

 we should give. The case of the scribes and the paralytic are no different. 

The scribes refused to see the Truth of God and therefore the

 fruit of their faith in the doctrines of men” was “evil hearts” 

whereas the paralytic believed Jesus

 and the “fruit of his faith in God” was “healing”. 

Both the scribes and the paralytic heard Jesus but it was the paralytic

 that believed Jesus had the Power to Heal so he received healing

 and the scribes refused to acknowledge what they had witnessed 

so their hearts remained “evil”. 

It was the tradition of the Jews that it only took two witnesses and in this

 case there was a “multitude” of witnesses and the verdict of the multitude

 was that they “marveled and glorified God” — 

Jesus is indeed guilty — guilty of being the Son of God! 

Jesus gives us the Truth of God but it is up to us to

 “Arise and walk”!