Saturday, September 7, 2024

SEPTEMBER 07 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



“Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, You are the same yesterday and will remain unchanged 

even unto all eternity  — You are the “Everlasting God”, 

our Redeemer, the Living Waters, the Good Shepherd 

— You are the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. 

Lord whatever I find myself in need of, You are there making 

provision for me to deal with my ever-changing world. In the 

midst of the Valley of Sickness, You provide healing and I find 

myself on the mountain top, when I lose my way, You are the Light 

and You guide my steps back to knowing that 

Your Grace and Mercy abound in whatever circumstance befalls me —

 Lord I have no desire to exist outside of Your Kingdom 

so I pray that my daily sins will be forgiven me, that all my 

strength be from You and that Your Love will be what

 others see in me as I yield to the filling of Your Holy Spirit.   



Jesus, with His 3rd Parable regarding what Heaven is like, has

 illuminated some of the mysteries about the kingdom of heaven 

in a way that gives us Spiritual Insights which can only come from

 God Himself. Jesus placed this parable at this point in His 

Masterful Lesson on the Authority of God to sum up the 

Truth of God 

that there was a perfectly good reason for the Israelites to call Him


and in reverent awe of Him, the Israelites would not even speak

 His Holy Name out loud. The 3rd Parable is placed at the end 

of 3 parables Jesus used to Teach that 

the God of Israel is the “Only Authority”! 

Jesus also includes critical points on both the problem and the 

cure to the world’s major sin which began with the “Fall of man” and 

will continue until the final solution when every soul will stand before

 God the Creator and be judged according to our actions. 

This “downfall” sin is that every soul has to decide for 

themselves if they are going to be their own god 

or are they going to let God be God. 

The sad part of history is that God has never done anything to cause

 even a shred of doubt about His Abilities while at the same time 

man has never been able to accomplish anything on his own 

that even closely resembles the work of God. Why anyone would 

want to take on the responsibilities of God who has proven Himself

 as a Just and Holy God is a big mystery to me? God has been

 so successful by Himself that it is also a mystery why He 

even “bothers” with us creatures at all? 

The 3rd Parable, in summation, points out the core basics of the kingdom:

3rd Parable Core Basics of the Kingdom (Matthew 22:1-14):

>God is the “King” of heaven.

>God has a “Son” and “arranged a marriage” for the Son.

>God chose a “bride” for His Son.

>God’s Plan included a list of “the invited” to attend the wedding.

>God made “all” the necessary preparations for this special wedding.

>God’s preparations were for both the spiritual 

and physical needs of “the invited”.

>God’s “Invitation” was rejected because 

“they were not willing to come”.

>God demonstrated great patience 

by sending out His servants “again”.

>God’s extended “Invitation” was rejected again, 

made light of, and murdered the king’s servants.

>God judged the wrongdoers and administered the penalty.

>God demonstrated His Divine Patience 

by sending out more servants 

to extend His Invitation to everyone.

>God’s Invitation is extended to everyone but everyone 

must come to the king’s wedding on the king’s terms.

>God showed He will not be “mocked” because 

those that come on their own terms will be judged 

and penalized just like the murderers. 

>God never forces Himself on anyone but if we 

choose His Grace it must be on His Terms!!

>God Invites everyone to the wedding 

but few make the wise choice to accept the king’s terms.

We will end the 3rd Parable with:

 “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn 

the world but that through Him the world might be saved.

 He who believes is not condemned but he who does 

not believe is condemned already for he has not believed

 in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

 And this is the condemnation that the light has come

 into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light…” 

(John 3:17-19a)

Friday, September 6, 2024

SEPTEMBER 06 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



“Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, the Only Begotten of the Father, sent by the Love of the Father,

 and in Obedience to the Will of the Father, You gave up Your Deity to 

become Flesh to dwell among us and to suffer and die for our sins 

so that man would have a just and reasonable Sacrifice that 

would serve as an Atonement for our iniquities. For it is only by Belief

 in the Son that our sins are Forgiven and our immortal souls are Free

 from the penalty of death that our sins deserve. Lord Jesus, You did

 all this for us sinners, and all You have asked in return is that we

 “Love One Another”!!!  All Praise, Glory, and Honor to Jesus, who died

 to set us Free!!! 

Lord, my prayer today is that the Holy Spirit will move among 

Your Church and we will live completely as Living Sacrifices 

so that the world will be consumed and AMAZED 

with the Love and Grace of the Living God!!   



Jesus concludes this all important 3rd Parable on the 

Power and Authority of God as Jesus Teaches that 

God “again” extends His Invitation of Mercy, Grace, 

Salvation, and Bountiful Provisions for all who will accept His 

Graciousness, but Jesus also Teaches that God is Supreme 

and as such, we must Honor and Respect both the Father 

and the Son and “accept” the invitation to “come” on the 

terms that will be proportional to the Gracious Invitation sent 

out by the King of kings, Lord of lords, and the Almighty Creator God!!! 

The main problem with the world is that we want to be our own god

 therefore we are “not willing to come [on God’s terms]” and we 

“make light” of God’s Invitation. The disease of man wanting to be 

his own god has become so widespread that we turn a blind eye to the

 Truth of God that He and ONLY HE is the Final Judge 

and that each person will stand before God and face the consequence

 of our actions! These consequences have already been made

 well known to man, therefore our choices will result in either our 

condemnation or our commendation according to 

God’s already published terms (consequences to our actions) in His Holy Bible 

and not to the terms that the majority of men have “modified” in their

 quest to be their own god — these self-promoting modifications are 

now declared by those men who would be society’s god to be the 

law of the land as according to the “doctrines of men”, men who

 have usurped the Authority of God — and the sad part is that we 

as a society accept man’s judgement and ignore God’s Final Judgement!!!

 We miss the Truth that only God is the Judge 

and our own actions will be the only evidence presented at our trial! 

Jesus Teaches this in the 3rd Parable as the servants go out into 

the highways and byways and fill the wedding hall with guests but some

 came on the king’s terms and wore a wedding garment that honored

 the king and his son but others made “light” of the wedding

 and came to take advantage of the king ——— they that try to take

 advantage of “Grace” are the ones that feel that they are their own 

“king” and the rules of God simply don’t apply to them!?!? 

However, we read how Jesus Teaches the consistency of 

God and His Unchanging Character as 

“…the king came in to see the guests [and] he saw a man

 there who did not have on a wedding garment. So [the certain king]

 said  to him, 

‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’”

 (Matthew 22:11-12)  

Jesus wraps it all up as He warns us: 

“not to fear those that can kill the body” 

but that we should respect 

“Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” 

(Matthew 10:28)  

Jesus finished by describing the Final Judgement:

 the “certain king” told his servants to 

“bind [the man without a wedding garment] hand and foot, 

take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; 

there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 22:13) 

The Final Lesson Jesus Taught on God’s Power and Authority

 was “For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14) 

Friend, our “choice” is to determine why only a few will be “chosen” 

I’ll give you a clue — all who honor God and His Son and 

accept God’s Gift of Grace are still sitting at the wedding table

 in their wedding garments and feasting on the 

Bountiful Provisions of God while those who made “light” of Him

 who gave the “Invitation” are in “darkness” ——— is that the sound of 

“weeping and gnashing teeth” I

 hear coming out of the place that has no 

“Light” ?!?!?!?!