Thursday, September 5, 2024

SEPTEMBER 05 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



“Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, Lord, my Savior, forever will praises for You be on my lips, 

for You are worthy. Lord there is nothing good in me or about me, 

but in spite of my shortcomings You Sacrificed Your Perfect Life 

for my wretched soul — Lord some day the Mystery will be revealed

 why You would pay such an extensive price for such a soul 

which on the surface seems like trash and garbage? Jesus, I know

 that my soul has “value” only because of what You and the Father

 have done to purchase my pardon and set me free, Lord Jesus

 I pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me with the knowledge that 

I breathe free air only because of JESUS and keep my heart, 

soul, and mind forever thankful for this Grace that does

 “pardon and cleanse within — 

Grace, Grace, Marvelous Grace!”   



Jesus  used a specific order of words, phrases, and actions in

 this 3rd Parable that reveals the character of God and of man. 

So far in the first section Jesus has revealed that God 

[a certain king] provides a bountiful  feast [arranged a marriage

 for his son] for all that will accept His Invitation [sent out his 

servants to call the invited] but the 3rd Parable also reveals 

mankind’s great sin against the Almighty Creator God Who 

Provides as Jesus states that man has rejected

 God’s Gracious Invitation and bountiful provisions [the invited…

were not willing to come]!?!?! Jesus showed in detail in Section 1

 of this 3rd Parable (Matthew 22:1-4) how God goes above and 

beyond the expected to provide for all that will “Come” and participate 

and then Jesus also goes into detail as to why and how mankind

 literally condemns ourselves as Jesus Teaches 

in Section 2 of this 3rd Parable a list of actions that would condemn

 anyone and would result in a verdict of “guilty” 

(P1) Dishonored God and His Only Begotten Son Jesus:

 “But they made light of [the invitation]” … 

(P2) Rejected God’s Sacrifice and call to Repentance: 

“…went their own ways…” 

(P3) Exhibited the true nature of sin which is stating: 

“I am my own god”  when the invited, 

“…seized [the king’s servants sent with the message 

from the king that ‘all things are ready. Come to the wedding.’”] 

and treated them spitefully, and killed them.” (Matthew 22:5-6)

 Jesus has now presented the case of God and has shown that mankind

 has condemned itself so now that the verdict of guilty has been 

passed down, the sentence must be passed down and the penalty 

applied as the judge has 

“sent out [the enforcers and] destroyed those murderers,

 and burned their city.” (Matthew 22:7) 

The 3rd Parable could have ended there with a good lesson being taught

 but God and His Son Jesus are ONE HOLY GOD and do not stop

 at “good” for they are “Perfect” and therefore Jesus continues to reveal

 more about the Character of God! We read that immediately 

after executing the penalty against the guilty that 

God does not 

“give up” on the world 

as Jesus continues the parable 

“Then [the certain king after punishing the guilty] said to his 

servants, ‘The wedding is ready … therefore go into the highways

 and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.” (Matthew 22:8-9)

 Just another example of God going that “extra mile” and extending 

His Invitation so that 

“whoever calls upon the name of the LORD 

shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

 or you can choose to be your own god and condemn yourself to utter

 destruction, but as always God gives you all the information you

 need to make an “informed” choice, you either respect God and

 His Invitation or you can choose to go the way of the world which

 anyone can observe is in a terrible mess! Don’t you think this 

would be a good time to secure a wedding garment

 and plan

 on attending the 

“Wedding Feast of the Son” 

instead of fighting off the beasts 

in this dog-eat-dog world we are living in today?!?!?!?

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