Wednesday, September 4, 2024

SEPTEMBER 04 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



“Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer   

JESUS, Lord Jesus, You are the Ever-Shining Light that will 

lead us out of the darkness  onto Your Paths of Righteousness. 

Lord, only You have the Words to restore our soul and to make 

us Know that You are the Good Shepherd that will keep us 

from the enemy as You draw us into Your Flock. Jesus, take 

these moments of sickness in our lives to Teach us that You 

are the Great Physician. Lord I know that with life will come

 these issues but I also know that there is nothing that this world 

can do to me that You cannot fix for You have overcome the world

 and was victorious over the grave! So Lord Jesus my prayer is 

to remain fixed on You for 

You are even more constant than the North Star. 

Forgive me of my worldly shortcomings 

and keep me centered in Your Will 

and covered by Your Grace!   



Jesus was always getting right to the point and with Section 2

 of this 3rd Parable Jesus really exposed the main problem with Israel

 when Jesus was Teaching in the temple in Jerusalem — as He 

started Section 2 “But they made light of it…” and in their 

self-absorbed arrogance they rejected the kings invitation and then they 

…seized [the king’s] servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them…” 

and even though it is a parable, Jesus has identified the major 

problem with God’s “invited” [Israel] because they had turned to 

their own ways and had ignored the ways of God and all the Prophets

 that God had sent to show Israel her shortcomings, Israel basically

 “seized” God’s Prophets and had some of them killed. 

It is the same problem that is running rampant in today’s world 

as our society has taken God out of our government 

and they are “legislating” according to the desires of men. 

Our society today dishonors God and His Teachings more than any

 other time since the first persecution of Christians. Surely our world 

is making “light of” God and the world is persecuting God’s Servants

 on a scale never before seen! Jesus Taught about God’s 

“provisions” in Section 1 of this 3rd Parable and now in Section 2 

Jesus declares in no uncertain terms that

 for those that have rejected God that “Judgement” is coming

 as we read: 

“But when the king heard about [the mistreatment of 

His servants and the total rejection of His “Invitation”] …” 

that “[the certain king] was furious.” (Matthew 22:7a) 

I don’t know about you but the thought of God Almighty who has 

unlimited Power being “furious” is one of the scariest things I can 

think of. Yet in our society we have been fed the “Lie” that God 

is “impotent” and is no longer “relevant” to our modern lifestyle 

so we do not think about the consequences of making God “furious” 

and we go about our liberal lifestyles saying God is “wrong” 

and our “progressive” government passes man-made laws and declare

 those laws that defile the commands of God as “right” because 

they are “legal” by man’s standards??? 

Jesus lists the consequences associated with making [the certain king]

 “furious” and He continues the 3rd Parable: 

“And [the furious king] sent out his armies, 

destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.” 

(Matthew 22:7b) 

The fact that God sent out “His armies” [and not just an army] 

shows that God’s Punishment is going to be total for all who have

 transgressed the Law of God and have made “light” of 

His Power and Authority will feel His full Wrath! 

All transgressors will be “destroyed” and to make the destruction 

utterly complete God destroyed not only the wicked that had rejected 

His invitation but He also “burned up their city” — I know that 

when I read this passage that I have visions of Sodom and 

Gomorrah being leveled with an unearthly fire and the cities 

have never been heard of again —

 only God has the Power to “utterly destroy”

One must make the decision to  learn from God or listen to the 

world and ignore God and make “light” of Him and hope

 that He doesn’t really exist — for if God does exist then He has 

promised us a “Final Judgement” which God has already 

established the consequences for our actions and will administer 

“Penalties” and “Rewards” according to His Unchanging Law. 

Jesus Taught a “solution” to the problem of “rejecting” 

God in Parable 1 and that is to “Repent” 

and prepare for the wedding! 

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