Tuesday, September 3, 2024

SEPTEMBER 03 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



“Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord I pray that as I stand in the shadow of sickness 

that You will hold my tongue that I might not project anger or hurt 

to those around me, Your Salvation is so much greater than 

any sickness, Lord I pray that You will make Yourself manifest in 

my attitude with those around me, especially in this time of healing

 — anyone can praise You on the mountain top but Lord Jesus 

I know how important You are to my day-to-day life, sick or well,

 so Lord I am still Praising and Thanking You for this wonderful life 

You have provided for us, I just don’t want to blow my witness 

by showing others my “self-pity” because of any “physical ailment” 

or “temporary sickness”— instead I am going to keep Your Praise

 on my lips that is Due to the King of kings and Lord of lords, 

my Redeemer Jesus Christ and our Forever Father!!!   



Jesus Teaches this all important 3rd Parable (Matthew 22:1-14) on

 the “Authority and Power of God Almighty” in two sections

 and again the order of these 2 sections teach us even more 

about the character of God. Section 1 of the 3rd Parable covers

 Matthew 22:1-4 and contains the introduction of God’s Invitation

 to the “arranged marriage” of His Son and all the many “preparations”

 God has made for this “wedding”. 

The fact that this wedding feast parable is the 3rd of 3 Parables 

that Jesus is Teaching the religious rulers (who were questioning 

Jesus’ “Authority”) is significant. After the discussion of the

 Baptism of John and the Lessons Jesus Taught with the first two

 parables, everyone must come to the conclusion that 

Jesus is using all the parables to Teach the Truth of God 

that God alone is the Supreme Power and Authority 

and that God’s Plan for His creation includes His Son 

——— God has chosen to express its significance in common terms 

that everyone can understand — Marriage — but if we consider that

 it is the Supreme Power and Authority [OF ALL CREATION] that

 is “arranging” this “marriage of His [ONLY BEGOTTEN] Son”,

 then we do a great dishonor to both the Father and the Son

 if we reject the “Invitation” to the “marriage” — especially when it 

is so obvious that the Father has “prepared” the “wedding” in such

 great detail as we see in Section 1 of the 3rd Parable! However, 

the second section presents what is the major problem in the world

 today so Section 2 is a mirror for our modern society and 

our “rejection” of God’s “invitation”!!! We do not recognize God as the

 Supreme Authority and Power 

and we listen to the same lie Satan deceived Adam and Eve

 with in the Garden of Eden when Satan gave them this line which I 

will paraphrase here; 

“Adam and Eve, it’s your life and you can choose for yourself (Pro-Choice),

 I know God told you that if you eat of the fruit you will die but you 

won’t (satan literally called God [the original Pro-Lifer] a liar). In fact, if 

you choose for yourself to eat of the fruit then you will be like God 

and there will be no penalty to pay.” Genesis 3:1-6  


A close reading of the “Fall of Man” shows that Eve misquoted God 

even before Satan called God a liar and in the end it was Eve who 

made the decision based upon her observation that

 “the tree was good for food (lust of the flesh), that it was 

pleasant to the eyes (lust of the eyes), and a tree desirable to 

make one wise (the boastful pride of life), so she took 

of its fruit and ate.” (Genesis 3:6/1 John 2:16) 

So in the 3rd Parable, Section 2 shows God has not changed a 

single bit from His Character that was revealed in the Garden of Eden, 

God said that Adam and Eve would die and the Bible records that 

they did not die physically but they did die spiritually

 “the day they ate of the forbidden fruit”. 

Here in Section 2 of the 3rd Parable we read that all those that 

reject God’s invitation are going to have to pay the penalty for 

not accepting God’s Invitation and questioning the 

Power and Authority of God Almighty 

— like Adam and Eve paid for their disobedience to God in the Garden

 when they rejected God’s Authority as they disobeyed 

God’s Single Command to

 “not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”, 

for after the king had prepared the “wedding” and said 

“All things are ready. Come to the wedding” (Mathew 22:4)  

that we read about the people’s rejection of God’s Authority: 

“But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his 

own farm, another to his business {Parable 1}. And the rest 

seized his servants, treated them spitefully and killed them 

{Parable 2}.” (Matthew 22:5-6) 

God has proven over and over that His Word will stand and everyone

 that is so proud of themselves that they think that they do not have

 to listen to God, will be in for a Great Fall themselves! If Jesus is 

Teaching that God is the Supreme Power and Authority, 

do you not think that God will show His True Character and administer

 punishment for those that reject God’s commands? 

God is Merciful and He is Gracious but if we forget that 

He will hold us accountable and that 



we will be making the same mistake that 

everyone who questions God makes!!!!  

So we should read Section 2 of this 3rd Parable to see the 

character of God that everyone thinks can be ignored by 

establishing “popular traditions” and legislating by man-made rules

 the moral standards of a society by the “doctrines of men” —

 the Commands of God are as valid today as they were the day

 they were Spoken by God the first time! 

Before you decide that this “wedding” is not worth attending

 you might want to read in Matthew 22:5-14 and see what happened 

to those that did not accept the “Wedding Invitation”

 in Section 2 of this 3rd Parable 

on True Power and Authority!?!?!?!?!?

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