Sunday, September 1, 2024

SEPTEMBER 01 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)



  “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  

(Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, the world without You is a sad thing — my life without You is

 worthless and has no meaning — Lord I can see much clearer now

 how differently my day goes when I am letting You live through me

 than when I try to go through the world on my own strength 

and understanding — Lord it is becoming a “no brainer” for me and 

yesterday when I in my arrogance thought I would “go to war” with

 the worldly forces that I knew were going to attack, all I ended up 

with was “war”, but when I yielded my arrogance to Your Humility 

and let Your Peace enter into my dealings with the world and its 

war then the battlefield became a walk in the park and 

“Your Joy and Peace” returned to my daily walk and I knew You 

had returned my steps back to Your Path of Righteousness — 

Lord Jesus, all I can do is Praise and Thank You and pray that 

each encounter with the world will more quickly be resolved from

 “war with the world” into “peace with God”!!!  

{{The Holy Spirit says to my soul—}}  

“The world is passing away, and the lust of it; 

but he who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17)       



Jesus is indeed “Masterful” in using circumstance to “Teach” and 

once Jesus begins a Lesson we must “hang on every word” for 

Jesus never used words or circumstances lightly and there never

 was a Teacher like Jesus and there never will be another Teacher

 that can Teach any truth greater than the 

“Truth of God” that Jesus literally Taught not only with 

His Words, but with His Perfect Life, and never will anyone ever 

match the Death, Burial, and Resurrection that Jesus used to

 “Teach God’s Truth” to a lost and dying world. 

Jesus had just put together a sequence of 4 phrases that has a 

huge message if the phrases had to stand alone by themselves as 

a separate Lesson as Jesus taught in the 3rd Parable ——— 

{Phrase 6} “…the invited were not willing to come…” 

{Phrase 7} [BUT] “…[the certain king] AGAIN…”

 {Phrase 8} “…sent out other servants…” [TO] 

{Phrase 9} “…tell the invited…”

 which these 4 phrases by themselves reveal 

God’s Merciful Character

The Holy Scriptures are full of example after example of God 

making provisions for His people and the people rejecting God 

(and His “abundant life”) 

[BUT GOD] after each “rejection” provides yet another

 opportunity for His people to 

“relent of their rejection” of God and REPENT 

— at which point God Proves He is Forgiving and Faithful 

as His Character of Mercy surfaces AGAIN and AGAIN! 

One can look at each Phrase and see the Truth of God such as 

{Phrase 6} “…the invited were not willing to come…” 

reveals to us that God has done His part for

 He has “invited” us to “Come” 

but we judge ourselves because we the “invited”

 pronounce our own sentence; 

we know we are “invited” [BUT] we are “not willing to come” !?! 

God has done His part in extending His “invitation” and we do not

 listen to God and choose to live our lives independent of God


How can we hope to be protected from the storms of life 

if we refuse to get under the umbrella provided for us by God 

to keep the world from raining down on us??? 

In {Phrase 7} “…again…” we cannot miss the fact God never 

gives up on us (we only give up on God) then 

{Phrase 8} + {Phrase 9} “…[the certain king after being rejected] 

sent out other servants [to] tell the invited…”

 What is interesting here looking at this sequence of phrases is that 

not only did God try “again” but He also sends out 

“other servants to tell the invited…[to COME]” 

and we will see by looking at the rest of the phrases that there is 

the same “invitation [from God] to come” but it is presented in a

 slightly different way ——— God is trying everything so that He can

 say when we stand face-to-face with God at the final judgement

 that we will hear God say in His “still small voice” — 

“I invited you AGAIN and AGAIN 

but you rejected My Invitation to “COME” as many times as I gave it 

— so you leave me no choice — if you don’t want Me in your life

 then I will let you spend your eternity without Me, if you don’t want 

to live My Way then it will now and forever be ‘your way’ and I will

 not bother you any more!” 

(Personally I find living without God for even part of my day is “hell”,

 I could not imagine what an eternity without Him would be like ?!?!?!?!?!) 

God is inviting you to a wedding feast and celebration, 

what better thing do you have to do — go get a wedding garment 

and “come” to the feast while the invitation 

is still being extended by the KING!!!  

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