Saturday, June 1, 2024

JUNE 01 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)



“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS ——— what Peace, what Comfort, to just utter the Name of Jesus and to know that there is unlimited Power in the Name of Jesus! 

Our “Peace” comes because the Name assures us of His Unlimited Provisions, “Comfort” comes because we know that God’s Unconditional Love

 is based on His Good and Perfect Character 

and there is nothing we need to “do” to deserve God’s Love.  

Blessed Assurance comes when we accept the Ultimate Gift of Grace 

from the ONE Who insists we call Him “Abba Father”!!! 

 We know there is Unlimited Power being brought into our lives 

from the One True God who accomplished CREATION


 and has given us His Unlimited Grace through His Infallible WORD!  

Lord Jesus You are Worthy, for Worthy is the Lamb 

who was slain before the foundation of the world 

for that Grace and Mercy which indeed are the roots of our

 Peace and our Comfort, O Glorious Gifts of God!     



JQ#18  “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

Jesus has posed another seemingly simple Question that is “loaded” 

with unlimited possibilities to dig into. 

The Question implies with it that there is great personal responsibility 

being placed upon us in determining where we will spend our eternity! 

Jesus never asked anyone a Question for His edification or general information, but

 each Question Jesus asks is a Beacon pointing to 

God’s Truth 

and just as there is only One True God, 

there is only One TRUTH, 

and God Himself has reserved t

hat ONE TRUTH for His Domain and His alone!  

All His Lessons declare with great certainty that 


 The major implication of this specifically personal Question 

asked by Jesus over 2000 years ago

 as He was completing the 


that the Father had given the Son 

to accomplish while “in the flesh”.  

JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

 was asked in such a way that only God 

could ask one simple Question yet apply 

His Divine Truth 

personally to every soul He has ever brought into existence 

since the dawn of time! 

We know that Jesus was asking the Question as the 

Son of God 

because He had asked His disciples who had been observing Him 

doing Kingdom Work, Works that could only be explained 

by the manifestation of the

 Power of God 

in the miracles that Jesus accomplished that related to the

 Holy Scriptures 

written about the

 God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

The disciples had seen Jesus fulfilling the prophecies of those scriptures 

and had heard Him declare in the synagogue as He read from Isaiah,

 “Today this scripture is fulfilled…” (Luke 4-21 & Matthew 13:14-15) 

so there was no doubt that His disciples knew that 

Jesus was referring to Himself as the Messiah, 

the Son of God, the Savior   

as had been proclaimed in the prophecies of Israel’s Holy Scriptures 

and here was Jesus leading them into this ultimate confrontation 

that was highly personal and of eternal consequence. 

There was no other way the disciples could look at the Question 

asked in Matthew 16:15 other than this was the 


that had fulfilled the prophecies of the Holy Scripture 

and had just asked them face to face,

 “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” 

and as soon as they answered Him, 

Jesus, so that there could be no mistake 

what He was asking, immediately said,

 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)!!!

 So Jesus in two Questions stated without doubt that 

(TRUTH 1) it is not important what “men” say about Jesus and 

(TRUTH 2) that our eternity will be determined 

by nothing other that what we ourselves come to “know” 

of the Truth of God concerning His Only Begotten Son! 

Jesus declared by His accomplishing the Work of the Father 

and by doing the Will of the Father 

that Jesus was by example saying to us all,

 “I was sent by the Father into the world, 

not to condemn the world, but through Me, 

the world will be saved” (John 3:17) 

and then Jesus confirms His Mission and His Father when we read Jesus saying,

 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; 

but he who does not believe is condemned already, 

because he has not believed in the name 

of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18) 

Jesus has asked the Question at this point and in this specific manner 

for the purpose of making it completely personal 

that each person examine the Scriptures and examine their own life 

and ultimately declare to Jesus face to face, 

not who they have heard other “men” declare Jesus to be, 

but we must declare to Him just exactly who we personally 

have come to believe Jesus is! 

This is really tough don’t you think 

since God knows our every thought 

and Jesus knows what’s in our hearts? 

Either God is God or God is a liar, what do you think?

Friday, May 31, 2024

MAY 31 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)



“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Your Word is Eternal and Your Truth is Unchanging, 

Your Way is Perfect and the Only Path to Eternal Life. 

Lord as we struggle through the “valley” of the shadow of death, 

let us boldly proclaim the Guidance of Your Light 

as a Lamp unto our feet and a Light unto our path, 

so that we will again come to the Peace 

that only the Prince of Peace can give.     



Jesus proclaimed Himself to be:  

“[I am] the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) 

and as we are trying to honestly give Jesus Himself an answer 

we must consider what we believe about Him in comparison 

to what He has declared about Himself ——— 

and what His Father has declared about Him!  

This will be another short post today because 

my path has me at a Bible Camp with 3rd - 6th graders — 

short posts were elected over “no posts” because

 this question deserves all the attention we can give it 

because if Jesus is

 “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) 

and we cannot correctly answer 

all the Questions asked us about Jesus, 

then how can we know what is the right 

and true path to take to eternal life?

 There is no more important nor more critical Question 

that God will pose to You other than who you think Jesus is 

— either the Bible is God’s Word and the only Truth 

or we are already doomed to an eternal nothingness 

and our life will have no purpose!

 The lack of purpose is the curse of this generation 

that has more “free time” than any generation before them 

and yet with all this “free time” available to the world, 

the world has used that “free time” to turn to meaningless entertainment 

that has no substance or spiritual value and just adds to the problem

 of us finding purpose and meaning for our lives — 

if you choose to look for the meaning of life in secular philosophies

 then you will find that the answer is simply not there — 

so then you are left with only one option to find the 


and the Bible tells us 

“God is Truth” 

— so then our problem is knowing the difference 

between the gods of this world and the

 One True God of Heaven 

It will be a long, long journey to


if you try each god this world places before you 

and you make the choice to try “everything but the Bible” —

first you will be eternally lost because the “deceiver”

 has made sure to present you with so many options and distractions 

and yelling at you all along to “ignore the man behind the curtain” 

that you will never see the 

True Light.

 When you finally get around to really reading the Bible, 

you will come to one single 


“For God so loved the world 

that He gave His only begotten son, 

that whoever believes in Him 

shall not perish but have everlasting life. 

(John 3:16) 

Because that verse points to the 

TRUTH of God,

 the “deceiver” has done everything he can to make fun of the 

GPS (God’s Promise of Salvation) 

verse in God’s Word that points to the only path to the 


and eternal life. 

The entire Bible is details of how God planned 

and is going to accomplish John 3:16 

but it is your choice to make, 

and once you start down the path, 

you will have to answer that all-important eternal Question 

that Jesus asks you with His still small voice, 

“But who do you say that I am?” 

(Matthew 16:15)