Thursday, May 30, 2024

MAY 30 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)



“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, You Lord are to be greatly praised for Your Love and the fact that in Your example of “Loving” us when we were truly “unlovable” we can experience “first hand” the Matchless Love of God! 

Because You first loved us even though there was nothing in us to Love, 

we know that Your Love comes with NO CONDITIONS 

and that You LOVE because it is Your Choice to Love — 

not because of who we are, 

but simply because You Love because You freely choose

 to Love because of who You are!!! 

We cannot know or explain “Why” You chose to Love, 

but our limited understanding does not diminish in any way 

the FACT that You Love us. 

Lord we pray that because You Loved us when we were unlovable 

that we in turn will Love Others Unconditionally because that is a “Choice” 

that we will make to Honor Your “Choice” to Love us!       



Jesus is Teaching us in JQ#18 by asking us to take 

“Spiritual Inventory” 

of what we 


about Him and who we actually believe Jesus to be? 

Who we see Jesus as and what we 


ABOUT HIS PURPOSE is multifaceted in that we must examine

 our answer for the

 “Truth of God”

 contained within the Teachings of Jesus!

As we answer from the 

“Truth of God” 

perspective, we must also observe the other side of our answer 

about Who we believe Jesus is 

which will lead us to examine how our 

“belief” in God 

lines up with the 

“Truth of God” 

about His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ. 

God has already revealed Himself to us 

through His Word — the Holy Bible  —

which is the entire story of Jesus 

from His Hand in the Creation, 

to the story of Jesus the Only Begotten Son 

being provided by the Father as the Sacrificial Lamb of God, 

and it takes us to the end of time itself 

when Jesus returns to gather His Bride 

and the Father in heaven throws a Great Wedding Feast 

as we enter into eternity with our Redeemer. 

This Most Important Question and then our examination of our 


about God must be viewed through the 

“eyes of God Himself” for God is Truth.

 When we “understand” that 

Jesus was sent by God, that Jesus is God’s Very Son, 

and that Jesus has “pleased the Father” 

by being obedient to the Father’s will

 even unto a cruel death

then we will be able to start aligning what 

we “believe in our hearts about God” with the 

“Truth of God” 

and that is when we can learn the Lesson Jesus

 is going to Teach, 

and Teach, and Teach!

Jesus asks us personally to look deep into our soul 

and then look Him in the eye and tell Him face-to-face 

“who” we believe Him to be. 

When we look at our “belief about God” as compared to the 

Unchanging and Eternal Truth of God, 

we will realize the Truth of God that  




(Truth of God #2) that our“belief” of who Jesus is 

has no impact on the Unchanging Truth of Who Jesus IS — 

our belief changes us not Jesus!!!! 

So the Lesson Jesus is really getting at is this Question,

 “Do we know the Truth of God as God has revealed it 

and will reveal to each individual seeking to know God?” 

We must further consider the impact of our “belief” on our eternity for 

our ultimate eternity is based solely on how well 

that which we “believe” about God and Jesus 

actually “lines up” with the revealed 

“Truth of God” 

——— the best place to learn that Truth of God

 is from the Word of God 

which can be found in His Bible, 

His Son, and His Holy Spirit Who is sent 

to “Teach” us the Truth of God. 

Remember, our Belief in God is important 

but our “belief” has no impact on the 

Self Existing God and His Truth 

so we must learn that 

God is the Unchanging Truth 

on which our eternity is based 

and therefore the real question is: 

“What do I know of what God says Himself to be 

and who does God say Jesus is 

and why did Jesus, God’s Only Begotten Son 

have to be obedient to the Father’s Will???”

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