Sunday, May 26, 2024

MAY 26 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#17 “How many loaves do you have?” (Matthew 15:34)



“How many loaves do you have?”  (Matthew 15:34)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Jesus, Jesus ——— there is NO other Name that we can call on that produces such “LIFE” as that which You Provide for believers ——— abundant and free, for You have paid the price for the penalty of sin! 

All sin, which was taken upon Yourself as You faced death and the grave all alone on that Cross at Calvary has been atoned for by Your Blood which was shed for the sins of the world! 

Who can explain the mind of God that chose to correct the sin problem by such a Great Sacrifice of giving to an undeserving world the Precious Gift of His Innocent, Only-Begotten Son so that God’s Grace could be extended to all that “Repent” and turn from their sin. 

No, we cannot explain the mind of God but we can see and know for ourselves the Heart of God because His Plan for us and our “Good” has been executed and as Jesus said when He had accomplished ON THE CROSS the “Work” of the Father, 

“It is Finished!”

 Praise the Heart of God and the Great Sacrifice of His Son 

that all who believe “shall not perish”, so my prayer Lord Jesus is 

“lead us in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake and deliver us from evil” 

for Your’s is the Eternal Kingdom Forever!     



Jesus is the fulfillment of the words Abraham spoke to his son Isaac as both were being obedient to the Will of God and were climbing the mountain where God had commanded Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a “sacrifice”, when Isaac turned to his father Abraham and asked, 

“…but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” 

Abraham who had been told by God, 

“…take now your son, your only son Isaac…and offer him…”

 turned to Isaac who was carrying the fire and the wood

 for this momentous sacrifice spoke these “Prophetic” words,

 “My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb…” 

(Genesis 22:8) 

God’s Plan of Salvation was revealed through Abraham’s obedience to the will of the Father when Abraham raised the knife to sacrifice his only son for an Angel of the Lord spoke and told Abraham not to harm Isaac!  Abraham had been Faithful in being obedient to God and had in effect “offered” Isaac and proved that he would be obedient to the Father’s Will. 

God had demonstrated that His Plan of Salvation 

also included a “Substitute” —— 

for God had intended from before creation 

to solve the sin problem of the world by providing Jesus 

as the “Lamb without blemish”, 

His Only Begotten Son (Genesis 22:1-14). 

We read the confirmation of God’s Plan to resolve the sin issue in the book of Revelation when at the end of time that there is scheduled the separation of the sinners from the repentant fulfilling the

 Teaching of Jesus in the parable of the 

“separating the wheat from the tares”  —— 

as the “repentant” will have their names written in 

“the book of Life of the Lamb

 slain from the foundation of the world…”. 

(Revelation 13:8) 

but those that have not accepted 

God’s Plan of Salvation ——— Jesus Christ ——— 

will burn eternally in the lake of fire! 

Yes God is very serious about “Life” 

and God does not want any to “perish” 

so God provided the “Lamb” 

in the form of His Only Begotten Son Jesus 

who was “Sacrificed” for the sins of the world. 

Jesus is Teaching in 

JQ#17 “How many loaves do you have?”

 that the greatest problem in our lives is getting “bread” 

for our very existence and Jesus boldly states that

 “leaven” represents sin and death ——

Jesus declares Himself 

as the answer to sin when He states:

 “I Am the Bread of Life” (John 6:35) 

It is important that we understand that God provides the 

“Bread and the Lamb” 

but we must be obedient to Him to “offer sacrifice”

 and to “beware” of the doctrine of sin

 that we allow into our lives (Repent) 

and consume the “bread” that gives “life”.

 Don’t you think it is reasonable to assume that since God 

wrote an entire book centered around 

His Only Begotten Son and His Death on a Cross 

as the Atonement of Sin, 

and that our Eternal Destiny rests 

on our “believing in Jesus”, 

and that God is truly serious about “sin”? 

The Bible front to back, every jot and tittle, 

is a picture of “Salvation — God’s Greatest Gift” — 

can you not reach out and accept His Gift? 

God not only will give you your “daily bread” — 

He is Gracious and Merciful 

and desires “abundant life” for you 

and He will also give you butter and jam for your “bread”!!!

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