JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?”
(Matthew 10:29)
JESUS, thank You Lord for answering our prayers, but even more,
thank You Lord that You Taught us the necessity of praying every day
and how to be successful in our prayer life, and the blessings that
flow down from the Father because of our prayers.
Prayer is a miracle of God that is available to everyone 24/7/365 and has
no physical limitations, no age limits, and is not restricted to race, color,
or nationality — there are no gender restrictions, nothing exists to prevent
anyone of any age, of any culture, of any social status to talk directly to God!
Prayer is a miracle and I thank You Lord for the answered prayer that You
gave me yesterday as I was allowed to serve and to witness to
Your Mercy and Grace that You have bestowed on my family.
Forgive me all my iniquities and guide me deeper into Your Truth
and to share Your Love with those You have allowed me to serve in Your Name!
Jesus has indeed been asking “simple” Questions yet the
“simple” is “profound” when it is a Truth of God
Taught by the Master Teacher.
The individual Question/Lesson with their mere simplicity
but deep “Truth of God” is a Lesson in itself.
As I reflect on the Lessons learned from JQ#1-9, the additional Lesson
that I have learned is that Jesus takes us a step at a time with simple
Questions that we can easily answer even with our finite and limited intellect.
Yet, when put together, as only the Master can, each Lesson builds upon
the previous to coalesce into deep Spiritual Truths that give us guidance
how to live successful Spiritual Lives and these Question/Lessons
brings peace to our physical trials we all face during our worldly journey.
As we seek to learn these Spiritual Truths we must focus on what
the Master has asked us to focus on for the individual Lesson before us
and Trust Him to put it together with the previous Lessons so that we will exclaim
“…all things work together for good…” (Romans 8:28)
and watch as our
“Faith in the Rock” grows stronger as we learn “precept upon precept”
(Isaiah 28:13).
JQ#10 is found in the middle of a tremendous chapter in Matthew therefore
we will use the whole of Matthew Chapter 10 as the context for
JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” (Matthew 10:29)
which Jesus uses to encourage us
“Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
(Matthew 10:31)
Jesus first asked the Question
“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” (Matthew 10:29a)
and then Jesus followed the Question with this encouragement immediately after
“… And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.”
(Matthew 10:29b)
Jesus is a Master Teacher because He asks a Question that can always
be easily answered by every individual just by observing
the world around us.
Also Jesus assures us that none of these Lessons are beyond anyone’s
intellect, all we have to do is to look at our world and observe the
“Truth of God”. Jesus then Teaches us how to apply the “Truth of God”
that we observe in our day-to-day world to living a successful life in the
world created by the “God of Truth”!
Again we see that the “Question/Lesson” is simple in nature — JQ#10 is
about 2 sparrows — everyone knows a sparrow when they see one and a
sparrow is a common bird everyone is familiar with and everyone is also
familiar with a simple copper coin, but then look at the great “Truth of God”
that Jesus Teaches with these everyday items! Though they are simple
and everyday items everyone is familiar with, the Lesson Jesus Teaches
with them is about our
“great individual value” to “our Father in heaven”!
Jesus always encourages us if we will listen, for Jesus never lets us take off
on a tangent with some wild answer for He immediately directs our attention
to the “good” we will find with an “honest” open answer to His Divine Questions,
such as is the case with JQ#10. For as soon as Jesus asks the Question,
Jesus immediately assures us that our Abba Father values us
and that the Father’s will for us is as Jeremiah states:
“… plans for good and not for disaster, to give [us] a future and a hope…”
(Jeremiah 29:11).
Matthew Chapter 10 is a great insider’s look at what are the expectations and
“Truth of God” about being a “follower of Jesus” and Matthew Chapter 10
includes the “costs of discipleship” and the “rewards of faithful service”
— and like
everything in God’s Economy, the ROI (Return On Investment)
is out of this world, in fact it is HEAVENLY !!!