Saturday, August 10, 2024

AUGUST 10 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#24 “Is the power and authority of baptism from heaven or from men?”” (Matthew 21:25)



  “Is the power and authority of baptism 

from heaven or from men?””  

(Matthew 21:25)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, my Lord and my Shepherd, my Redeemer and my Passover Lamb,

 You Lord are all things Good! Lord, even when I find myself going 

through one of the valleys  that my earthen vessel and its aging 

process takes me into, my mind is stayed with a single verse, 

“Be still and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10)

 for to “be still” in the valley of shadow is a statement our spirit

 makes saying, “Yeah though I walk through the valley, 

I will fear no evil for You are with me…” 

and then the Peace-that-passes-all understanding surfaces 

and I give praise to God that even though my circumstances change

 that my God never changes, 

You are the God of heaven and earth, the God of the mountains

 and the God of the valleys, the God who has promised to never 

leave us nor forsake us. Lord I know that my faith only fails because

 I have not yet learned to surrender completely 

to Your Unchanging Will so Lord keep me 

centered in Your Will, Your Mercy, and Your Grace.   



Jesus really “walks the walk” in this section and all one has to do is

 look at the actions of the Sanhedrin and the actions of Jesus to 

determine who is following the Will of God and who is following the 

will of men. Jesus came to Bethphage, sent two disciples to retrieve 

a donkey reserved for the “LORD” and Matthew records: 

“All this was done that if might be fulfilled which was spoken

 by the prophet (Zechariah 9:9)…So the disciples went and

 did as Jesus commanded them. They brought the donkey and 

the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set [Jesus] on them. 

And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road;

 others cut down branches from the trees and spread them

 on the road . Then the multitudes who went before and those 

who followed cried out saying: 




And when [Jesus] had come into Jerusalem, 

all the city was moved…” (Matthew 21:4-10) 

This event is known as the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday,

 the week before His Crucifixion! It is reasonable to pause at this point

 and take note that as Jesus “drew near to Jerusalem” that He was 

hailed by the multitudes that had been observing 

Him as “King” and “Son of David”

The multitudes proclaimed as Jesus made His Triumphal Entry

 into Jerusalem “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” 

—but the scene changes after Jesus enters Jerusalem and starts 

executing the duties of His God-given office of Messiah

 for when those in Jerusalem asked 

“Who is this?” (Matthew 21:10) 

that the “authorities” gave the “politically correct” answer,

 “This is the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.” (Matthew 21:11)

  Not because of the miracles the multitudes had observed Jesus

 doing was Jesus demoted from Messiah to just another prophet, 

but it was at the hands of the “ruling powers” in Jerusalem and specifically

 the “power authorities” such as the Sanhedrin, the scribes, and the

 Pharisees who were continually handing down their rules to “control”

 the multitudes ——— this “rule changing” becomes 

the crux of the problem Jesus addresses with  

JQ#24 ——— 

Jesus asks these ruling authorities:

 where does “power and authority” really come from,

 “from heaven or from men”? (Matthew 21:25) 

Of significance here is the fact that regardless of what people 

said about Him or who He was, 

Jesus kept doing those things that only the Messiah 

would and could do, therefore it is not what men say about God

 that is important to our Eternal Security, 

it is what God Himself has done to secure our Eternal Security

 that has any bearing on our souls as they enter into Eternity!  

But we must pray that we do not get trapped into “political correctness” 

that teaches that it is “political correctness” and the “Supreme” court

 of men that has “power and authority” and that whatever “politically 

correct men” say is “legal”. 

Therefore, the desires of men become the  “law of the land” 

which then becomes the “doctrines of men”. These “doctrines of men”

 is that which Jesus referred to in 

JQ#12 “Who decides what is legal, God or man?” (Matthew 12:1-21)

 Jesus had already warned us 

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. 

But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

 (Matthew 10:28) 

Now Jesus is asking in essence:

 “Who has the true power and authority to destroy both 

soul and body in hell, men or God?” 

 With less than a week left in His earthly ministry, Jesus is getting 

right to the point of the Passover and fulfilling all the prophecies

 concerning the Messiah.

 “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says…” (Revelation 2:7)

 Maybe its time that we “Listen To” and “Stand Up” for Jesus?!?!?!?

Friday, August 9, 2024

AUGUST 09 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#24 “Is the power and authority of baptism from heaven or from men?”” (Matthew 21:25)



  “Is the power and authority of baptism 

from heaven or from men?””  

(Matthew 21:25)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord and Savior, You know my heart and today I will let 

the Holy Spirit utter worthy praise to You. Jesus it is about You, it is 

about Your Love, it is about Forgiveness, it is about Repentance. All have 

sinned and come short of the glory of God and Satan prowls the 

earth looking for ways to deceive and when a saint gets close to 

truly serving God in a pure and acceptable way, then Satan 

increases his attacks — Lord You have victory over the world 

and You have promised that You would “keep us” 

so Lord I call on that promise!     



Jesus was fulfilling prophecy when He got the donkey for it was from

 their location outside of Jerusalem in Bethphage that the 

Sanhedrin (the supreme Court of the nation) handed down 

decisions. In an article by Ernest I. Martin:

 “The Significance of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives”, Mr. Martin

 explains: “The reason that these types of decisions were to be 

made at this special village [Bethphage] on the east side of 

Jerusalem proper is because it was necessary that these decisions 

be made ‘at the entrance’ to Jerusalem. There were biblical reasons

 for this. Note Proverbs 31:23 which says ‘Her husband is known in 

the gates, when he sitteth among the elders’ also ‘Execute the 

judgement of truth and peace in your gates’ (Zechariah 8:16) In the

 case of Jerusalem, which was the capital city of the nation, 

the principle gate was on the eastern side just beyond the camp 

(that is, ‘outside the camp’) Thus the Sanhedrin had the village 

of Bethphage built just to the east of the city limits of Jerusalem proper. 

This village of priests was located just to the east of the summit 

of the Mount of Olives.” Mr. Martin continues on the significance of

 Bethphage, “The word ‘Bethphage’ means the ‘House of Unripe Figs.’” 

Mr. Martin says the village of priests was called Bethphage because

 tradition teaches that the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil was a fig tree so the Sanhedrin “were supposed to act as JEHOVAH’s judges and 

thereby were to be rendered free of sin in their judgements. This is 

why they named the village ‘House of Unripe Figs’ But there was a 

second reason for naming the village ‘Bethphage’.  Figs are always 

unripe at the start of the growing season. This place of Bethphage 

was the site where the Sanhedrin determined legal measurements 

for the nation. It was where they set the limits on sacred things 

(the size of the city, the Temple, the day to start the scared calendar, 

when to observe the festival day, starting the census, etc.) … In a word, 

it was from Bethphage where the measurements of the nation 

were enacted and legalized. 

It was also the place where the most rebellious of the elders

 in Israel were sentenced to die… 

There is even further New Testament significance to these matters. 

It was no accident that the Messiah told His disciples to go into Bethphage 

and obtain a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem to fulfill the 

prophecy of Zechariah about the Judahites adoring their king 

riding on a donkey. By getting this donkey at Bethphage was 

like saying that the Messiah went to the central Supreme Court 

area of the land in order to get his royal position 

for legal sovereignty approved.” 

Jesus knew what He was doing and Jesus knew what He was saying

 by getting the donkey at Bethphage and we read: 

“And all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken

 by the prophet, saying, ‘Tell the daughter of Zion, behold your

 King is coming to you, lowly and sitting on a donkey, 

a colt, the foal of a donkey.” (Matthew 21:4-5) 

Jesus did fulfill all the prophecies of the Messiah 

so one has to ask, why would the Sanhedrin turn the people against Jesus,

 do you think it was because they knew that they would lose the

 “power and authority” that the traditions of men had given them?

 I see a major problem with this line of thinking because the Sanhedrin

 would not exist if it were not for God so they are making a major mistake

 going against God Himself to retain their position of power and 

authority that they had only because God had given 

His Commandments to men in the first place!?!?!?!?