Monday, August 5, 2024

AUGUST 05 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32)



 “What do you want Me to do for you?”  (Matthew 20:32)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS no other Name can be called upon like the Name of Jesus. 

Lord when we think of all the names that have been called out 

throughout history there simply is no Name other than the Name of Jesus

 that so many have called out to for “help” and certainly no other Name 

that people call out to shower “praise” on. There just is no other Name

 ever spoken that speaks of Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Cleansing,

 Salvation, and Healing and that list is but a very small portion of the 

great things that Jesus has done for mankind, for generations past,

 for generations in the future, and for our daily needs of the 

generation in which we live 

— so I simply call out the Matchless Name —




Jesus is using this Question to get us to think about what we believe

 that Jesus has the power to do in our lives. Jesus had just Taught that 

God Himself will decide our place in heaven and that we should not 

seek to be great but that we should seek to find our place in the kingdom

 where we will be able to serve others for the kingdom’s sake, and not 

for any personal glory! Jesus followed up that Lesson on humility and 

servitude as He continued on His trip to Jerusalem and just outside of 

Jericho where “a great multitude followed Him” (Matthew 20:29)

 that “behold, two blind men [were] sitting by the road, 

[and] when they heard that Jesus was passing by, 

cried out, saying, ‘Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!” 

(Matthew 20:30) 

The “multitudes” told the blind men to “be quiet” and leave Jesus alone

 but the blind men kept calling out to Jesus asking for His mercy,

 declaring Jesus to be the 

“Son of David” (Matthew 20:31) 

It was at this point that Jesus asked JQ#23 of the two blind men

 calling out the name of Jesus, calling Him “Lord” 

and the “Son of David” which was reference to 

Jesus, God’s Chosen One, the Messiah, 

“so Jesus stood still and called [the two blind men] and said,

 ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’” (JQ#23  Matthew 20:32)

Before we see how Jesus responded to the blind men calling on Him

 to heal their blindness, we should note here that the “multitudes” 

were telling the blind men to be quiet and not to bother Jesus 

— to me this is just like our world today that tries to keep us blinded

 to who Jesus really is and what His Purpose is for our lives. 

We should be like the blind men - for the blind men had already 

recognized Jesus as the Son of God, the Chosen One, the Messiah 

so they did not let the world turn them from Jesus but they replied to Jesus,

 “Lord, that our eyes may be opened.” (Matthew 20:33) 

Jesus then Taught by His actions that

 it is the will of the Father that we call on the Name of Jesus 

and recognize that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son, the Christ,

 the Messiah, and believe that whatever we ask of Jesus,

 that if it glorifies God, then it will be done for us

 for Matthew writes how Jesus responded to the blind men requesting that their

 “eyes be opened”: “So Jesus had compassion 

and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes

 received sight, and they followed Him.” (Matthew 20:34) 

Therefore when Jesus asks us

 “What do you want Me to do for you?” 

we must not let the world keep us in blindness to the

 Truth of God that God so loved the world 

that He gave His only begotten Son 

that if we believe in Him 

that our blindness will be healed 

— we should take inventory on what we believe that Jesus can do for us

 and believe that He “can” and “will” heal us and certainly He will open 

our eyes to the Purpose God has for our lives, for when we ask Jesus

 for His help, He will have “compassion” on us and our spiritual eyes 

will receive sight, but we must first have enough “Faith” in who He is 

and what He can do to ask Him to supply our need! Where will you

 turn when you realize the world has blinded you and you cannot 

see God’s Plan for your life and who will you call on to restore your sight?

 Just remember Jesus came to 

“seek and to save that which is lost” 


“to give sight to the blind” 

and He gently calls out to each and every individual, 

“What do you want Me to do for you?”

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