Sunday, August 4, 2024

AUGUST 04 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32)



 “What do you want Me to do for you?”  (Matthew 20:32)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Praise God from whom ALL Blessings Flow — Lord,

 my DAILY prayer will remain - “…not my will but Thy Will be done…” -

 You Lord have proven Yourself Faithful in doing that which is 

best for us, so Lord, regardless of the circumstances I will trust You

 and rise to the next level of Faith. Lord, for all those that prayed

 for me and my specific needs I pray BLESSINGS back to them, 

LORD, bless them and address their specific needs. You Lord Jesus

 are Gracious and I thank You that You have begun a good work 

in me, and when I stumble and fall back into “my worldly self” it is 

not because of any change in You, but a worldly weakness 

re-surfacing in me and I pray that You give me the strength to 

let go of my old weakness and let You change that “worldly” weakness

 into a “spiritual” strength, Your strength which always shows

 itself when I reach out to others.   



Jesus certainly is the Master Teacher for how could a mere mortal use

 9 words to express so great a Truth of God? In 2004 I wrote this 

prayer to Jesus, 

“Jesus, O Precious Jesus, You have blessed us so 

Graciously that if we were to start praising You now and continued 

throughout all Eternity, there would not be enough time or words

 to express our gratitude. How can one repay so great a debt? What gift

 could we give to the Creator that could equal the gift of God dying for us?

 Lord Jesus, You have not accomplished these great things in order

 for us to be indebted to repay You, for repayment of such a gift is

 IMPOSSIBLE for there is no “gift” equal to the gift of God giving the

 world His Only Begotten Son to die for ALL sin and through 

His Death reward repentant sinners with Everlasting Life!” (Written 9/3/2004) 

Lord Jesus, when I read that 2004 prayer and then look at Your question 

JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you?” 

all I can think of is: 

“It is finished!” (John 19:30)

 Jesus has truly “Paid it all” and there is nothing we can 

give in return for Jesus having already “done” ALL 

that needs to be done for our Eternal Salvation.  

I then have to bow in utter humility and give my answer to Your JQ#23: 

“Lord I can ask nothing from You but Grace, and there is nothing 

more that You need to do for me other than what You have already 

done so Lord keep me always in a humble and thanksgiving attitude!!!”  

I know that personally when I consider the Question 

“What do I want Jesus to do for me?” 

that my thoughts turn to looking at what He has already done in my life and 

I thank God that He has a Plan and that His Plan of Salvation

 has already been executed! The only thing left for us 


I find myself repeating a John F. Kennedy quote (paraphrased)

 “Ask not what can God do for me, ask what I can do for God.” 

As soon as I ask that question from my heart, Jesus speaks through the scriptures: 

“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, 

and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it 

shall not be so among [the followers of Jesus]; but whoever 

desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. 

And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—

—— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but 

to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:21-28)

 Quite often I catch myself marveling at how great a gift Salvation is —

—— when you know God, then you know there is nothing that 

we can repay Him with except 

“repentance” and “obedience” to His Word!!! 

Therefore if you find yourself wanting “more” from Jesus perhaps you

 should stop and evaluate your personal desires and  and ask yourself,

 “just how much is enough?” 

—- Greed is entitlement —- Grace is enough!!!

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