Saturday, July 27, 2024

JULY 27 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#22 “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” (Matthew 20:15)



“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” 

(Matthew 20:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, You are worthy of all praise for there is no other that Sacrificed

 so much for so many. Lord Jesus, without that Sacrifice there would be no “hope”

 and no “future”  for it is by Your Wounds that we are healed 

and by Your Blood we are washed clean from the sin that our earthen bodies

 are enslaved to. Lord it is a mystery how that Your Spirit can first break us

 and then make us new! 

Praise be to the Only Begotten of the Father that was Obedient

 unto death because the Father Resurrected the Son in whom He was

 well pleased on the Third Day thereby giving us reason to “hope” and “trust”

 that God the Father has a Plan for our “future”!!!   



Jesus asked this Question in 

JQ#22 “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things

 through a parable designed to show us another perspective of heaven

 so that we could relate to heaven through something we are familiar with in

 our earthly lives, this is the only way that we will be able to envision 

heaven because in reality heaven is so far different from earth that we

 cannot imagine what heaven is really going to be like! We are limited 

by our finite knowledge and because our experience is limited exclusively 

to our earthly lives and bodies — we simply do not have a vocabulary 

to describe it — therefore Jesus Taught about heaven using  parables

 about earthly things everyone is familiar with, and in this case Jesus 

uses a parable about a landowner who goes out and hires laborers.

 There are several Lessons within the Lesson that Jesus is Teaching

 which enforces previous Lessons Jesus has been Teaching about our 

time on earth and the first and most obvious Lesson is that in our 

daily lives, whether we are the boss or the hired hand, (both cases) 

require us to go to work to sustain our daily existence. The boss has 

to work at hiring others to do the physical labor which will free him 

to do “boss work”. The parable is about heaven because Jesus begins

 the parable: “For the kingdom of heaven is like” and then Jesus

 continues, “a landowner…” and concludes with the “landowner” going 

“out early in the morning to hire laborers” 

to work in the “landowners vineyard”. (Matthew 20:1) 

Since we know that Jesus is Teaching about “heaven” we can

 determine that the “landowner” is God and the “vineyard” is earth

 and we the people of earth are the “laborers”

The second Lesson-within-the-Lesson that we should learn is that God

 has chosen to do His work on earth through us which enforces the fact

 that this has been God’s Plan for mankind from the beginning.

 We read in Genesis, 

“The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden,…

then the Lord God took the man [He had formed] and put him

 in the garden of Eden to tend and to keep it.” (Genesis 2:7-15) 

So it was God’s Plan to “plant a garden” and His Intent was

 that mankind would “tend to and keep” the garden for Him 

but we should not miss the

 Divine Fact 

that mankind would be paid a wage for our labors for as soon 

as God put Adam in the garden of Eden, God said, 

“of every tree of the garden you may freely eat…” (Genesis 2:16)

 Also in 1 Timothy 5:18 and Luke 10:7 we are told 

“the worker is worthy of his wages”

Romans declares “the wages of sin is death” and Paul reminds 

the Thessalonians as he was teaching them about the kingdom of God 

that Paul said about working, 

“If you don’t work, you don’t eat” therefore confirming 

that God’s Plan is unchanging! 

From the first Adam (natural) to the second Adam (spiritual) 

God is still expecting His Creation to live in a symbiotic relationship 

as part of His Divine Plan [see 1 Corinthians 15:45]

In this current parable of the landowner Jesus points out that

 everyone’s wages are determined by a personal relationship with the landowner 

as we read that it was the landowner that “went out”  (Matthew 20:3)

 to find laborers and then the landowner himself “said to them” (Matthew 20:4a) 

— which indicates that 

God is the Creator and it is God that initiates the relationship

 and that God makes each relationship personal as He seeks

 us out and personally arranges with us 

the terms of the relationship

Personally I found great comfort when I read the “landowners terms” 

at the end of the passage —

 “whatever is right I will give you…”!!!  (Matthew 20:4b) 

This passage confirms that 

God is a Merciful and Gracious God that is Faithful and Just

 in His dealings with His Creation! 

God not only keeps the relationship on a “personal level” but He also 

guarantees that “whatever is right” that God will provide for each of us!! 

Jesus then Taught that God reserves the right to maintain His Sovereignty

 as Jesus then Taught the

 Truth of God that God is Sovereign over all creation 

and that whatever God declares “lawful” will be “right” 

and that we should trust Him because God has promised 

to do “whatever is right” 

— don't you think that trusting God who wants to “give” good things 

to us is better than trusting in the “doctrines of men” which even though 

they “promise” us good things that they are continually “taking away” 

our freedom in an attempt to gain power over us? 

 The reality is that those that seek to control others are always 

motivated by self-interest and always the relationship with power mongers

 results in more freedom being taken from us than is given by their

 empty promises. You can decide for yourself but I choose to go

 with God who has all Power and needs nothing from us 

and I will trust in His Mercy and Grace ——— however, it is your choice

 if you want to follow the “legalist” who desires to control

 your every decision ——— but I advise you to keep your eyes

 on the “legalist” every second 

and your hand on your pocketbook!

Friday, July 26, 2024

JULY 26 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#22 “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” (Matthew 20:15)



“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” 

(Matthew 20:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, thank You for the moving of Your Spirit in so many lives and 

forgive us when we have been so bountifully blessed yet we don’t share

 the Joy of Jesus with others that are lost in darkness. Lord there is so 

much pain and sorrow and just plain lostness and there is 

Inexhaustible Light that is being kept under a bushel and I pray 

for forgiveness and the boldness to share You and the Love of God. 

Lord I will wait on You and trust that Your Spirit will renew my strength 

and that when You call, I will answer:  “Here I am Lord, send me”.   



Jesus has addressed the problem we all have of following the 

doctrines of men by demonstrating the

 Truth of God 

that heaven is “Not For Sale” and eternal life cannot be earned

 by any amount of “good works”.

 Mankind has from the beginning been deceived into thinking we 

can “be like God” and our lustful eyes fall victim to the forbidden fruit

 and our lustful flesh quickly follows suit and we partake in the great lie

 because of our own volition — we are all sinners by nature 

and the problem is that the “doctrines of men” always turn us towards

 our inner prideful self which always focuses our attention on our lusts. 

The “doctrines of men” never attain the promise of eternal life but

 result only in our separation from the 

Love of God 

which has been poured out in a 

Crimson Flood for our Atonement 

which is the 

Gateway to Eternal Life in the Presence of the Great I Am!  

Jesus Taught about “Sin” then He followed that Lesson with this one about

 living our daily lives following Him {{which is the only Pathway to God}} 

instead of following the “doctrines of men” which is the broad highway leading to destruction.  Jesus started this section illustrating that our traditions

 are established by man’s interpretation of 

God’s Divine Intent for mankind 

——— note that there is a “spiritual problem” with filtering Divine Doctrine

 through a multitude of “defiled middle men” who must deal 

with their own selfish desires, thereby defiling the

 Divine Intent of the Holy God 

and His commandments which result in “traditions of men” 

being based more on our personal wants for our worldly self gratification

 than on God’s personal Words intended for our eternal self preservation.

 Jesus first demonstrated that our daily lives should be lived 

to glorify God and not self, then Jesus again used “little children”

 to demonstrate what the kingdom of heaven is made of. 

Jesus then showed through His encounter with the rich young man 

that was unwilling to part with his “great worldly possessions” that heaven

 could not be purchased nor could eternal life be earned by any 

amount of good works and the only way to have 

“treasure in heaven” 

is to respond personally to Jesus when He calls us individually to: 

“come, follow Me”

Jesus summarized these into this 

Truth of God: 

“With men this is impossible, but with God 

all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:1-26) 

The disciples were amazed at this and Peter said to Jesus,

 “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?”

 (Matthew 19:27) 

Jesus responded to His disciples question with a promise

 that our “earthly actions” will result in “heavenly rewards”, 

in essence Teaching that this world is not our home, 

it is only a temporary dwelling place and whatever we sacrifice 

in this life on earth that in heaven we will

 “receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” 

(Matthew 19:30) 

Jesus has one more lesson in this section and it is another parable

 of a landowner hiring laborers for his vineyard which summarizes 

God’s position on the problem of “legalism” which is a by-product

 of the “defiled doctrines of men seeking worldly power”. 

If Jesus spends all this energy and effort to get our attention on this

 particular problem then doesn’t it make sense that we should give

 some thought to how much time we spend on the “doctrines of men” verses the

 “Word of God”?!?!?! 

The Truth is that 

only the  Creator and Supreme Judge in Heaven 

can declare what is “legal” in His Creation 

And the Kingdom of the King of kings!!!