Tuesday, July 23, 2024

JULY 23 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#22 “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” (Matthew 20:15)



“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” 

(Matthew 20:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord, my Redeemer, King of kings, there is no end to the

 Wonderful Names of Jesus, You are the Messiah, the Savior,

 the Chosen One, Lord I call upon that Holy Name for each day 

that You grant me because I daily need Your Mercy and Grace. 

Jesus, there just is no other name that I can call upon that gives

 the weary Rest and Strengthens the weak, so Lord Jesus,

 Teach me to “wait upon the Lord” that I may know the Peace 

that cannot be understood with our minds which we wrongly keep

 on the things of this world but PEACE that can only be felt when

 our hearts stay focused on you — 

Your Peace that only You can give to our troubled souls.      



Jesus was constant in all His responses to the questions of the “legalists”

 that always attacked Jesus with their “traditions”. When the Pharisees

 attacked Jesus because Jesus and His disciples were picking grain

 to eat on the Sabbath, Jesus asked the Pharisees,

 “Have you not read what David did…” (Matthew 12:3) 

pointing the “traditionalist” to the Holy Scriptures and while 

eating the grain Jesus summarized the Scriptures and declared

 “For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:8) 

Jesus concluded that session with the traditionalist by stating very clearly,

 “Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath” 

thereby putting to rest any attack on

 His Authority and Jesus did it by referring the Pharisees to the

 Truth of God written in the Holy Scriptures. 

Jesus was attacked still another time by the Pharisees and on this

 occasion they attacked Jesus because His disciples had not washed

 their hands before they ate bread, an act which broke 

the tradition of the Pharisees and  

Jesus reminded them that washing hands was not

 “God’s law” but “washing hands” was a “tradition” 

of the Pharisees and by observing their “traditions” that they

 themselves were actually “breaking the commandment of God” 

and “following the doctrine of men” (Matthew 15:1-9)

 Now again Jesus is under yet another attack and this time the Pharisees

 are trying to trick Jesus by using the Holy Scriptures as they bring up

 the subject of “divorce” and they ask Jesus if it is “lawful” 

for a man to “divorce his wife for just any reason” and Jesus answered again,

 “Have you not read…” (Matthew 19:4a) directing them again

 to the Holy Scriptures. The Pharisees thought they had Him trapped

 this time for they shot back from the Holy Scriptures

 what Moses had declared regarding divorce, 

“Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce,

 and to put her away?” 

Jesus continued His consistent response to the legalists attacks 

and pointed out the 

Truth of God 

that “in the beginning” that God had “made them male and female”

 and concluded 

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

 (Matthew 19:4-6) 

Then to make sure that once again the Pharisees were making their 

usual mistake of “following the doctrines of men” 

and not obeying “the commandments of God” 

Jesus pointed out that Moses was the one that “permitted” divorce

 and not God! (Matthew 19:8) 

This Lesson on “what is lawful” should be used to understand 

that Jesus is the Son of Man sent by God to do the will and 

work of God and that God’s Law has never changed!!!  

Jesus is emphasizing that GOD”S LAW WILL NEVER CHANGE!!! 

God’s Law is ETERNAL and every soul that ever lived or that will

 ever live will be under the SAME MORAL STANDARD 

that every other soul that was ever created by God 

must live under! The ETERNAL Constant Moral Standard 

under which we will all be judged is the written commandments of God 

— Jesus made it clear in His Ministry that 

God IS  The ETERNAL Authority!!! 

Jesus remained constant in His response to the Pharisees 

against their “traditions” and “legalism” and that consistent constant response

 from Jesus still rings TRUE today — 

We should obey the commands of God 

instead of following the doctrine of men!  

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