Saturday, August 3, 2024

AUGUST 03 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32)



  “What do you want Me to do for you?”  (Matthew 20:32)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS I come praising You for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and Lord for 

all the prayers lifted up for our country in Your Name, the ONLY Name

 that heals and forgives. Lord, I know it is Your hands guiding 

our nation back to greatness again and Lord, even though there

 are still those who desire to control us with their lies and deceptions,

 I can see that when these issues are “brought to Light” then the 

quality of our lives will grow exponentially!  Truly “all things [do] work

 together for good to them that love God, to them who are 

the called according to His purpose.”  Lord my prayer today is 

simply to grow our Love for You and for others.   




Jesus is always Teaching and then Jesus holds a pop quiz test to see if

 we are paying attention, this spiritual pop quiz is not to punish us —

—— Jesus never spoke or did anything while on earth that did not

 have a purpose AND A PLAN FOR OUR GOOD associated with it —

 Jesus was and always is Teaching us about THE FATHER and 

each Lesson has “ETERNITY” written all over it! 

On a rare day that I miss my morning devotionals, I still commune

 with God throughout the day, hour by hour and minute by minute —

—— by late in the afternoon I understand that living my daily life

 for Him is my best devotional and is “LIVING THE WORD!” 

God proves daily to us that He has a “Plan” designed specifically for all —

—— Jesus is making us stop and think about “purpose”, not only

 God’s Purpose for our lives but also Jesus makes us stop and think

 about what “purpose” do we have for God! 

This is a very complicated thought because we are 

all about “me, me, me” and we are so lost in “me” that we

 overlook HIM and the Truth of God that God is not just a genie

 that suddenly appears to grant us “3 wishes” — for the attitude 

that God is a “genie” is the essence of “sin” in itself. 

God is not there at our “beck-and-call” to give us our petty selfish desires,

 no, God has a Plan for our lives and part of that Plan is for us to 

trust God to work out His Plan in our lives —hence, like Jesus I

n the Garden of Gethsemane  we should pray:

 “Father, if it is Your will, take this [trial] away from [us];

 nevertheless not [our] will but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42) 

I am amazed at how God will cause several seemingly unconnected

 different things to come together on a single day and make His 

point that He has a Plan for us and is in control of every second of our lives. 

For example in September of 2016 I ended up in surgery and it

 is obvious that in critical times we demand that God be on our side 

but we fail to see on the sidelines how everything is working together

 for good for on that same day of my 2016 surgery there was a 

man having the very same surgery, his surgery was done just

 before me by the same doctor went very well but my surgery had 

some complications and though we never plan nor pray for complications for

ourselves, complications can lead to unexpected opportunities! 

The man that had the successful surgery the day before mine was

 in the bed next to me and he observed my complications. The next 

day he was able to talk to me privately for he had previously 

experienced the same complications years earlier in his life 

and he shared with me what he had done to successfully 

resolve a 25 year problem that had been misdiagnosed by several doctors.

 The interesting result of my “complications” and the man’s “success”

 is that the same diagnosis the man was given  several years ago

 is the same diagnosis that I am currently getting and I have been 

trying to resolve the same problem myself for 10 years now! 

The point here is that God had planned for both of us to have 

surgery the same day and God put us in the same room so 

that God’s will for our lives would be done — and now 

what was a “complication” is becoming (through GOD’S WILL) a “cure”

Also on Sept 1 Oswald Chambers wrote in his journal “My Utmost for His Highest”

 “…it is written, “Be holy, for I AM holy …” (1 Peter 1:16) 

and then Oswald wrote in his commentary: 

“We must continually remind ourself of the purpose of life. 

We are not destined to happiness, nor to health, but to holiness…

the only thing [in life] that truly matters is whether a person 

will accept the God who will make [us] holy.” 

Oswald asks almost the same question Jesus is asking 

in JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you” (Matthew 20:32) 

when Oswald points us to an intimate, close-up and personal 

relationship with God as Oswald asks:


“Do I believe that God can come into me and make me holy?” 

Therefore we should keep our focus on God’s Divine Purpose 

for our lives and accept that God can use “complications”

 and turn them into “cures”!!!

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