Wednesday, July 31, 2024

JULY 31 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32)



  “What do you want Me to do for you?”  (Matthew 20:32)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer   

JESUS, Precious Jesus, You are the life of all men, You are the Light

 to dispel the darkness, You Lord are the Way and the Truth, Lord Jesus

 You are the Savior of the world for You are the Lamb of God, 

the Only Begotten of the Holy One. Jesus when we stop to call You by Name,

 we could go on and on for You Lord are greatly to be praised and honored

 for there is none like the Christ, the Messiah, the Chosen One! 

Today Lord Jesus, my heart is filled with the Spirit of Praise

 for without Your Grace and Mercy there would be no meaning to life,

 no purpose, no “Hope”, but because You are Risen,

 my sins are Forgiven and all my HOPE rests in YOU!   



Jesus has been using Questions drawn from our everyday physical world

 to focus our attention on our eternal spiritual future and with each 

Lesson we get another glimpse of God Almighty Himself. Jesus, 

by using these Questions in the manner and order that He does,

 Teaches us even deeper Lessons about why God does what He does!

  Jesus demonstrates through His Teaching that God is Merciful 

and Forgiving and that from before the beginning of Creation,

 God had a Plan for mankind. 

With this new JQ#23 JESUS Question,  Jesus makes us look at our

 motivation and expectations of heaven and specifically: 

“What are our expectations of who God is and what do we think

 is the purpose of God in our daily lives!?!”  

When you stop and “think” about this Question, it becomes one of the

 most serious Questions that Jesus has asked. It brings us back 

around to having to consider what we believe is the 

Truth of God

 like the JQ#11 JESUS Question when Jesus asked

 about why the Israelites were going into the wilderness

 to hear John the Baptist  ——— 

 “What did you go out into the wilderness to see?” (Matthew 11:7)

 and the Question Jesus asked the two blind men before He healed them:

 “Do you believe that I am able…” (Matthew 9:28) 

——— we should at this point remember that once the blind men 

responded that they believed,

 “Then [Jesus] touched their eyes, saying, ‘According to your faith

 let it be to you.’ and their eyes were opened.” (Matthew 9:28-30).

 Now here is a new JESUS Question - 

JQ#23 “What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32) 

that should put us into a very introspective mode as we 

contemplate what it is that we truly desire from God 

and His Only Begotten Son Jesus in our spiritual lives? 

Jesus had just Taught in His last Lesson that “great possessions” 

on earth only makes us paupers in the kingdom of heaven as Jesus

 told the rich young man to 

“sell what you have and give to the poor”

 and in order to have

 “treasure in heaven”

 and then the rich young man would have to 

“follow [Jesus]” (Matthew 19:21)

 so we must stop and grasp what Jesus is asking with this seemingly

 simple Question about what we desire from Jesus. I know in my life

 that it is the simple Questions that seem the hardest to understand

 because first I try and read to much into the Question and that 

distracts me to the point that I fail to understand how much my 

honest answer will reveal about my True Self!!! Jesus knows, and 

He is asking each and every one of us to stop and think honestly about

 what we know about God and His Purpose for sending 

His Only Begotten Son into a sin-filled world and that 

by Jesus Sacrificing Himself for our sins, that we may

 be forgiven of those sins? 

Now with this simple Question Jesus is asking us

 like He asked the blind men, 

“Do you believe that [Jesus] is able” to forgive us our sins

 and bestow upon us eternal life and that there is no amount 

of money or good works that we can give to attain 

this priceless Gift of Grace? 

It is hard for us to understand “why” God would do something so 

wonderful and only require us to “obey” His simple Commands like: 

“This is My Son …listen to Him!” (Matthew 17:5)  

Indeed, when Jesus asks us 

“What do you want Me to do for you?” (Matthew 20:32),

 we have to be honest with ourselves first and reveal if we believe that He

 is able to do for us what we desire for ourselves?!?!? 

Careful, your answer will reveal your inmost beliefs 

about “who” you believe “Jesus” really is and what He can really 

do in your life, but more revealing 

is what are the True Desires deep in our hearts!  

Now is a good time to take a deep breath and think about 

what it is that you really desire from Jesus after all!!!

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