Monday, July 29, 2024

JULY 29 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#22 “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” (Matthew 20:15)



“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” 

(Matthew 20:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, O the Glory of Your perfect Love shown by Your Sacrifice

 of self, and Obedience to the Father’s Will. You created the earth 

and then You left Your Glory in heaven to be born of a virgin to 

experience an earthly life which You created! Truly You are God, for 

no graven images nor carved idols has ever dwelt among their 

subjects and took the form of their created as the lowest and most

 humble, but Jesus, we can’t be too young or too old or too poor or 

too weak to receive Your Grace ——— 

You paid it ALL, You lived it ALL, You covered it ALL ——— 

ALL to You I owe!!! Lead and direct me hour by hour.   



Jesus used this section of scripture to bring our attention to the fact that

 God in His Sovereignty has the Right to do whatever God desires

 with His Creation (Indeed, is it not lawful for the Law Giver 

to do whatever He wishes with His creation?!?!?!?!)! 

There are those that fail to see that this is a very good thing

 for all of creation for God is Merciful and Compassionate

When men get involved with controlling other men 

there is always a problem! 

Because God can create with “infinite” limits, God is never selfish 

— but men cannot create so they try to use whatever advantage

 they have to take a larger share of what they see as “finite” resources 

— God being Sovereign and unlimited in His Power needs not 

to take from others to gain any advantage, what greater 

advantage can there be than being the One True Creator God? 

There is much wisdom in what Jesus Teaches us about God

 through this section on God’s Sovereign Right to do 

whatever He pleases with His Creation, 

especially in this parable of the landowner. 

The Truth of God is that God is Fair, Just, Compassionate,

 and that God desires to have a personal relationship with everyone!

 For those that will receive Him,

 He gives and gives and gives some more!!

 When we read phrases like 

(P1) “[we] shall receive a hundredfold” 

(which is a large return on any investment), 

(P2) “inherit eternal life” 

(eternal life is the best life available at any cost), 

(P3) “and about the eleventh hour he went out and found others” 

we see an attribute of the Creator God that demonstrates that God

 is seeking to do good to His Creation and He will continue to do so

 until the very last soul is added to His Kingdom 

— but the phrase that is most revealing in my opinion is

 “whatever is right I will give you” (Matthew 20:1-6) 

which is the best wage anyone could possibly hope for. 

God makes it simple to please Him as demonstrated by the fact that He declares

 “Let the little children come to Me…

for such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14) 

and for entry into heaven we do not need to accumulate earthly wealth

 but instead God makes it easy for us as He tells us to

 “sell what you have and give to the poor, 

and you will have treasures in heaven” 

and then God commands us simply

 “…come follow Me” (Matthew 19:21) !!!

 When I stop and think about all the demands that earthly men 

in positions of power have placed on our society 

and the despair caused by greed, 

then I get a glimpse of their lostness and we can then understand

 why men use phrases like 

“it’s a dog-eat-dog world” and “only the strong survive” 

and why in every society and generation since the beginning of 

man’s dominance over other men that there has always 

been “death and taxes” and why Jesus Taught 

“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s 

and render unto God that which is God’s” (Matthew 22:21).

 There are more laws passed by men usurping the Power of God 

than can be counted and the laws of the politically motivated men

 in an attempt to attain worldly power are supposedly written for

 society’s “safety” but the truth of these “power mongers” intent

 is revealed not in the law itself but in the “enforcement” of the law. 

When one man “lords” his power over another, the resulting circumstance,

 it is sad to say, always ends up to the advantage of the strong and 

powerful who are cursed with the greed for “more power” which in turn

 gives rise to the old adage

 “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!”!!! 

God always uses His Strength to uphold the weak

and God gives believers an abundant life here on earth and JESUS 

promises that if we trust Him that we will 

“pass from death into everlasting life” (John 5:24) 

furthermore, God does not require any payment or taxes,

 just “faith” in His promise that 

“whatever is right [God] will give us” !!! (Matthew 20:4) 

It is to our advantage to become as 

“little children” in our lives and “trust” that indeed it is “lawful”

 for God to do whatever He desires with His own Creation!!!

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