Sunday, July 28, 2024

JULY 28 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#22 “Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” (Matthew 20:15)



“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” 

(Matthew 20:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS completely take my life, my career, my marriage, my health,

 my desires, and the innermost longings of my soul, take all of me 

and use it as You will for You know the will of the Father and all things 

that Glorify You, Glorify the Father. There is not a better thing that 

the created can do but Glorify the Creator. Lord Jesus, we are 

wonderfully and fearfully made and I want to make my life count in 

Your eyes, not in the eyes of a worldly boss or worldly friends. Jesus,

 I claim Your promise to finish the good work that You have started in me. 

I yield myself to the molding, the shaping, and the pruning of the 

Holy Spirit, and I pray that those things I don’t volunteer to yield, 

that the Holy Spirit will take them, all for Your Glory!     



Jesus Teaches many side Lessons in the parable of the landowner and

 He established at the beginning of the parable that the Lesson was

 about “heaven” (see Matthew 20:1) therefore the “vineyard” is

 God’s Creation and the “laborers” in the vineyard is mankind 

— the “landowner” is God and the parable highlights both 

man’s relationship to God and to God’s Creation. The obvious

 message in this passage in Matthew 20:1-16 was that God intends

 for man to “work” for “wages” and that God will do “whatever is right”

 for us if we enter into His labors with Him. 

There are a couple of not so obvious Lessons as well and yet if we

 stop and think about it (like Jesus has been Teaching us to do all along with

 His Lessons on the Truth of God)

, that we will see that 

God seeks each of us out and establishes a personal relationship 

with each worker. The parable establishes the 

Truth of God 

that even unto the “eleventh hour” God will seek us and wishes

 us to use the remainder of our time before “evening” comes to 

enter into His Labor. Also obvious but misunderstood by mankind is

 God’s “wage scale” which is found in John 3:16 [paraphrased] 

“For [the landowner] so loved [the laborers] that He gave 

[the same wages] to all that entered into the [work of God] 

which is believing that the Son came to save us from sin 

— and those wages are eternal life.” 

Jesus was always Teaching these “work” Lessons by the 

Example of His Life while in the flesh for even as a small boy

 of 12 years old Jesus said,

 “I must be about my Father’s work” (Luke 2:49)

 and then there was that time recorded in the Gospel according

 to John where Jesus made it clear that 

the Work of God involved “sin” and “Forgiveness" 

as He was asked 

“Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, t

hat he was born blind?” (John 9:1-2) 

and in His answer Jesus addressed the problem of living our daily

 lives with “traditions of men” not based on 

God’s Truth 

for Jesus replied to the “who sinned?” question thusly:

 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that 

the works of God should be revealed in him.

 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day;

 the night is coming when no one can work. As long as I am

 in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:3-5) 

We should learn that 

we have a “day” to “work for God” for when the evening 

comes(Physical Death) we will be given our wages (Judgement) 

so when God comes and asks you to be a “laborer” in His “vineyard” 

that the only way to “earn” your “wages” is to do the work of the One

 that is paying the wages to those that 

work in His “vineyard” while it is still day(Life)!   

If Jesus Teaches a parable on earning kingdom wages

 then we should listen to the Son 

and get to work don’t you think?!?!?   

Of all my studies about heaven I have never read about heaven 

having any ATM machines — of course it would be hard to figure out

 how to mount a steel box to streets of gold anyway don’t you imagine??? 

 Besides, even if we could “take it with us” then just how much money

 would you have to take to heaven to pay “rent” on your mansion

 for say, 200 billion years?

 (Your pockets aren’t big enough!!!!!)

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