Monday, May 27, 2024

MAY 27 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#17 “How many loaves do you have?” (Matthew 15:34)



 “How many loaves do you have?”  (Matthew 15:34)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, take our daily desires and make them the Will of the Father. 

When we start our day with prayer to the Only Begotten who died for our sin, let it be as Paul told the Corinthians, 

“We…plead [within ourselves] … not to receive the grace of God in vain…” 

but that with all our hands find to do, that we will be doing it for the Glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Lord let us hear anew each morning Your Prayer for us

 that we will be “one with the Father” 

and know that it was the Father’s Will that His Only Begotten Son 

would be obedient the the Father’s Will and die on the cross for our sins 

thereby providing for the Salvation of all who would call on the Name of JESUS, 

so let us as be obedient to the Father’s Will and take up our cross daily 

and follow Jesus for we know He is One with You 

and has prepared a place that we may be together as “ONE” for Eternity,

 but only through the shed blood of Jesus who purchased our “pardon” ——— 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.     



Jesus is pictured as God giving the “gift” of “understanding” to His newly created world as God’s first recorded act of addressing sin was accomplished with the first words God spoke to address the “darkness” of the earth as God declared,

 “Let there be light, and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)  

We know that “light” is the understanding” 

that Jesus keeps trying to Teach us because the “Light” 

is the greatest weapon against the darkness of sin and the 


who as the apostle James wrote of Jesus,

 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, 

who gives to all liberally…” (James 1:5) 

This advice to seek “wisdom” came as James was addressing the fact that

 “knowing the testing of your faith produces patience…” 

and then the solution was to ask God for wisdom for the 

Truth of God that Jesus is Teaching with the “bread” Question 

is that we must eat the “good” bread that God Himself provided, 

just as He sent Manna from Heaven to feed the Israelites 

while they were learning to follow God 

while wandering in the wilderness. 

So if God gives us “Light” to dispel the “darkness” 

then we should develop the “understanding” that 

“man cannot live by bread alone…” (Matthew 4:4) 

but to resist temptation by consuming the word of God.

 So Jesus uses the “bread” illustration to give us “understanding” 

that our only way to fight “sin and darkness” is to

 abide in the “Light of His Word” —

 the “Light” is Jesus ——— 

“[Jesus is] the true Light which gives light

 to every man coming into the world.” (John 1:9) 

Jesus had been Teaching the disciples all along that 

by our “belief” that we will be “healed of our infirmities” 

and Jesus was continually “Teaching” and then asking

 “do you understand(?)” 

and then to make sure we get the point, 

Jesus gives us a deeper explanation by using examples of everyday things

 that we have a common knowledge about ——— 

so the “bread” Lesson that Jesus is Teaching in this passage 

is to remind us that


our “need” for “bread” is “daily” 

and it is by “understanding” of the Word of God  “DAILY” 

that we nourish our spirits,

 in essence we fulfill the prayer Jesus prayed when the disciples asked Him

 to “teach us to pray” and Jesus prayed: 

“Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, 

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread…” (Matthew 6:9-11) 

So if Jesus is the Light and He has come with the single purpose 

to reconcile our sin 

so that we may have fellowship with God the Father in heaven, 

don’t you think it would be wise to 


 that in order for “bread” to nourish our bodies 

that we must “consume” it?  

As Jesus told the Pharisees that were continually testing Jesus 

as to being the Son of God — Jesus told them 

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, 

and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”

 (Matthew 16:4) 

Jesus is the fulfillment of the sign of the “prophet Jonah” 

as the “Bread” was “broken for our sin” 

and the “Blood” was shed, 

and the “Light” was buried IN DEATH 

but on the THIRD DAY Jesus rose victorious 

over “darkness, sin, death, and the grave”!!!   

Don’t you think 

that’s a pretty good days work 

on a loaf of


and a drink of

 “Living Water”?

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