Wednesday, May 29, 2024

MAY 29 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#18 “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)



“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, I thank You Lord for this season of learning — for by Your chastening and correcting I know that You Love me, 

even when I am “straying” from Your Truth 

and cannot find myself for the “darkness” that shrouds my wandering from You,

 Your Love Shines like a Guiding Light 

and You draw me back onto the “Narrow Pathway”! 

You Lord Jesus shelter me with Unconditional Love from the attacks of the world 

and the evil offerings of the wicked. 

Lord, I pray that l share with others in like manner 

the Pure and Unconditional Love that You have “Shared” with me 

and to all those that You put in my pathway 

may my light guide them to Your True Light!       



Jesus in His mysterious way has taken all the lessons and experiences 

that I have been “Graced” with along my 

Journey to God 

and He has placed a task before me that 

is a culmination of all the little pieces in my daily life 

in such a way that I cannot but be totally amazed that

 God uses daily life experiences to Teach us about His Kingdom!  

However, we should not be surprised because 

God Himself Promised to reveal Himself to us 

if we but search for Him with all our heart

 In this study of The JESUS Questions, God has revealed His Plan 

and demonstrated that He will build our 

“understanding of God” 

one small block at a time. As each block of 

“understanding of God” 

is securely mortared into place with Holy Scripture 

and we have taken care to set each block in place using 

God’s “Level” of Moral Standards,

 we see that we are building a strong Foundation on the

 “Rock of Ages” 

and slowly but surely our 

House of God 

is taking shape. 

That is what has been happening with me through these Lessons

 and my personal involvement with Kingdom Work — the 

Holy Spirit 

has put all the memory verses and recent Lessons together 

in such a way that I see the 

“Strong Tower of Faith” 

where I may be sheltered from the world. This

 “Strong Tower of Faith” 

has formed to a point that I can clearly see God at work and the 

“Truth of God” 

being clearly revealed in my daily struggles. 

When I started to give my honest answer 

to the personal Question Jesus asks of everyone:


“But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15) 

that I could clearly see that all the 

Holy Spirit 

has Taught me so far is neatly summed up in a single verse,

 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. 

No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) 

Here as I asked myself,

 “What have I learned about Jesus in my life?”


Holy Spirit

 brought that verse to my mind and I can say 

with all the twists and turns my 

“Journey to God”

 has taken me through thus far, 

(and I use the word “through” on purpose) 

that I see and know that

 Jesus is the “TRUTH” 

and the 


and it is only 



This JQ#18 JESUS Question is a

 very, very, if not the most important Question asked so far 

in this JESUS Questions Study so I am praying that as I start this 

“Deeper Still” Journey into the Truth of God 

that all who read this will stop at this point in their life

 and set down some “markers” on their Journey to God 

and seriously consider 

“Who do you say that Jesus is, to you?”  

Jesus has very clearly stated “Who” He IS — 

therefore the Question really boils down 

to a Question of our personal belief, 

and so we must ask ourselves, 

am I going to believe the 

“TRUTH of God” 

or am I going to keep listening 

to the “lies of the world”? 

Read about the fall and note that even before Eve listened to Satan’s lie

 that she had already lied to herself 

— we need to ask ourself, 

“Am I lying to myself about God?” 

then go back and read John 14:6

 and remember that 

“the Truth will set you free!”

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