Saturday, March 22, 2025

MARCH 22 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” (Matthew 10:29)



JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” 

(Matthew 10:29)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, O the blessed joy of starting my day with You and to know that

 it is Your desire that we have fellowship with the Father as we go through

 our day and that all our physical and spiritual needs 

will be met on a “daily” basis. 

Lord Jesus, I thank You that many years ago that You had turned

 my thoughts to the Great Sacrifice You made for the Atonement of sin,

 all sin, and that all who believed that Sacrifice was Your Purpose

 and understood it as the Will of the Father could be heirs in the

 Kingdom of God and partake in His Righteousness. 

Lord, we do not deserve Your Gift of Sacrifice and the Father’s Gift of Free Will

 but I accept both because I BELIEVE and ACCEPT YOUR LOVE and I desire

 to return an acceptable “Offering” to the One that imparts Eternal Life on Believers.    



JESUS and the simple Question of sparrows and coins has been a very

 “profitable spiritual” study. Matthew Chapter 10 is filled with many, many wonderful 

spiritual treasures that profit us on our spiritual journey 

so let us look at the

 tremendous promises God gives to those willing to “pay the cost”  

of being a disciple of Jesus. Matthew 10:1-28 lists some serious 

“costs of discipleship” leading up to JQ#10 where the seemingly

 simple sparrows and copper coin Question was asked by Jesus to focus

 our attention on the “spiritual value” of discipleship and then the rest 

of the chapter we find assurance that our efforts of discipleship will be met with

 great spiritual compensation for “paying the cost”.  

We know the “rewards” will be “spiritual” because Jesus told His disciples

 in verses Matthew 10:9-10 not to take “money” or any “physical possessions”

 on our journey. 

However, Jesus promised the disciples that they were not going out empty 

handed — His disciples were assured of their daily bread 

and that though they were empty-handed that they would be 

given the very Power of God 

to complete their assigned tasks for the kingdom’s sake!   

All instructions Jesus gives on  discipleship warns of “physical” 

costs to pay for following Him but that 

we are “not to fear” or worry because the “Spiritual Compensation”

 far outweighs the “physical cost”!  

Jesus adds some very significant spiritual compensations as 

Jesus commands all His followers that we should not worry 

about our physical death because our soul (spirit) is eternal and if

 we will focus on our “spiritual value” that God Himself will provide 

for  all the needs of those that choose to be 

“followers of Jesus”! 

God promises to give us eternal security and that 

our eternal lives will be spent with God the Father, 

God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit if we but 

“follow after [Jesus]” (Matthew 10:38)

Jesus then adds “spiritual assurance” as He states clearly:

 “He who finds his life will lose it, 

and he who loses his life for My sake

 will find it. 

He who receives you receives Me ,

 and he who receives Me 

receives Him who sent Me.” 

(Matthew 10:39-40) 

Jesus concludes our list of “spiritual compensations” 

by throwing in an Eternal Lifetime warranty and Divine guarantee:

 “…assuredly, I say to you, [My disciples] 

shall by no means lose [their] reward.” 

(Matthew 10:42) 

I can’t help but start singing a song,

 “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! 

O what a foretaste of glory divine. 

Heir of salvation, purchased of God, 

born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood!”.

 It’s a simple Question of two sparrows and a copper coin but with the right answer

 we can be assured of eternal salvation 

if we just believe in our “spiritual value”

“Do not fear therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows.” 

(Matthew 10:31) 

With this kind of “spiritual assurance” it makes the “daily cross” 

a little easier to bear, don’t you think? 

Friday, March 21, 2025

MARCH 21 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” (Matthew 10:29)



JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” 

(Matthew 10:29)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, another day and new mercies and “Hope” for our future. You Lord 

have commanded us to “take up our cross” daily and then with great 

assurance You immediately add that once we take up the cross that we

 are also commanded by You to “Follow Me” — 

Lord thank you for teaching us that by “following” you that You will help

 us bear the burden of our cross and even though it is a cross that is

 heavy to bear physically that it is a “spiritual blessing” and will lead us

 to the Narrow Gate and we can rest assured 

that You will be with us each step of the “Way”.    



JESUS uses a simple sparrows and coin Question that points us to a

 simple plot of spiritual ground that seems to not hold anything of significance

 but once we have scratched the surface of His Lesson we find that 

we have uncovered many kingdom gems and if we continue digging

 in this tremendous Chapter 10 in the Gospel of Matthew we will

 find some extraordinary “Truths of God” that will help us to know how to

 please “our Father in heaven” and to inherit “everlasting life”

As we study the Teachings of Jesus we see that Jesus always Teaches that

 the physical “Choices” we make have “Spiritual Consequences”

Jesus always Teaches us how to look at the physical with spiritual eyes 

and Jesus promises that  our “Trust in God” will “cure our spiritual blindness” 

and we will be able to see the “Will of the Father”

Matthew Chapter 10 is a very important “Lesson” for all who seek to know

 the Father and want to follow His Only Begotten Son Jesus for we see

 that Jesus starts Matthew Chapter 10 by calling each of His disciples by

 name and then He sends them out to the

 “lost sheep” with His Message that the “kingdom of God is at hand”

Jesus gives His disciples a specific set of instructions of how to demonstrate the

 Power of God so that the “lost” can be saved and inherit everlasting life

Jesus informs the disciples what the cost of discipleship will be as well as

 what the compensation and rewards will be for following Him. Jesus always

 asks a Question in His Lessons that will laser-focus us on the most important

 aspect of the Lesson and in this very important Matthew Chapter 10 where

 Jesus is equipping His disciples to share His Message with the lost, 

Jesus keeps us focused on the “spiritual value” of those that choose discipleship. 

Jesus instructs the disciples to

 (J1) heal the sick 

(J2) cleanse the lepers and

 (J3) cast out demons — 

all actions which can only be accomplished by the Power of God

 so we can be assured that Jesus will not ask them 

to perform a task He has not equipped them for!  

To draw the disciples attention to trusting God for their daily bread, Jesus tells

 them to “go” but not to take any money with them, not to pack a bag for their

 journey, not to take extra clothes, shoes, or staffs because God will provide 

for all their physical needs and will equip them with all their spiritual needs 

to accomplish their jobs as Jesus states:

 “for a worker is worthy of his food.” 

(Matthew 10:6-10)

Jesus reminds them that they will be as “sheep in the midst of wolves”

 and that men will “scourge” them (Matthew 10:16-18) however, 

Jesus never told them the “cost” of discipleship without assuring them 

that God would “equip” them to both endure and prosper and 

most importantly that God would always be with them. 

Jesus tells them immediately,

 “But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what

 you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you

 should speak: for it is not you who speak,

 but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.” 

(Matthew 10:19-20)

 Jesus continually points to the “Truth of God” that God will provide and

 that the “spiritual” should always take precedence over the “physical” as

 illustrated in the sparrow and copper coin (Matthew 10:29a) Question!

 We can glimpse this valuable “spiritual gem” if we but 

dig into the field of “God’s Truth” 

and we use these instructions on what to expect as disciples of Jesus

 doing kingdom work in a lost world, just get ready, roll up your sleeves and 

keep digging in God’s Word!