Sunday, March 16, 2025

MARCH 16 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” (Matthew 10:29)



JQ#10 “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin?” 

(Matthew 10:29)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer    

JESUS, each day the sun rises and I awaken to the “Hope” that is Christ Jesus.

 My soul is expectant, for I know that You are FAITHFUL in Your Promises

 and I know You have plans for my good stored up for me. Your Word teaches

 “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed,

 because His compassions fail not. 

They are new every morning: Great is Thy faithfulness.” 

(Lamentations 3:22)

Lord, I know I deserve “punishment” and I give thanks that I am “not consumed”

 and acknowledge that my punishment was paid for on the Cross because

 of Your Compassion and Great Love for the “unloveable” and that with each

 new day I can look to the faithful rising of the “Son” to “Light” 

my new day with Your Mercy and Grace 



JESUS has used two common sparrows and a simple common copper coin

 to point us to a “Spiritual Treasure” of greater value than any 

earthly treasure one could accumulate or even imagine —

 for when the context of JQ#10 is studied we will find that 

the deeper we dig into God’s Word the more 

“spiritual” gems and treasures we will uncover.

 Jesus had already Taught us in 

JQ#02 & JQ#03 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth…” 

which are not lasting but Jesus pointed us to the lasting value of gathering

 “spiritual gems” when He continued commenting on “treasure hunting” … 

“…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” 

then Jesus added the bonus gem, 

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21) 

This great jewel of a Lesson that if we lay up “treasures in heaven” that our 

“heart” will be in “heaven” 

also came sandwiched between the reward for praying 

“for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be

 sons of your Father in heaven…” (JQ#02 - Matthew 5:44-45)



“…is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 

(JQ#03 - Matthew 6:25)

 Remember Jesus shows us where to look to find our “spiritual treasures” as 

He pointed out how to prioritize our earthly desires and our heavenly opportunities: 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these

 [spiritual gems/truths] shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) 

Therefore let us dig into the “treasure filled” Chapter 10 in the Gospel of Matthew 

and see what “spiritual gems” will surface! Matthew Chapter 10 begins 

with Jesus calling His twelve hand-selected disciples (Matthew 10:1-4) and

 then gives them their first “assignment” (Matthew 10:5). 

Again, if we just read the first 5 verses in Chapter 10 and note the obvious

 we are actually robbing ourselves of “spiritual treasures” that are reserved

 for those that dig below the surface of the obvious because they know that 

“treasures” are always “buried” and that in order to find those

 “buried treasures" we will need to allow for “some deep-digging” if we 

are to “uncover the spiritual-treasure”

Jesus had Taught in JQ#08 that just our “thinking” about digging never gets

 the hole “dug”, and if we are to grab hold of the treasure we must put 

“feet to our prayers” and “action to our words” 

therefore I paraphrase Matthew 9:5

 “Arise and [dig]”.

 Digging into Matthew 10:1-5 we can notice that:


(1st) Jesus called each disciple where that disciple lived. 

(2nd) None of the callings came as the disciples were 

getting out of their Mercedes in fancy clothes in the 

church parking lot or in air-conditioned sanctuaries with padded pews

 but rather Jesus calls us as we are doing the task of everyday living. 

(3rd) Jesus not only knew each of their names,

 Jesus called them by their first names. 

(4th) By example of His Personal Invitation to each

 disciple individually it is demonstrated that 

***JESUS wants a personal and intimate relationship with each individual 

and is willing to come to us where we live***, 

dressed the way we are, doing the things we do on a day-to-day basis. 

(5th) In other words,

Jesus wants us to “Follow Him” 

just the way we are and He knows our name! 

(6th) In verse 5 we read, 

“These 12 Jesus sent out and commanded them…” 

which says that Jesus will Teach those that answer His individual call, 

that His Teachings have purpose, and 

(7th) Jesus trusts us to share His message with others. 

That’s a lot of “spiritual treasures” but keep in mind

 that heaven is big enough to store them all!

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