Sunday, May 1, 2016

MAY 01 JQ#12.4 The Jesus Questions

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

MAY  01  JQ#12 - Who decides what is legal, God or man?

365 Prayers to JESUS 
Jesus, Precious is the Name above all names — Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  Lord just the simple fact that we have the Name Jesus to call upon should make everyone stop and ponder why we even have the Name Jesus and what it has meant to generation after generation. We call on You “in season and out of season”,  we call on You with both Praise and Prayer, we moan the name in utter desperation, and we shout from our hearts the Name Jesus in adoration for Your Unconditional Love that You have showered so Graciously on a lost and dying world —  with the Name Jesus there is Eternal Hope!  Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.  AMEN

The Jesus Question
JQ#12.4 — “Who decides what is legal, God or man?” (Matthew 12:4,5,10,11,12). This question is very serious and we have decided to treat this Jesus Question soberly and give the question the weight it is due. In JQ#12.3 the “circumstantial evidence” and “direct testimonial evidence” were compared and according to the U. S. Supreme Court they are “intrinsically no different” and for the record it was also established that “much Scientific Evidence is circumstantial”.  Since the accusation occurred over 2000 years ago we must make our “judgement” from circumstantial evidence for obvious reasons. The issue of “legality” always has been and always will be the greatest issue that every society must face! It is through the legal system of a society that the society either prospers or is stifled altogether! Indeed, when the question “Who decides?” is asked it must be answered proportionally to the gravity of the question, as a society can destroy itself with a corrupt legal system that like a vicious cancer will bring death upon the body, legalism will bring death to the organism it is allow to grow in! Let us start with establishing the “scene of the crime”, examine the evidence, and then each individual will be their own “judge and jury” and in full honesty must come to the “verdict” that their conscious allows them. Before any trial starts in the United States or any witness is called to testify, the “court” is brought to “order” and witnesses are required to take an “oath” on a Bible. Because the oath itself is going to be part of the evidence for answering the question, the traditional oath used by U. S. presidents and U. S. military personnel will be quoted at this time: “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God!” We will begin our trial of “legality” by establishing the accusation brought against the “Accused” and the circumstances that caused the accusation to be made. I submit the previous eyewitness account from the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 12 beginning with verse 1 and concluding with the accusation itself in verse 2: “At that time Jesus [the Accused] went through the grain fields on the Sabbath. And His disciples were hungry, and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. And when the Pharisees [the accusers] saw it, they said to Him, ‘Look, Your disciples are doing what is not LAWFUL to do on the Sabbath!’” Therefore we can establish the “scene of the alleged crime” to be in “the grain fields” and at the scene of the crime we can establish (from the eyewitness account written C. A.D. 50 which could have been less than 20 years after the original charges were brought against the accused) that in the grain fields were at least two disciples of Jesus and Jesus Himself plus a least two observers from the Pharisees for a minimum of at least 5 persons. The charge itself was from the Pharisees that had seen the disciples consuming “heads of grain” in the “grainfields”.  I don’t know about you, but to me the evidence looks pretty thin don’t you think? How can this incident get blown up to the original question: JQ#12 — “Who decides what is legal, God or man?”

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