Thursday, June 9, 2016

JUNE 09 JQ#15-3: “O you of little faith, why do you doubt?” The Jesus Questions

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

JUNE 09    JQ#15-3: “O you of little faith, why do you doubt?”

365 Prayers to JESUS 
Jesus, O the sweet privilege to say the Name above all names, Jesus. There is great comfort in knowing that there is the Power of all powers in the Name of Jesus and we have been given the right to speak the Name Jesus and bring that Power to play in our lives! Jesus, I bow before You and humbly ask that You grant that my life be given to serving You and that the way that I lived my life before You will be buried with my sins and that the New Life I now live with You in me will be used totally for the Glory of God.        AMEN

The Jesus Questions

JQ#15-3: “O you of little faith, why do you doubt?”  (Matthew 14:31)  Jesus never really leaves one lesson and moves on to another lesson, Jesus always uses His previous lessons to weave together our understanding of what “Life” with God really means, both now in the physical and what it means in our eternal future. Jesus uses every situation He found Himself in to “Teach” us about our Father in heaven to prepare us to enter through the narrow gate into the kingdom of heaven the Father has established that all those that Believe in God will spend eternity with Him! After Jesus taught the multitudes in parables He then went to His “own country” but was rejected because those that knew Jesus as the son of Mary could not see Jesus as the Son of God! Because of their unbelief the “Spiritual Power” of Jesus was limited as we read Matthew’s account of Jesus being rejected by those in His “own country”: “Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13:58) Lest we miss the lesson contained here in these 6 verses to end the 13th chapter in Matthew let us stop and consider that these 6 verses are just as “inspired” and are all verses in scripture and let us look at the context that Jesus never used a problem to gain sympathy for Himself but was continually drawing our attention to the “Truth of God”  !These 6 verses reveal what I believe is one of the most overlooked “Truths” Jesus reveals about how the Father has chosen to be “sovereign” and demonstrate His Power over all Creation. Think for a moment about the “Free Will” gift that God has given mankind and apply it to this situation where Jesus was rejected by His “own” with the results being that Jesus “did not do many mighty works there…”. A surface reading from a worldly viewpoint would say that Jesus was mad at them and was just “pouting” and He decided that He would not do any “mighty works” because of some form of punishment but immediately we can see that kind of thinking goes against everything Jesus has been teaching and against everything Jesus has been demonstrating with His life that has been lived to help others. The Truth of God that is overlooked is that when God gave us the “gift” of “Free Will” that God demonstrated His Supreme Confidence in His Ability to handle every circumstance and therefore God said that if we want to use our “Free Will” to reject Him that He promised to “honor” that “choice”, not because we deserve to have our “choices” honored but because God Himself “Chose” to bestow His Honor on our “Choice”.  The Truth of God is that the Power of God is bestowed on our choice ——— in other words, God says if you want to use your Free Will to reject Me, because of who I AM, I will not force you to accept Me but I will remove Myself until you choose to allow Me back into your life! Jesus is demonstrating that our “Belief in God” carries the the Power of God with it and although Jesus wanted to “Give” and to “Teach” the lessons of the kingdom of heaven to the people in His “own country” that when they used their God-Given Power of Free Will to “reject Him” that He honored their “choice”! Therefore it was their “unbelief” that prevented Jesus from bestowing the blessing of “understanding” on them. God has proven that He will not take back any gift that He gives us and that we have a responsibility to use the “gifts” He bestows on us to help others but if we “choose” to trust in ourselves and reject God, that is exactly what we will get! God will respect our “choice” and we will simply have to go through life without God and that choice will extend to our eternity as well, because it is only logical that if we choose to live without God then we have also chosen to die without God! I don’t know about you but I can’t think of a sadder circumstance than to literally “choose” to have all the Power of God at your disposal but then “choose” to dispose it instead of using it? Can’t you see that when we choose to live without God that we are wielding the only Power able to prevent God from working in our life and we have brought all these negative things on ourself? Be careful how you use your Free Will, it has eternal consequences and it is totally in your control!!

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