Monday, May 1, 2017

MAY 01 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#14-01 >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#14 “ Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’” (Matthew 13:51)

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

MAY 01  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#14-01  >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#14 “ Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’”  (Matthew 13:51)

122 of 365 - Prayers to JESUS    
Jesus, Kings of all kings, Lord of all lords, Prince of Peace, let every tongue confess and every knee bow before You! Lord make me nothing of myself so that all that I am will be You living through me. Lord, so many times I have failed You as all the good Your Spirit has accomplished in me comes under attack from “Self”!?!? Jesus, in Your Precious Name I pray that the Holy Spirit will anoint me anew with the passion to obey as I have desired in my heart to follow You and to Love others as You have Loved me. I call on You as a Friend to have someone to confide in … my walk has not been perfect for I have strayed, but You always have and always will turn me back to the straight and narrow.     AMEN


MAY 01  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#14-01  >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#14 “ Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’”  (Matthew 13:51)  Jesus has been Teaching in the first thirteen chapters of the Gospel of Matthew “by Example” and by asking Questions that can be technically labeled as “rhetorical” in order to Teach us how to live not only in this world as we must deal with our fellow man but also how to live “eternally” in the Kingdom of God and dealing with God Himself! These have been some very serious Question/Lessons and Jesus has not only “asked” us Questions that we might focus on the relevant kingdom issues but Jesus has “Lived” the answers as the “Perfect Example”! So far the Holy Spirit has guided us through 13 “Spiritual” Questions that Jesus has both asked and explained to us by using easily understood parables as well as demonstrating with His own Life how to apply these kingdom Lessons. The importance of “learning” from Jesus carries “eternal consequences” — it is imperative for the kingdom’s sake that we understand that Jesus is being very plain, yet very serious as He Teaches us that how we live BEFORE death is going to determine how we live AFTER death! To many people are still struggling with the question every generation has had to answer:  “Is there life after death?”  Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father have gone to extreme limits to demonstrate the “Truth of God” that man is made up of “body and soul”.  The body comes from our “physical birth” which will someday “die” but the our soul will separate from the body at death and the soul God gives every individual will return to its Creator. When God gives us “physical life” at the point of conception He also creates a “unique eternal soul” which will separate from the physical body at the point of our physical death and return to the Eternal Creator God who made it. The Creator of the soul knows all things the soul has done and the Creator will pass judgement on the soul and make the “final fair judgement” where the “soul will spend eternity” based upon the “Truth of God” (and not on man’s interpretation of “God’s Truth”!) Since our eternity is based on God’s Judgement of how each soul deals with the “Truth of God”, Jesus and the Holy Spirit has been Teaching us the “Truth of God” and how to apply the “Truth of God” to living our daily lives so that when our soul  stands before God on the Judgement Day of God that God will say to our soul, “Well done, enter into My Rest” and we will forever be with God in Heaven!!!  However, if we have ignored and rejected the Creator, the Creator will say “I never knew you” and our eternity will be spent separated from our Creator ———Pretty serious stuff don’t you think?  It IS SERIOUS — therefore let us consider JQ#14 “And Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’” (Matthew 13:51) and let us consider JQ#14 with all the seriousness we can muster, or do you think like so many in the world today that learning about God and His requirements for eternal life is just wasting your “Time”?!?!?!

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