Sunday, April 8, 2018

APRIL 08 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#13-02 >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#13 * Is your life a plus or a minus in God’s kingdom?* “How can you, being evil, speak good things? ” (Matthew 12:34)

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

APRIL 08  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#13-02 >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#13 * Is your life a plus or a minus in God’s kingdom?*  “How can you, being evil, speak good things? ” (Matthew 12:34)

Daily Prayer to JESUS    
Jesus, Son of the Living God, Praise, Glory, and Honor to the Son that Honors the Father by being Obedient to the Father’s Will, even unto a cruel death on a cross so that the Son of Man could be lifted before sinful men and draw all men unto Him. Were it not for that One Day on the Cross, mankind would never know the Hope of Eternity with God! O Blessed Day, O Blessed Resurrection, O Blessed Promise given by the very Son of God by His Blessed Sacrifice! Forgive us our daily sins as we seek daily to be more like Thee.   AMEN


APRIL 08  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#13-02 >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#13 * Is your life a plus or a minus in God’s kingdom?*  “How can you, being evil, speak good things? ” (Matthew 12:34) Jesus asks us the JESUS Questions not as a query to gain knowledge for Himself but for our own self-awareness of where we stand on those “Spiritual Issues” that will impact our Eternity. Just stop and think of Eternity itself and we can quickly come to the logical conclusion that Eternity is populated only with the Eternal and throughout all the knowledge of mankind we must concede that only God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is Eternal.  Common sense tells us that if God is Eternal then anything that seeks to be Eternal must seek to be One with God or at the very least we must expect to share His Eternity with Him. Simply put — we know that we cannot create an Eternity for ourselves! Therefore, if we are going to spend “Eternity” with the Source of Eternity who God Himself, the only Self-Existing Eternal One, then it makes good sense to seek to know Him that we might gain His Acceptance and be allowed access to that which only God can provide — the “Way” that we must enter into His Eternal Kingdom. We are familiar with the various types of entries we use every day as we go about our physical lives on earth dealing with locks, keys, combinations, and entry codes, all of which are inventions of men to prevent our entry or access to certain areas and the only way to gain entry to these restricted areas is to be given the pass codes or the key and then we must enter them in the right order at the right place for if we do not follow these requirements for our entry into these restricted areas then we will be met with the simple truth — “Access Denied”! Why should we think that heaven with all its Wealth and Treasures and Everlasting Life should be any different? If we want to enter the Kingdom of the All Seeing, All Knowing God we must enter where He has decided we should enter and we must be ready to enter His pass code where He says to enter it to gain access to His Kingdom. That being said we can more easily understand why Jesus would start instructing us how to please God once we have come to the conclusion that it is God and God alone that determines what is legal (see JQ#12) therefore it is God alone that determines True Right and establishes the True Moral Standard by which all men should live. It only makes sense that God rewards those that abide by His Rules for life and indeed that reward is “Eternal Life” in fellowship with God Himself in His Kingdom that He has provided for those that are prepared to enter His Kingdom, His “Way”! If God is going to provide a “Way” then He will provide a “Map [the Holy Bible]” and a “Guide [Jesus]” for those that follow His Instructions. He will by no means deny us entry into the Kingdom established by God for His people if we follow His Instructions given to us by His Only Begotten Son Jesus, who by Teaching us God’s Way with His Lessons, Jesus is giving us the “pass code to entry into Eternity” — but to learn the pass code, we must honestly answer the Teaching Questions that Jesus has been instructed by the Father to ask those who seek to gain entry into God’s Kingdom and the Question being asked by God today is simply: “Is your life a plus or minus for My Kingdom?” As always, Jesus has the Answer, but are you willing to listen? 

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