Sunday, September 2, 2018

SEPTEMBER 02 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#27-09 >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#27 “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22:12)

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

SEPTEMBER 02  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#27-09  >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<<   JQ#27  “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  (Matthew 22:12)

Daily Prayer to JESUS    
Jesus, consume me, guide my every thought, may all that I do be to glorify You and praise Your Name, the Matchless Name of Jesus. You Lord are the Great Teacher, in You is all Truth and Wisdom. Through You the Love of the Father is manifest, His Grace and Mercy given to a lost ad dying world by His Only Begotten Son, for it is by Faith in God’s Son Jesus that we may have fellowship with the Most High God. Jesus, You are the Way, and every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess You. Lord, the world also will proclaim Your Glory as will the Heavens and every living thing under Heaven and in Heaven will worship the King! Praise be to Him who comes to set men free!   AMEN


SEPTEMBER 02  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#27-09  >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<<   JQ#27  “Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?”  (Matthew 22:12)      Jesus introduced in His 3rd Parable a list of 15 Phrases that makes us look at our daily lives and all the things that we accept in the way of the “traditions of men” and typical family values that do not require us to “figure-it-out” but these are the things we do day-in and day-out. Jesus is demonstrating that we can know God by looking at our daily lives, God has established the institution of family and has proven that He will provide everything we need if we will simply accept His “Invitation” to the marriage. The last 4 Phrases - {Phrase 6-9} gave us great insight into how we typically respond to His “Invitation” and the next 6 Phrases demonstrate the great effort God has extended to us — {Phrase 10” “…[the certain king] prepared…” and beyond preparing everything needed for the “Wedding Supper” God has prepared in detail above and beyond anything we could prepare for ourselves as Jesus gives details of the “preparation” as He lists {Phrase 11} “…my dinner…” and {Phrase 12} “…my oxen…” {Phrase 13} “…and [the] fatted cattle are killed…” then He sums it all up with {Phrase 14} “…all things are ready…” When you look at these 5 Phrases together we see that God has provided not only for our physical need with a “dinner” for food  but for our spiritual needs the “oxen” and “the fatted cattle are killed” thereby providing sacrifices for our spiritual needs for the remission of sin ——— Friends, God has done everything necessary for our Eternal Joy and Salvation but we must do our part and {Phrase 15} “…Come to the wedding…” !!! All preparations are made on God’s Part, all that’s left is for us to honor the King by wearing the “proper wedding garment” ——— Jesus has Taught that if we will “Accept” God’s Invitation that we will be clothed in His Righteousness which is just another thing God Provides for all who Repent and Believe that Jesus is God’s Son!!!!

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