Saturday, October 27, 2018

OCTOBER 27 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#31-12 >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#31 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?” (Matthew 24:45)

LIVING FOR JESUS --- Daily Devotional

OCTOBER 27  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#31-12  >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#31 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?”  (Matthew 24:45)

Daily Prayer to JESUS    
Jesus, Praise to the One that Suffered and was Sacrificed for my sin, O Great Mystery that God would become a Baby and live a Perfect Life, without spot or blemish, and then to LOVE the unloveable enough to Offer that Sinless Life and Shed God’s Innocent Blood for the Redemption of the guilty and shameful. We deserve death as the “just rewards” for our iniquities but because of the LOVE OF GOD, the LAMB OF GOD was Slain and through GOD’S SACRIFICIAL GIFT OF GRACE we can be clothed not in our shame but in the Blood-Bought Robes of Righteousness of Jesus Christ. Lord I slip daily into the sin of self and daily I pray for Mercy and Grace for there is nothing I can do to cover my sin but Repentance — so Lord, create in me a clean and Repentant heart anew with each new dawning of another day You have blessed me with.   AMEN


OCTOBER 27  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#31-12  >>> Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus <<< JQ#31 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?”  (Matthew 24:45)  Jesus gave His disciples “signs” of the end of the age and His “coming” again because they had asked Him specifically for “signs” but Jesus being God went the extra mile and not only gave them a list of “signs” but He also focused them on the main problem and how to correct it as Jesus asked another simple question with Profoundly Divine Meaning — — what other kind of “meaning” could be in the Divine Knowledge of the Son of the Living God except Profoundly Divine? Jesus tells us to “be ready” because “the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44) and then immediately Jesus gives us directions how to be prepared for His Return “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?”  (Matthew 24:45) which will be when God decides that mankind has drifted to far from the Grace and Mercy of a Just and Loving God  and have rejected God and His Commandments which carries with that “Chosen Action” a “Divinely Predetermined Consequence” that God is Faithful and Just to Execute, which is always after an extended period of time where God has issued warnings and provided the opportunity of “Repentance” to all that would Return-to-God. God has been patient with this “age” even though mankind, and especially the modern church, has drifted back into the darkness of self-gratification and are once again following the “doctrines of men” and rejecting the Moral Standards established by God through His Commands. Jesus says that we should give up our self-established “thrones” and instead of “striving for “superiority” over others with our “personal doctrines” that we should “seek to serve” others for the “kingdom’s sake”! For indeed God has made us “rulers” but we must never forget that GOD IS THE MASTER and that He will provide for us if we produce fruit for His Master Plan, which is to bring as many as we can into the Presence of God. Jesus makes it clear that “faithful and wise servants” will be “rewarded” but that “evil servants” will receive “judgement and penalty” but nowhere is there an “option” to “not serve”!!! All our lives are built around family, from our birth until our death, life itself is in the control of the “Life Giver” and that is God Almighty, and God has established how we are to live and because He is a Fair and Just God, He makes it clear what His Expectations are for our lives and gives us clear directions to follow to avoid getting “lost” on our way to His Eternal Kingdom in Heaven. God reveals to each individual what must be done to find the Only Entrance to His Kingdom, and God reveals to each individual the “Consequence” of choosing not to accept God’s Gift of Grace and insist on remaining in the darkness and lostness of self where there is no LIGHT. God makes it simple and has made the LIGHT the GATE and reveals to each individual that to find our “Way” to the Kingdom of God, we must simply “follow the LIGHT” which has been given SUPREME POWER over darkness! To free the Hebrew slaves from their bondage in Egypt God brought on 10 plagues, then God established the Passover to begin on the 10th day of their 1st month, God then took them into the wilderness and gave them 10 Commandments to help them on their way to the Promised Land and now that Jesus is describing the “end of the age” and the beginning of our lives in the Promised Land, Jesus tells us what to expect when we get there as Jesus gives us the “parable of the Ten virgins” to describe what “the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to” (Matthew 25:1a) For many, being a “servant” is very difficult to imagine, but for even more it is a form of “blindness” to “understanding” or to “seeing” the Lesson in considering “tens virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” (Matthew 25:1b) But let me encourage you, God has gone through great lengths to get you to “see” and to “understand” why we should desire to use our freedom of “Choice” to “spend our eternity in His kingdom” and here is God in the flesh, about to be sacrificed for our sins, who is giving us yet another Lesson on what the “kingdom of heaven” is like and if we refuse to listen then we are well on our way to refusing “heaven”, but just like we have to “serve” someone or something in living life on earth, we will have to spend our eternity in the place we “Choose” — the Good News is that you can “Choose” to enter Heaven but the Bad News is that if you don’t “Choose” to go to “Heaven” then by “default” you have “Chosen” to spend eternity in “Hell” — and more than once Jesus has Taught us about the “Joys of Heaven” but each time Jesus talks about “hell” He uses the phrase “there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” — just something to think about while you read the “Parable of the Ten Virgins” !!!

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