Tuesday, October 29, 2019

OCTOBER 29 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#31 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?” (Matthew 24:45)

OCTOBER 29  THE JESUS QUESTIONS  JQ#31 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season?”  (Matthew 24:45)

LIVING FOR JESUS -Daily Prayer   
JESUS, who is worthy but You, we are lost sheep in need of a Good Shepherd, we stray from the Way and find ourself lost in darkness and You are the LIGHT. We continually take all our blessings and contemptuously pour them out while crying selfishly for more — truly we are guilty of taking all the Good that You Provide and defile Your Mercy with our disobedience, but You Lord were Obedient unto even death as You took every circumstance in Your Life and Lived a Perfect Life that Glorified the Father, You alone Lord are worthy of our praise, You are worthy  to be followed, Your Way is the Only Way to Truth and Light, and You are Worthy for Your Faithfulness to Forgive us our iniquities and Provide us with the Abundant Life that is only possible because of Your Abundant Grace! Forgive me of all my unworthiness and lead me to know how to  serve others as You have served us!   AMEN


Jesus uses parables as only the Master Teacher can and we must not read His Parables lightly because Jesus never wastes His Precious Time on earth with frivolous Lessons. The section which contains this Parable of the Ten Virgins contains a wealth of God’s Truth and for us to grow rich in the knowledge of the kingdom we must take possession of the kingdom gems that Jesus is laying before us. This is such an important Lesson that we should take it line-by-line ——— it would not be a waste of time to take it word-by-word ——— because these Words spoken by Jesus and documented in Holy Scriptures in the Gospel according to Matthew are the God-breathed Words intended to reveal God Himself to us!!! Jesus starts this Lesson/Parable by announcing “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” (Matthew 25:1) The first word to consider is “Then” for Jesus has just been Teaching about His “coming” and the “end of the age”. Jesus hadpronounced a “blessing” on the “servant whom the master, when he comes, finds [the servant doing the will of the master]!” (Matthew 24:46)  and immediately pronounced a “curse” on the “evil servant” that rejected the Master’s rule and was unprepared for the Master’s Return. (Matthew 24:50-51). Jesus immediately went from the “Blessing” (for the servants being ready for the “Master’s Return”) and the “Curse” (those unprepared for the “Master’s Return”)to this Parable of the Ten Virgins and says “Then” which takes our attention to a detail of “heaven” for Jesus is now Teaching very specifically about His Return and asking pointedly what will be our level of “preparedness” — will we be ready for the Master’s Return and the “melodious joy and rewards” of “heaven” or will we be caught “unprepared” and find ourselves in darkness and left to our own selfishness which will result in our “weeping” and moans of regret for not being ready?!?!?!!? If we are not ready for His Return “Then” we will not hear the music of celebration for those that are prepared! The unprepared will hear the discordant symphony of despair played by the “gnashing of teeth”!!! Jesus, by using the word “Then” makes it clear that He IS “Coming Again and we should ask ourselves “NOW” are we going to be ready “THEN” ?!?!?!? Jesus is indeed the Master Teacher and He is teaching us to be “ready” for His Return for He will be bringing the blessings of heaven for those who are watching and waiting and for those that are not ready, they will be left to their own selfish desires and will not enter into the Master’s Celebration” — again, all the “Blessings” and “Curses” of God have been laid out plainly for each individual to make an “informed decision” and we must learn to make our decisions based on what will please the “Master” and not on what we think we can selfishly get away with and “choose” to gratify self instead of “choosing” to stay prepared for the Master’s Return — we know it “Will Happen” we just don’t know “When” — the best “choice” “Then” is to stay prepared for the “rewards of preparedness” are truly “Heavenly”!!!

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