Tuesday, January 21, 2020

JANUARY 21 THE JESUS QUESTIONS SUMMATION of Introductions (21): Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33 (Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17)

JANUARY  21  THE JESUS QUESTIONS   SUMMATION of Introductions (21): Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33  (Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17) 

JESUS, You ARE the Messiah, praise Your Holy Name, God became flesh to Redeem all from the bondage of sin, You have freed us from the Law of Sacrifice for You have substituted Your Holy Self as the PERFECT ACCEPTABLE SACRIFICE for our Atonement, ONCE FOR ALL!!!  Lord, teach me to share the Good News to both Jew and Gentile that the Messiah has come, that the Son of Man has sacrificed His Perfect Life, and that Jesus IS the Passover Lamb who IN OBEDIENCE to the FATHER’S WILL allowed His Spotless Blood to be Shed for our sakes — as Jesus commended His Soul to the Father He proclaimed “It is finished” which was the Divine Announcement that God’s Plan of Salvation has been established by Christ and the “angel of death” will “pass over” all who believe and apply His Precious Blood to the doorposts and lintel of our hearts. God’s Salvation is through His Messiah, God’s Anointed One, for God sent His Son to be Born of a “virgin”, Crucified on a Cross, Buried in a borrowed tomb, and then on the 3rd Day God Raised His Only Begotten Son to Glory — JESUS the Messiah HAS COME!!!      AMEN


Jesus has now been connected to prophecies that point to Him alone as being the Messiah and yet it is our “faith” that will actually seat Him on the “throne” of our heart — all the evidence in the world will not be sufficient for those that continue to trust in the “doctrines and traditions of man” and not the “commands of God”.  Jesus demonstrated His Intent by addressing the issue of the “whom-we-choose-to-trust” problem throughout His earthly ministry and Jesus made it clear beyond any doubt that this problem displeases God the Father for Jesus immediately addressed the “God’s Commands vs. the doctrines-of-men” issue after making His “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem at the beginning of the Passover Week. Jesus was very specific about “doctrines of men” and is quoted as saying: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much as a son of hell as yourselves.” (Matthew 23:15) With statements like that from Jesus attacking the religious leaders of Israel and calling them out with such great condemnation, especially in Jerusalem during the Passover Week, it is understandable that they would certainly not want Jesus to be confirmed as the Messiah for that would be confirmation of them being “sons of hell” — that particular problem still exists today among all who are still refuting the claim that Jesus IS the Messiah. The descendants of those religious leaders that were confronted with their hypocrisy by Jesus still to this day deny that Jesus is the “Anointed One”  and say that the word “Messiah” has been defiled by translation and claim “mashiach” (which means “the anointed one”) has not yet come. Their argument is that “mashiach” is not a god but that “mashiach” is a human that will be a warrior king like David? Those dedicated to the idea that “the doctrines of men” define the True Messiah and do not trust the Revelation of God and the fulfillment of prophecy by Jesus Christ have been blinded to the Truth of God - these then are the “blind leading the blind” and therefore Jesus rightfully called them “hypocrites” for claiming they know the Scriptures better than God Himself!!! This is the exact problem Jesus addressed when He was questioned by the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem that called Jesus out because of His “Miraculous Works” and He answered their questions with a question of His own: “Why do you transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3) and coincidentally Jesus called them “hypocrites” and quoted the prophet Isaiah: “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying, ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me, and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’” (Matthew 15:7-9) So everyone that claims Jesus is not the Messiah by quoting the “commandments and doctrines of men” instead of quoting the Holy Scriptures that declare the “Commandments of God” are in essence promoting “man” over the “Word of God”!  Each person must take personal responsibility for the “choice” made through “faith in man” over “trusting God’s Word” — your self-condemnation arises because you have reviewed the same “evidence” in the Holy Scriptures that point to JESUS as the Messiah but you still reject Jesus and therefore you have come to the same point of “decision” put forth by Joshua — “Choose this day whom you will serve!” (Joshua 24:15) Therefore I conclude this “Introduction” and begin The JESUS Questions with this same Truth this article today began with ——— “Jesus has now been connected to prophecies that point to Him ALONE as being the Messiah and yet it is our “faith” that will actually seat Him on the “throne” of our heart — for all the evidence in the world will not be sufficient for those that continue to trust in the “doctrines and traditions of man” and not the “commands of God”. God gave us “Freewill” and the personal responsibility to choose whom we will serve — the main problem is that in spite of GOD’S TRUTH laid plainly before us that we choose to be our own “Master” and serve no one but ourselves!?!?!

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