Friday, January 17, 2020

JANUARY 17 THE JESUS QUESTIONS Introduction-17: Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33 (Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17)

JANUARY 17  THE JESUS QUESTIONS   Introduction-17: Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33  (Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    
JESUS, oh how blessed are we among men that we can call on the Name of Jesus so openly and so freely. Praise You Lord for the freedom that exists in our lifetime and our generation that we have a country founded on the belief in The One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Lord, I pray for the strength and courage to help in any small way to maintain this extraordinary privilege that we have to worship You freely in our churches and to have unfettered access to Your Word through Your Holy Bible. Forgive me Lord when I take this great blessing of free access to Your Word as just another freedom that abounds in plenty — for in our abundance we have become lazy and in our laziness we are losing our freedoms bit-by-bit, so Lord let me daily recognize the “Peace” and “Joy” of starting my day with the Name of Jesus and walk in freedom guided safely by the “Light” of Your Holy Word.      AMEN


Jesus, by external circumstances surrounding Him and not of His own volition has already fulfilled enough prophecy documented in the first three chapters of His Gospel written by Matthew that were He to do nothing else, Jesus could be shown to be the Messiah with the single event of His being a first born Jewish male in the town of Bethlehem from the lineage of King David but His Messiahship was completely sealed by the fact that His mother was a “virgin” when she gave Birth to Jesus, thus making her Seed Pure, for her Seed came from God Himself making Jesus the Son of God! To be sure, common logic demonstrates that if a bird gives birth, the offspring of that bird will be a bird and as that bird grows it will have feathers like its parents and will eventually exhibit all the characteristics of a bird and will someday take off and fly — and anyone observing that bird in flight will not have to ask, “I wonder if that bird’s parents are birds?” This simple logic is God’s way of teaching us His TRUTH!!!  In His Creation account found in Genesis, God made it clear that every living thing would reproduce “according to its kind” and “whose seed is in itself” (Genesis 1:11) so the fact that God would put His Seed into a “virgin womb” in order that His Seed would reproduce “after its kind” should be simple common logic— for with the “Virgin Birth” event it must “logically” be assumed that the mother’s womb was “undefiled” by man and her “Seed” was “Holy” therefore the “Offspring” of the “Virgin Birth” would grow in “Grace and Truth” and exhibit every characteristic of the “Holy Father”, thereby confirming that Jesus indeed IS THE MESSIAH, the Son of the LIVING GOD. John wrote in his Gospel of Jesus Christ “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17) Therefore (logically), Jesus being the offspring of an undefiled woman, is “logically” proven to be the Son of Man and coming forth from her “Virgin Womb” from the Holy Seed of the Father, Jesus is also “logically” proven to be the Only Begotten Son of God — so it is “natural” that just like the offspring of a bird will grow feathers and fly, so likewise will the Offspring of the Holy God grow in “Grace” and will speak “Truth”. If Jesus were not the Son of God, then He would not be able to “fly” with such natural ease that everyone who observed His Life would declare as did the Roman centurion who saw how Jesus died at His Crucifixion, “Truly this Man was the Son of God!” (Mark 15:39) So the object of the Gospels are to demonstrate the cliche’ “Like Father like Son” and that Jesus being the Holy Seed proves Himself to be the Messiah, the Offspring of  His Holy Father both by the “Way” that He lived His Life and the manner in which He faced His Own Death at the hands of those His Father had sent Him to Redeem — and His Resurrection from a “borrowed” grave fulfills God’s Promise to His Only Begotten Son — this Promise of God to His Son was another prophecy written by King David that the Resurrection of Jesus fulfilled, “For You [My Father] will not leave [Your Son’s] soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption!” (Psalm 16:10) Jesus is shown to be the Son of God because of prophecy, His “Virgin Birth”, His Holy Life, and His Perfect Sacrificial Death as the Lamb of God, and His Glorious Resurrection by His Father on the 3rd Day! We, as offspring of our parents, will quite naturally exhibit the nature of our parents and that was true of the Baby, born to a virgin in Bethlehem from the HOLY SEED OF GOD HIMSELF — and we still today call out the NAME OF JESUS, Immanuel — God with us!!!!!!!! Once we see how naturally Jesus shares the Grace of God, we know He is from God, and we should strive to be “born again” that when we are observed living our life before men that we live our life in such a manner that they will know we have been born of heaven, “according to Our Kind” — Praise God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit who so graciously decided “in the beginning…” to “Let Us make man in Our Image, according to Our likeness…” (Genesis 1:26) It’s time to step into the “Light” and spread our “spiritual" wings and “mount up on [those spiritual] wings like eagles” and soar up to heaven itself — for freedom from the world is our Divine Heritage freely given to all that will receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

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