Monday, May 25, 2020

5/24/20 Sunday - Covid-19 Destroyer of Worlds

Observing Covid-19 through the social media lens during “quarantine” is very eye opening - I see the whole world is hurting.

(1) Covid IS responsible for the deaths of thousands of people world wide.

(2) Covid IS NO respecter of race, religion, or nationality.

(3) Covid IS preventable and has a high recovery rate.

(4) Since Covid is world-wide and deadly then the world itself is “at risk”.

(5) Therefore, the world should unite and work together to “understand” the Truth of Covid in order to insure the world is not destroyed.

(6) More monies have been spent and lost worldwide on Covid than on any other thing in this generation.

(7) Fear itself has been elevated to a position of deity and controls the world more than any religion.

(1) Q1?-How is Covid transmitted?

(2) Q2?-Are there any successful methods against the Covid?

(3) Q3?-Where did Covid originate?

If the world’s water supply was becoming contaminated then the source of the contamination would be determined and then a successful antidote would be developed and applied. At the same time that the source was being identified, poisoned water made drinkable, the world would also need to prevent the contamination from infecting healthy water sources. If all the world’s water sources become contaminated then no one survives.

Substitute “healthy people” for “water supply” and equate “Covid” with “contamination”

If the world’s “healthy people” are becoming “infected with Covid” then the source of the “Covid” would be determined and then a successful antidote would be developed and applied. At the same time that the source was being identified, “infected people” would be made “healthy”, the world would also need to prevent the “Covid” from infecting healthy “people”. If all the world’s “healthy people” became “infected” then no one survives.

Since it is agreed that Covid is deadly and worldwide then the world must accept Covid as a “real and present danger”!

PRIORITY #1 - Once the world agrees that Covid is deadly and a worldwide “real and present danger”, the world must develop ways to keep “healthy people” healthy and prevent those “infected with Covid” from dying.

PRIORITY #2 - In order to achieve Priority #1 the world should determine how “Covid infects” individuals. If the world does not know how Covid “infects” and spreads throughout the world population then the only hope is to direct all efforts worldwide to achieve Priority #1.

PRIORITY #3 - If the transmission of the infection can be determined then the next logical step is to follow the “Covid infection” to its original source. The “source” determination should not be the priority endeavor unless it helps the world understand how “Covid infects” (PRIORITY #2) and at all times PRIORITY #1 SHOULD REMAIN THE WORLD’S TOP PRIORITY!!!

Any activity that is in opposition to these 3 PRIORITIES or hinders the progress of any of these 3 PRIORITIES must be viewed as an attack on the peoples of the world. Any activity that is promoted above these 3 PRIORITIES is not acceptable and has no validity in the RESOLUTION of the CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER of Covid to the world’s population.

All monies worldwide should be spent to promote the 3 Priorities. Certainly, any monies spent to promote death should not be deemed an “essential world expenditure” - funding of Planned Parenthood and similar abortion facilities should be suspect since all abortions result in the death of the unborn and therefore all “abortion” facilities and activities related to this “death” culture must be declared as “non-essential” world activities because they do not contribute to the success of the 3 PRIORITIES! If “death” is promoted over “life” then the motives of those promoting any activity against the 3 PRIORITIES should be disallowed and investigated as a crime against world humanity.

Secondly, any activities such as “name calling”, “pointing fingers”, “financial gain”, “unconstitutional legislation”, “political promotions”, and any general “abuse of authority” must not be tolerated as each can only be viewed as a “distraction” from achieving success with the 3 PRIORITIES!!! Any activity that does not contribute to the success of the 3 Priorities can not be allowed!


If there is something more important than saving the world then the 3 PRIORITIES can be amended, but before amending the 3 PRIORITIES for World Health and Safety the world must be consulted - the world population should be in the hands of “We the People” of the world and not in the hands of a few “elitists” that declare that the problem with the world is that the world is “overpopulated”!

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