Tuesday, April 30, 2024

APRIL 30 THE JESUS QUESTIONS (Day 16) Conclusion to Summary Review of JESUS Questions JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34)



(Day 16)  Conclusion to Summary Review of JESUS Questions 

JQ#01-01—JQ#13-07 (Matthew 5:1 thru Matthew 12:34)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily  Prayer    

JESUS, today is a new day that You have given us and with each new day that you bless us with You also renew Your Mercies. Lord Jesus we give You thanks that You would come from Your Glory in Heaven to take on flesh and live on this earth a Perfect Life, though confronted by the same temptations of the flesh as we are tempted! 

Even though You were tempted on a greater scale than we, You Lord Jesus being innocent, in Obedience to the Father’s Will, You went willingly to the cross and died for our sins! 

Lord, eternity will not be long enough for us to give You all the Praise, Glory, and Honor due to the Chosen One who died for our sins. Lord Jesus, each day is a transition so Lord each day let us look to You to lead us 

in paths of righteousness for Your Name’s Sake.      



Jesus has been Teaching us in the review of the JQ#1-JQ#13 JESUS QUESTIONS to “understand” that life is both “physical” and “spiritual” 

and Jesus has pointed out in JQ#1-JQ#13 

the great extent that God has gone through to provide for us the “understanding” of how the Kingdom works and about our “spiritual responsibility” to God and His Eternal Kingdom

For the last 16 days the Holy Spirit has given us a “summary” of 

JQ#1-JQ#13 as God’s Way 

of making sure that we are given enough information and insight to


that we can 

”truly understand” His Lessons and apply them to our Daily Lives 

that we may Honor God by living according to

 His Way

The theme through these first 13 Lessons Jesus Taught by asking a Question and by studying the “context” and observing how

 Jesus Lived His Life as the Perfect Example

we will be able to give Jesus an honest answer to His Teaching Questions.

 God demonstrates the depth of His concern that we “understand” His Word  

by  JQ#14 where Jesus directly addresses the issue with His disciples — 

“Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?” (Matthew 13:51)  

— Jesus, as the Master Teacher,  uses His own Life to insure we “understand” God’s “intent” for sending His Only Begotten Son to the earth and taking on flesh and living among us 

(See John 1:14  “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, 

and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,

 full of grace and truth.”)  

Just the very fact that we have 

The Holy Bible and it is full of God’s Words like mercy, grace, 

forgiveness, sanctification, redemption, sacrifice, and eternal salvation, 

those words alone should be enough for us to


but when 

God goes that “extra mile” 

by actually 

coming down to earth, taking on flesh, and living among us 

so that He could know what life in the flesh is really like ———

 therefore Jesus the Son of God Himself, can say

 “I know what it’s like to live in the flesh”

Because Jesus knows what it is like to live in the flesh, we can TRUST JESUS to give us the Perfect Advice on how to live in a “Way” that honors God the Father! 

The essence of the JESUS Questions is not for Jesus to “gain knowledge from us”

 but to “enlighten us in the Way” and it is important enough to God that we really “understand” that Jesus asks everyone the specific question:

 “Do you understand all these things that I have been Teaching you with these Questions?”  

Therefore let us transition from our “review” of the first 13 JESUS Questions and pause to remind ourselves that the JESUS Questions are for our

 “Spiritual benefit” and it is of great importance to God the Father that we “understand” the TRUTH OF GOD 

contained in each JESUS Question Lesson. Jesus asks His Questions in a specific order, Teaches a specific Lesson,  and each Lesson builds upon the previous Question and all done in specific order that we might 

“understand the TRUTH OF GOD” 

contained in His Holy Word. 

The Scriptures are written that we may 



and the more JOY we will have in living our Daily Lives for HIM!

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