Sunday, May 5, 2024

MAY 05 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#14 “ Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’” (Matthew 13:51)



“ Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’” 

 (Matthew 13:51)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, thank You Lord for the strength You give me each day to “arise and walk”, thank You for just being able to get out of bed and get out of the house and most of all the ability to “enjoy” this wonderful world You have Created! 

Lord, I pray that You will grant it in my life that as I go through the day that my “spiritual” eyes will be open to the beauty and mystery of Your world that I may have the “Joy” and “Peace” that comes from “knowing” the Father and above all desires, I desire to “understand with my heart” the Love of God and that with my “understanding” will come “Sharing with others” the blessings You have showered on us.     



Jesus is Teaching us the importance of understanding His Lessons and Jesus emphasizes the point that the Truth of God is the main purpose of His Teaching. If we do not understand the Lesson then we will miss the Truth of God and the Lesson will be useless.  Jesus illustrates this point when after asking the lead-in question

 JQ#14A “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” (Matthew 12:48) 

Jesus immediately gives the answer that those who listen and learn His Teaching and  

“does the will of My Father in heaven [are] My brother and sister and mother.”

 (Matthew 12:50)  

Jesus then Taught in parables to “the multitudes that were gathered together…” (Matthew 13:1-3) to hear Him Teach about the kingdom of God — and the multitude listened intently to Jesus as He told the parable of the sower which sowed seed and the different results from the “sowing of the seed” depending on the “soil” in which the seed was sown. 

Jesus was asked by His disciples after He had Taught the Parable of the Sower to the multitudes why He was Teaching to the multitude in parables? (Matthew 13:10) and Jesus answered, 

(A1) “…it has been given to you [My disciples that listen to My Word] to ‘know’ the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven…” (Matthew 13:11) and 

(A2) “Therefore I speak to them [those that are following the world] in parables, because “seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, 

nor do they 


(Matthew 13:13) 

When we look at His answer to His disciples why Jesus had spoken in parables, 

we see that the 

“Truth of God” 

has to do with 


the WORD of God” 

which is the key to “knowing the mysteries of God” 

——— without 


of the WORD of God”

 we are blind and deaf to the “kingdom of heaven”. 

Jesus is Teaching that even though the same seed is planted that the success of the sown seed is determined by our 


 “But he who received seed on the good ground 

is he who hears the [WORD] and 


it, who indeed bears fruit and produces…” (Matthew 13:23) 

The Law of Choice and Consequence 

also applies as Jesus Teaches that the different levels of 


are compared to different types of soil: 

(U1) soil that has been walked on and packed down by the “way of the world” 

Jesus called “the wayside”

 and when the seed was sown on “the wayside” 

that “the birds came and devoured them.” (Matthew 13:4) ——— 

 (U2) The 2nd “soil” was “stony places” and this was soil that the stones

 were not removed nor the soil properly prepared and there was not enough good soil to hold (the Living) water and nutrients in it, that the seed may sprout but 

without enough (Living) water and nourishment 

the seed “sprang up” and “they withered away”. (Matthew 13:5-6) ——— 

(U3) The 3rd type of soil was good soil but the water and nutrients were being used by the thick roots of thorns and weeds which represent the sin and iniquities of our worldly habits that we let take over our lives and when the seed of faith is sown among thorns that the good seed can not take root because the teachings of the world 

“choked them.” (Matthew 13:6-7) ——— 

(U4) Lastly, the 4th type of soil, Jesus said was soil that would produce fruit because it had not been trampled on by the world and the rocks and weeds of the world had been removed so the seed made deep roots in the good soil and the

 WORD of God produced much “fruit”, 

and Jesus said specifically that good soil is the soul that 

“…hears the [WORD] and 

‘understands’ it…” 

(Matthew 13:23) 

Jesus then went the extra mile with His disciples and Taught them to use their

 “spiritual eyes and ears”

 to see and 


the “Truth of God”

Jesus made sure we 


by first Teaching the parable of the sower and then immediately Jesus Taught the true meaning of the parable so that there would be 

“no misunderstanding” 

of the directions which Jesus gave His disciples as He pointed out the hazards of the world at certain points of our lives.

 Jesus says 

“Follow Me”

 and He will 

“lead you in paths of righteousness…and deliver you from evil…” 

and you will by your 

understanding of the WORD of God” 

be able to confidently proclaim 

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life 

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD FOREVER”! 

(Psalm 23) 

Don’t you want to follow the map and find the narrow gate 

where you can enter into His Rest and hear Him say 

“Welcome Home”????

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