Thursday, June 13, 2024

JUNE 13 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#19 “For what profit is it to man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26)



“For what profit is it to man if he gains the whole world, 

and loses his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, thank You Lord for the years that You have given us to know You

 and the prayers that the Holy Spirit has guided us in praying 

that gives us glimpses of the True and Living God, 

for only the True God could answer so many prayers in so many unexplained ways

 and all proclaim the Glory of God. 

I pray again one of the timeless prayers You gave to me in 2004

 as the Holy Spirit was showing me the “Path” to the “Narrow Gate”:

 “Jesus, the Creator of life and the author of our Salvation, 

who gave up the Glories of Heaven to come to earth and dwell among us, 

not as a God among men but as a man among sinners 

and yet lived a “Perfect” life in obedience to the will of the Father. 

Then after a humble life of serving all around Him, He then became a Sacrifice

 and an Atonement for the sins of the world 

that we might have True Forgiveness of our sins

 and appear Righteous before the Father, 

and being blameless before the Father because of Your Sacrifice

 we become heirs to the Kingdom of God. 

All God asks in return for His Grace

 is that we ‘love one another’”.    



Jesus has such a Powerful Message because He not only used the

 “Words of God” to give us “understanding of the Truth of God” 

but Jesus “Lived” out the “Words of God” by His Actions

Many times His Actions spoke louder than His Words

which is a Bonus Lesson that the Master Teacher includes

 in His “life saving” Lessons that He was continually Teaching. 

As we consider JQ#19 and the myriad of Lessons contained in these

 very serious soul-searching back-to-back Questions 

Jesus asks us in His efforts to bring 

Divine Aid for the purpose of “saving” 

our “soul” from “eternal lostness”

we must look not only at  “His Words” but we must observe “His Actions” 

which are a visual demonstration of what the Master Teacher

 is “Teaching”, for what Lesson is of any value if the Teacher 

does not “walk the walk”?  

Jesus takes us deeper into the 

Truth of God 

as He builds our 

“understanding of God’s Truth” 

by building on the previous Lesson “precept upon precept” 

and for this very serious “soul-searching” JQ#19

 we see a shift in the Lessons that Jesus was Teaching His disciples

 as we read in the account written in Matthew,

 “From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples 

that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things 

from the elders and chief priests and scribes, 

and be killed and be raised the third day.” 

(Matthew 16:21) 

Once Jesus “began to show” His disciples this very, very serious

 side of His Purpose on earth,

 we see a shift in how the disciples reacted to these

 advanced Teachings of Jesus. 

Remember Peter stepping out of the boat on faith 

and actually walking on water to Jesus — 

well we read that when Jesus started Teaching that He must

 “suffer” and be killed” 

that Peter demonstrated that if we are not careful 

that we will default back to the teaching of the world 

and miss the 

Truth of God 

that is presented to us by the 

Word of God

Matthew records that Peter reacted to this new precept Jesus was Teaching

 them in a way that led Jesus to “get serious” 

and these are the circumstances leading to the 

“soul searching” 

Question JQ#19. Peter reacted to this new revelation from Jesus 

that He must suffer, die, and “be raised the third day” thusly:

”Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, 

saying, ‘Far be it from You, Lord; 

this shall not happen to You!” (Matthew 16:22) 

Peter is reacting to Jesus as all of us react when we fail to see the

 Glory of God in the Will of God 

in our lives — All Peter could understand was from a worldly viewpoint 

because he overlooked the 

Glory of God

 and only saw the “suffering” and “death” of Jesus 

as a victory for the world and not  the

 “Ultimate Victory” of Jesus over death and the grave

Peter could only see “suffering and death” 

and the world had blinded him to the 

Truth of God that Jesus

 would by the Glory of God 

“be raised the third day”! 

How many times do we look upon hardship, suffering, and 

deaths of our loved ones and question God as Peter did? 

Jesus is following the 

Will of God 

and we must look beyond that which the world 

has taught us about “physical death” and see the 

Truth of God that Jesus Teaches 

us about “Eternal Spiritual Life”! 

This “soul” question JQ#19 must be answered 

not from a worldly “physical” viewpoint but we must 

look through “spiritual eyes” and focus on the Glory of God 

— don’t you agree that we can see very little 

with our physical eyes except the world’s “darkness” but

 how clear things become when we look through our “spiritual eyes”

 aided by the Light of God’s Glory?

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