Thursday, June 20, 2024

JUNE 20 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#20 “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you?” (Matthew 17:17)



“O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you?

 How long shall I bear with you?” (Matthew 17:17)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, Lord Jesus, Praise be to the One that was rejected 

by His own and yet willingly died the Only Death 

that was an Acceptable Sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. 

Lord I fall short of True Faith all too often as I fully accept Your Grace

 in most of my life but find that there is still in me uncleanness, 

not because I did not give my sin to You or that You were 

unable to forgive me of my sin, but I am unclean 

and fall short of True Faith because I did not leave my sin

 at the foot of Your cross where in my repentance I laid it!?!?

 Lord forgive me of the sin of “little faith”, You know my heart 

and You know my desire to serve You honorably 

and I pray that each day that I have remaining that there is no

 remembrance of my sin, not by You, but by me 

for I know You “forgive and forget” but Lord 

I fall prey to “pulling my sin out of mothballs” 

and then the Holy Spirit convicts me of my guilt of not leaving my sin

 at the foot of Your Cross, 

but it is obvious that if I can pull it out of my memory 

that either I did not let it go when I pleaded for forgiveness or 

when I laid it down I picked it up again!?!? 

Lord, You died for all sin, even the ones we “try to hide” 

in the recess of our soul, Lord, I pray that Your Light 

will expose every last sin that I have hidden away, little sins that 

even I am not aware of until they surface at unexpected times — 

Lord give me the strength to allow Your Light access 

to my hiding places so that I can be rid of this “excess baggage” 

and move forward into the True Faith

 that You died on the cross for!     



JQ#20  “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? 

How long shall I bear with you?” (Matthew 17:17)

Jesus will not settle for anything to keep us from the 

Truth of God

especially our misunderstanding of one of His Lessons — 

Jesus was always stopping His disciples and making sure that they 

“understood” what He was Teaching 

and then to leave no stone unturned Jesus would tell the disciples

 exactly what the parable or the Lesson meant in terms that 

they could not possibly misinterpret what He was Teaching them.

However, all of us fail to totally “get it” the first time through His Word

 and we find ourselves falling short in one area of 

“True Faith in God” 

and we must be “called out” for it!  

Every time Jesus saw one of these instances with the disciples, 

Jesus would “tell it like it is” and then Jesus with only the Love that God bestows

 would use the reproach to “Teach” one of those “deeper still” Lessons.

 This is the case of JQ#20 where Jesus addresses a “shortcoming” of the disciples 

and then uses the opportunity to Teach another great 

Truth of God 

when He fully gets their attention. Jesus had just Taught them

 to consider their soul and the upcoming judgement 

and the importance of living their life in His Truth

 so now Jesus and His disciples are back in the “mission field” 

doing that which Jesus had Taught them to do,

 “And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, 

kneeling down to Him and saying, ‘Lord, have mercy on my son,

 for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; 

for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 

So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him.”

 (Matthew 17:14-16)  

It was at this point that Jesus responded in what to my mind 

was a rebuke for His disciples 

but before I lead the reader to any wrong conclusions,

let us look at this next Jesus Question and let Him Teach: 

JQ#20  “O faithless and perverse generation, 

how long shall I be with you? 

How long shall I bear with you?” 

(Matthew 17:17) 

Let me ask you at this point to stop and consider the feelings stirred in you

 when you read Jesus saying 

“O faithless and perverse generation…”

did you cringe in guilt like I did and then almost tremble when I read, 

“…how long shall I be with you?” 

This is one of those Questions where our inmost feelings will surface 

and if we will but “hang in there” Jesus will guide us to a

 Truth of God 

and bestow on True Believers the Peace that passes all understanding. 

Don’t you think that this is a good time to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you

 in addressing the feelings stirred in you when Jesus 

declares this personal indictment of a 

“…faithless and perverse generation…”

Jesus would not have asked if He did not have something good in store 

for those that will stop and answer His Questions honestly 

so take an honest stab at answering  JQ#20

but I advise you to temper your guilt with 

“Trust in God” and pray for His Understanding of the Truth of God 

to “guide you” as Jesus  promised: 

“…I will send [the Helper/Comforter] to you. 

And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, 

and of righteousness, and of judgement…

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, 

He will guide you into all truth…” !!! 

John 16:7-14) 

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