Tuesday, June 25, 2024

JUNE 25 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#20 “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you?” (Matthew 17:17)



“O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? 

How long shall I bear with you?” (Matthew 17:17)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, Lord as I awake to a new day there is great Peace in my soul 

as I turn my thoughts to sitting down with my Bible 

and can feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit. 

Lord Jesus, sometimes and especially today it is almost like I am 

sitting and listening to the Holy Spirit 

with His “still small (and very comforting) voice”

 reading me stories of You Jesus. 

Lord I, (nor can all the voices that have ever been lifted up in praise to You,)

 shall ever be able to praise You enough!

 Your Eternal Presence which You have graciously bestowed

 on each individual that will “receive” You is worthy of ALL Praise, 

and Lord I pray for the Holy Spirit to Teach me 

how to make my spirit and soul 

an honorable place for you to reside in!!!     



Jesus uses each “Question” that He asks us to Teach a fine point

 about our “relationship to God” and JQ#20 has been preparing

 His disciples to consider the eventuality of Jesus returning to the Father,

 but only after Jesus Himself suffers and dies!?!? 

Jesus has been “Teaching” the disciples how to “live” their life

 in a manner in which God’s Power will be exhibited through them

 and now Jesus is Teaching that fine detail that there is

 no “Power” in the “physical” body but that 

“ALL Power” is in the form of the “Spirit of God” 

and the “physical” body is only a vessel that contains

 the “spiritual conduit” through which the

 “Power of God” 

will flow through our soul to others

 in which God chooses to do His Work. 

Jesus has previously Taught that the body and soul are separate

 and that we are not to “worry” about those that can

 “kill the body but cannot kill the soul”

 and immediately Jesus makes it clear that only God has the

 “power” to “destroy both body and soul in hell”

  (JQ#10 — Matthew 10:28)

Jesus with these two statements draws our attention to the fact 

that there are “forces” in the world that can

 “kill the body” but “cannot kill the soul” 

therefore the distinction is that our “physical” bodies

 are temporary vessels that contains our 

eternal “spiritual” souls 

and that our real concern should not be about our “physical” bodies

 which can be killed by worldly forces but


we should be really concerned about our 

“spiritual relationship” to the “One” 

that can “destroy both body and soul in hell” 

and by that statement Jesus is warning us 

that there is a “Coming Judgment” for every individual 

at which time the 


will make a decision if HE WILL DESTROY 

our  eternal soul by fire in the pits of Hades!?!?!  

The Lessons Jesus Teaches us is that His Purpose for taking 

on a “body of flesh” is to Teach us how to “preserve” 

our eternal soul through a 

“spiritual relationship” with “our Father in Heaven” 

and that “relationship” is “Spiritual” in nature. 

In JQ#20 Jesus is telling us again not to worry about 

the “physical” body which the world has power to “kill” 

for that is nothing compared to the

 “Power of God” to preserve our “Eternal Soul” 

as Jesus reminds us at the start of JQ#20 that 

His “physical” body is going to be “killed” but that 

the “Power of God” will preserve His Eternal Soul 

by raising Jesus from the dead on the third day 

thereby demonstrating that 

God alone has the “Power” over our souls 

which are “eternal” so we should not worry about our bodies 

but be totally concerned about our souls —— — 

remember when Jesus Taught not to be concerned 

about “physical” things that He said,

 “Seek first the kingdom of God

 and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33) 

which now makes sense that we do not 

find God by looking for “physical” things but 

we must “seek” God with our “Spiritual” 

nature which God has imparted to our “souls”.  

Now in JQ#20 Jesus tells us

 the “key” to a “spiritual relationship with God” 

is through our “Faith” or “Belief in God” 

as Jesus answers His disciples when they asked Him 

why they had failed to cast out the demon in the boy 

as Jesus ends the JQ#20 Lesson by stating to His disciples

 why they failed when He answered them, 

“Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, 

if you have faith as a mustard seed, 

you will say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ 

and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” 

 (Matthew 17:20) 

Then Jesus concludes JQ#20 just as He introduced JQ#20 

with a reminder of His upcoming death and


“The Son of Man is about to be betrayed 

into the hands of men, 

and they will kill Him, 

and the third day He will be raised up.” 

(Matthew 17:21) 

Jesus is Teaching that God will demonstrate His Glory and Power

 over death and the grave by 

“Resurrecting Jesus” 

but we are so brainwashed by the world that we fail to see the

 “Spiritual Glory of God”

 and focus only on the “physical” death 

and we feel just like what Matthew recorded in this statement 

about the reaction of the disciples 

when Jesus told them He would be

 “killed by men” 

———“And [His disciples] were exceedingly sorrowful.” 

(Matthew 17:21) 

Jesus in the same sentence stated that 

“men” would “kill Him” and that

 “God” would “raise Him the third day” 

so we must answer the personal question that surfaces here 

——— why do we worry more about what “men” can do to the body

 than what “God” can do to the “soul” ????? 

— —— you don’t think it could be Satan trying to scare us

 with his threats of “death” just like He has been doing every day

 since God told him


“because you [Satan] have [deceived Adam and Eve],

 you are cursed more than all cattle, 

and more than every beast of the field; 

on your belly you shall go, 

and you shall eat dust all the days of your life.”

 (Genesis 3:14)


———well I know that if I had been cursed 

to crawl on my belly and eat dust 

that I would attack everyone 

that walked upright on two feet, wouldn’t you?

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