Saturday, July 13, 2024

JULY 13 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#21 “What do you think about fish, taxes, lost sheep, forgiveness, and your fellow servants?” (Matthew 17:25, 18:12,33)



“What do you think about fish, taxes, lost sheep, 

forgiveness, and your fellow servants?” 

(Matthew 17:25, 18:12,33)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, (From a song given to me by the Holy Spirit in 2003) 

“Jesus, Precious Jesus, Thank You, You took my sins away, 

and I want to thank You for all that You’ve done, 

so this is the prayer that I pray — 

Please grant it Lord that I may grow strong, 

yet give more than I take. 

Teach me to lean on Jesus my King 

and guide me each step that I take. 

In all that I do let Your Love Shine through,

 that lost sheep might find the way 

and come back Home to this Peace I’ve known 

— this is the prayer I pray.” 

 Praise to God from whom ALL Blessing flow, forgive me of my daily sins,

 and create in me a clean heart, O God!       



Jesus always gave us a Living Example of the Lessons He was Teaching

 and each Lesson reveals a 

Truth of God 

so that we may know who God is by knowing His Truth. 

I have always asked the question:

 “Couldn’t there have been some other way 

for our sins to be forgiven other than God 

having to send His Son to Sacrifice Himself for our sins?” 

There has been one answer that the Holy Spirit gives me 

and it is in the form of a question as my heart and soul hears:

 Why do you question God?” 

When I stop and “think” about it, I come to the conclusion 

that instead of questioning God that I should look to see what 

Truth of God 

is revealed in the things that He does! 

So instead of asking 

“Why would God sacrifice His Only Begotten Son for my sin”

 I make this observation and I see that

 (TRUTH 1) the creator God who can do all things without my help

 has made a Divine Personal Decision to help those that 

He certainly doesn’t need any help from ——— and 

(TRUTH 2) not only does God help others who cannot repay Him 

for His Divine Help, He used His Most Precious Possession 

to accomplish His Desire to do “Good” for others, 

(TRUTH 3) God had no motivation to make His Decision 

except His Own Pure Character of Mercy 

(TRUTH 4) besides proving Himself to be a Merciful God, 

He also reveals that He is a Loving God for we know that our sin

 is nothing but rebellion against God and even though God Knows

 all things and Knows that we are undeserving of Love, 

God pours out His Divine Compassion on us and proves 

He is a Gracious and Compassionate God and finally 

(TRUTH 5) The fact that God would send His Son to die a cruel death

 for our sin proves that God is an “Unchanging” and “Just” God !!! 

In the beginning God said that disobedience to Him must be punished

 by death and my worldly thoughts say that 

“if I am the rule-maker and I am in charge of enforcing those rules 

then I can change the rule if I want to” ——— but 

God proves He is a GOD that GOD NEVER CHANGES 

and the rules apply to everyone and will be enforced fairly and justly — 




When we question God we are using the world’s standard 

of ever-changing priorities but 

when we observe God from the point of “Truth and Fairness” 

we see that God’s Moral Standard is the only True 

and Fair Standard by which all mankind 

should judge ourselves and others!  

By using God’s Unchanging Moral Standard 

we have confidence that God will judge everyone equally

 by the same fair standard which NEVER CHANGES, 

and we know His Standards NEVER change 

because God Himself NEVER CHANGES. 

So the Truth of God is that sin MUST be punished 

and the Compassion of God ——— 

(“For God so loved the world”)

 is demonstrated by His Grace towards sinners

 (“that He gave His only begotten Son”) 

and by providing Himself a Sacrifice for our sin problem 

(“that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish

 but have everlasting life.” John 3:16)

 and God goes the extra mile in that not only will we

 “not perish” 

but God rewards our 

“belief in His Only Begotten Son”


“everlasting life”


The fact that “sin” is a problem in the world is not what is being disputed

 by mankind, mankind just does not want to admit that “sin” is a problem 

that we are EACH personally responsible for! We refuse to admit

 that we cannot solve the sin-problem ourselves and that we must turn

 to God for the solution. 

This is God’s Plan of Salvation in a nutshell: 

God gave us Free Will but we used it poorly 

and chose to sin instead of following God 

and we ended up lost in our sin. 

Once lost in sin, we cannot see our way back to the


and our selfish pride prevents us from asking God for directions.

 God however RESCUES us from our sin 

but in Honor of His 

Gift of Free Will 

to us, God will not “force” the RESCUE on us 

but waits for our call for “Help!” which comes when 

we REPENT of our sin and call out to God for His Mercy.

 When God hears our cry, He immediately 

“RESCUES” us, 


we call


 My question to those that read this passage is simply:

 “Why do you not accept God’s Help 

instead of questioning ‘why’ He is such a 

Good, Kind, Gracious, and Forgiving God?”

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