Sunday, August 11, 2024

AUGUST 11 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#24 “Is the power and authority of baptism from heaven or from men?” (Matthew 21:25)



  “Is the power and authority of baptism 

from heaven or from men?” 

(Matthew 21:25)

LIVING FOR JESUS Daily Prayer   

JESUS, I thank You Lord for answered prayer as I am walking through

 my own “valley” of recovery and You give me assurance that You are 

walking with me and that You will take me “through the valley”. 

Satan attacks from the bushes saying that we have been abandoned

 and we run and hide in fear which takes us off the “paths of righteousness” 

— forgive me for my doubts and fears for there should be nothing

 in my walk but complete “faith” that

 You will “never leave me nor forsake me”.

 Lord Jesus, I move back to the “Light” and once again I can see

 Your Path and these words cover my soul — 

Blessed Assurance, Jesus IS mine!!      



Jesus entered Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey as foretold in 

Zechariah 9:9 to the shouts of 

“Hosanna to the Son of David! 

Blessed in He who comes in the name of the LORD!” 

(Matthew 21:9 & Psalms 118:26)  

which should have alerted everyone that knew enough  scripture

 to know who King David was, that Jesus WAS the Coming King that

 would sit on the Throne of David forever and Jesus WAS

 “coming in the name of the Lord” 

and He WAS making His Official entry into Jerusalem! 

So the Sanhedrin was making a “politically correct” ruling that even 

though Jesus could work miracles and was doing them in the name

 of the God, that it was the “opinion” of the “Supreme Court” of

 Israel (the Sanhedrin) that Jesus was just a 

“prophet from Nazareth of Galilee” (Matthew 21:11) 

and that was what the multitudes were being told by the 

“ruling powers” in Jerusalem — however, Jesus has not come to 

bow to the “doctrines of men” nor abandon His God-given Purpose

 simply because the “man-made supreme court” of the land rules 

against the will of God! As soon as Jesus entered Jerusalem He 

went straight to the temple of God and did what anyone 

would expect the Chosen One, the Messiah to do!


“Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all

 those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned 

the tables of the money changers and the seats of those 

that sold doves. And [Jesus] said to them, 

‘It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, 

but you have made it a den of thieves.” (Matthew 21:12-13) 

The Lesson that Jesus is Teaching by what He is “doing” should be 

seen thusly as the “fulfillment” of prophecy — Jesus rides into

 Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Zechariah 9:9) on the colt of a donkey 

and is met with praises from the daughter of Zion and He is 

declared the “Son of David” which refers to the Chosen One 

and coming Messiah. (Psalm 118:26) Once into Jerusalem, the

 “King” goes to the temple of God and “drove out” everything 

that was defiling the temple of God! (Matthew 21:12) 

All these things were written in the Holy Scriptures and pertained

 specifically to the Messiah, not a prophet! 

Only the Messiah had the “power and authority” to do 

what Jesus was doing to the temple of God in the City of God

 and to leave no doubt that He was the Messiah, the Son of David, 

the King of the daughter of Zion, Jesus continued doing 

what only the Messiah could do

“Then the blind and the lame come to [Jesus] in the temple, 

and He healed them. But when the chief priests and scribes 

saw the wonderful things that He did, and the children 

crying out in the temple and saying ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’,

 [the legalists] were indignant.” (Matthew 21:14-15)

 I cannot help but see the world that my generation is living in today

 being played out exactly as it is written in these passages in Matthew. 

We have taken prayer out of our schools and God out of our government.

 We have allowed our rights and freedoms to know God for ourselves

 to be ridiculed and overruled by decisions handed down by a group

 of judges that have been politically appointed to establish the

 “law of the land” without any consideration to the commandments of God,

 but instead these decisions and laws promote the “doctrine of men”

 that happen to be in “power” and have the man-made “authority”

 to appoint a “judge” to the Supreme Court of the land! Today our

 politicians have abandoned “executing the offices of government” as 

supported by the Commandments of God. 

Our society today can still see Jesus 

“…and all the wonderful things He did…” 

and there are multitudes in each generation that are still seeing

 Jesus do “wonderful things” in our daily lives and we shout 

“Hosanna to the Son of David” 

 and then we turn on the TV and hear that the Supreme Court 

has decided that it is “politically incorrect” to talk about God and we are

 subjected once again to the “doctrines of men” — we have succumbed

 to letting a government of men determine that it is “legal” to kill our

 unborn if we find the Commands of God inconvenient to our modern lifestyle.

 Jesus had one week left on earth and His Question is simple but significant:

 “Do you trust men with unlimited control of your lives 

and are you willing to give them all the authority and power 

over our legal system, which will be administered 

without the consent or blessings of God?”

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