Monday, August 19, 2024

AUGUST 19 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#24 “Is the power and authority of baptism from heaven or from men?”” (Matthew 21:25)



  “Is the power and authority of baptism 

from heaven or from men?””  

(Matthew 21:25)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer   

JESUS, You are Worthy of ALL our adoration and praise! You Lord

 are the One True Shepherd that feeds His lambs and leads us 

to green pastures. Lord, we may read or hear a disturbing report 

from the “authorities” of our generation that declare that You are 

“outdated” and worse, You are “dangerous”  and the “multitudes” 

keeps believing the “Lie” and misses Your “Truth” — O Lord, You

 are the Prince of Peace and only through belief in You and Your

 Death, Burial, and Resurrection is there any Hope for mankind! 

These ARE the END TIMES and all Christians will have to be 

given another boost in Faith in God or many will be lost because 

of this modern day persecution on Your Church and on You, the

 Messiah, the Chosen One, our Savior and Redeemer — Forgive 

us Lord for listening to the deceiver, strengthen our Faith, and 

let us proclaim Your Truth and be bold in our witness that You 

Lord are our Hope for You Lord 

are the Way, the Truth and the Life!!!!   



Jesus is now Teaching the Ultimate Truth of God, and He is directing

 His Teaching at all who would demand of the Messiah

“By what authority” does the Son of God do the works of God? 

Jesus knows that God the Father has sent Him down from heaven 

to bring the same message that John the Baptist was preaching 

in the wilderness, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand” 

— Jesus has brought the message of  “REPENTANCE” to Israel

 and has been Teaching by miracles and parables what the kingdom

 of heaven is like, but in His last week on earth Jesus is giving His

 “final answer” by asking the Ultimate Question that covers all the


contained in the scriptures about God the Father, His only 

begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit — “For God so loved 

the world that He {{will give}} His only begotten 

Son {{Jesus, the Messiah}} that whosoever believes in Him 

shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) 

 Looking at the Question that Jesus asked the

 “chief priests and the elders of the people” will reveal the fulfilling

 of all that God has desired for His chosen people — simply that 

those that follow God will Trust in His provisions for our 

daily needs and for our eternity. God desires that “no man 

should perish but all would come to a saving knowledge”

 of His Only Begotten Son Jesus who was sent to die a

 substitutionary death on the cross as the Lamb of God,

 becoming the propitiation of our sins against God. God 

has declared the penalty for sin is death and in providing 

for our salvation God has provided an acceptable 

Sacrifice to pay that penalty. 

The Question Jesus is asking must be considered as a type of 

formal exam of the Truth of God for contained within the Question 

is the summation of what we truly believe and can accept about God.

 First, let us look at the “Question” in the context that the 

“rulers and authorities” of the temple were asking Jesus who 

had demonstrated that by His actions Jesus IS the Messiah 

because through Jesus and His Miracles performed in the Power

 of the Holy Spirit of God the prophecy of the Holy Scriptures was

 fulfilled before their very eyes, and yet these “rulers and authorities” 

were questioning Jesus about His authority???? 

Jesus answered their question by asking this truly “Spirit-loaded” 

Question “The baptism of John —where was it from? 

(and to make sure there was no confusion, 

Jesus makes the answer multiple choice)

 From (a) heaven or (b) from men?” (Matthew 21:25) 

There are several elements that we normally don’t think of that 

Jesus makes surface with this all important Question and here is 

a short list for your personal consideration before you give your 

“best and final answer” to Jesus, who is about to go to the 

cross and be crucified, suffering a cruel death to pay the 

penalty for your sins; therefore, giving Him an honest answer is 

the least you can do, don’t you think? Here is the list: 

(L1) baptism: just what is “baptism” and what does it accomplish? 

(L2) who is John and why was he “baptizing”?

 (L3) why was Jesus using “John” and “baptism” to illustrate “authority”? 

(L4) is there any “earthly” reason to be “baptized”?  

(L5) is there any validity in “the authority” of “heaven”? 

(L6) how can one prove “heaven” and the “Ruler of heaven” exists? 

(L7) is having “Faith” in “things unseen” a reasonable explanation 

for “John”, “Baptism”, “Jesus”, and “heaven”? 

These are elements of the Question you must consider or you can’t 

answer this Question — but keep in mind, this could well be your

 “final answer” before the “Teacher” grades your test!!!!! 

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