Saturday, September 14, 2024

SEPTEMBER 14 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#28 “Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?” (Matthew 22:18)



“Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?”  (Matthew 22:18)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, You are greatly to be praised. Every knee shall bow 

and every tongue shall confess that You are the Beloved Son 

that pleased our Father God. Lord, only You are worthy of 

the honor and glory of the praises of every soul that ever lived 

for only You indeed did anything that directly affected every soul

 that has ever lived or will ever live!!! I am not worthy to 

stand in Your Presence, Lord no one is worthy compared to Your Glory.

 Lord Jesus, You have already paid the price for every sin that 

has been or ever will be committed so we know that


  our sins WILL BE FORGIVEN   

We are undeserving of Your Love which You freely give, we are 

equally undeserving of Your Forgiveness; however, 

Your Grace and Mercy are abundant and “endureth” forever,

 as does Your Love!         



Jesus Taught three parables on “True Power and Authority” 

after asking the Question (JQ #24)

“The baptism of John — where was it from?

 From heaven or from men?” (Matthew 21:25) 

Once Jesus had their focus on the 

“Source of True Power and Authority” 

Jesus then told them the Three Parables to demonstrate that God

 alone is Sovereign and all earthly authority is given by God — 

but the problem with following “men” is that power in the 

hands of men not tempered by the fear of God 

always leads to “abuse” of those powers. 

Once Jesus had Taught the Three Parables the religious leaders 

and political forces united to try and “entangle Him in His talk” 

and regain their former power by showing their superior intellect — 

but what were they thinking, would you like to match wits 

with the Supreme Knowledge? First the Pharisees and Herodians 

posed a question about paying taxes and Jesus Taught 

Spiritual Law #1 — 

“Render unto God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)

 and when they knew they had no argument they tucked their tails 

between their legs and left Jesus. But, “the same day” the 

Sadducees tried to use the Law of Moses to “entangle” Jesus 

as the Sadducees asked about the tradition of brothers raising

 up offspring with a deceased brother’s wife and asked Jesus,

 “Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven 

will she be? For they all had her?” (Matthew 22:28) 

Jesus quickly put them in their place by reminding them that they were

 “mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures or the power of God.” 

(Matthew 22:29) 

Jesus then taught from the Law of Moses

 Spiritual Law #2 — 

“The Great I AM GOD is not the God of the dead,

 but of the living.” (Matthew 22:32) 

The Sadducees failed in their attempt as did the Pharisees and

 the Herodians and they too went their way. However, 

“…when the Pharisees heard that [Jesus] had silenced 

the Sadducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, 

a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying,

 ‘Teacher, which is the great commandment of the law?’” 

(Matthew 22:34-36) 

Jesus responded with 

Spiritual Law #3 

“Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all

 your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is 

the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” 

(Matthew 22:37-39) 

Then to make it perfectly clear to the “lawyer/legalist”, Jesus stated unequivocally,

 “On these two commandments (Spiritual Law #3) 

hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:40)  

So now Jesus completes the Lesson on 

“True Power and Authority” 

by making His detractors consider the True Source of Power,

 then Jesus Taught in succession 

Three Parables on “True and Supreme Authority” 

and then Jesus gave us 3 Spiritual Laws 

that confirm God IS the “

True and Supreme Authority” 

and is still “Active” and in “Control”

Why do we have such a hard time letting God be God?

 Why do we try to assume the “power and authority” for our own self-gratification?

 Jesus spent a lot of time and energy when His time 

and energy were about to be extinguished on a cross 

at the Passover so shouldn’t we “listen to Him” 

like God said if we truly want to be free 

and know the pathway to “eternal life”?!?!?!?  

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