Thursday, October 3, 2024

OCTOBER 03 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#29 “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” (Matthew 22:42)



“What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”  

(Matthew 22:42)

LIVING FOR JESUS  Daily Prayer    

JESUS, thank You Lord for the Love that You so freely gave to the

 world, the greater part of Your Love is that You gave it to a world that

 rejected You and that Your Love is always extended to everyone

 regardless of the magnitude or multitude of our sins! Lord to have

 Forgiveness is one thing but having Forgiveness always on the table

  because of Your Great Love is having a Garden where


Lord, I know that You have given us the HOPE that “If we confess

 our sins, [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to 

cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:19 KJV) but to 

extend that promise to include ALL sin and “all unrighteousness” 

is truly going the “extra mile”!   I know how many times You have kept

 that promise and yet I slip back into sin again??? — but if I “confess”

 my sin that You are “faithful and just to forgive” — You are


Lord Jesus, thank You for Loving us that much!!!   



Jesus has completed His “Seven Woes” which had been addressed

 to the “scribes and Pharisees” but Jesus also made it clear that it 

was not the fact that they were “scribes and Pharisees”, the problem

 was that they were “hypocrites!”!!! A quick overview of the “Seven Woes”

 shows us the great concern God has over the attitude of our hearts 

toward following His Commands - it is significant that there were

 “Seven Woes” because in the study of the Holy Scriptures

 the number “7” is representative of “divine perfection” and the fact 

that Jesus spent so much time of His Last Week on earth addressing

 a problem that had its source from those in “authority” 

over the nation Israel, makes this obviously a very important concern 

God has for His chosen people!!! Add to those facts that Jesus

 summed up the problem with “Seven Woes” against “hypocrisy!”

 we can logically assume that God is going to address the issue 

which He felt was important enough to Sacrifice His Only Begotten Son

 to rectify the problem of “hypocrisy!” among His chosen people!

 Jesus concluded “Woe #7” stating that our sins

 “are witnesses against [ourselves]” (Matthew 23:31) 

and that the Final Judgement” is inevitable and that we cannot 

“escape the condemnation of hell”!!! (Matthew 23:33) 

However after Jesus had pronounced the “Seven Woes” He then

 demonstrated His Compassion when He lamented: 

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets 

and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to 

gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks 

under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house

 is left to you desolate; for I say to you, you shall see Me 

no more till you say,

 ‘Blessed in He who comes in the name of the LORD!’” 

(Matthew 23:37-39) 

This “lament” over Jerusalem summarizes the heart of God

 and reveals a special Character and Truth of God to me: God is 

“compassionate” and is grieved when those He has “chosen” 

decide to “follow the doctrines of men” instead of following God 

and His Commandments which 

God has always intended that His Commands be a guide 

to living an abundant life among God’s Bountiful Provisions! 

However, God demonstrates True Justice by being 

a Fair Judge and administering JUSTICE EQUALLY, 

to everyone, including His Chosen People! 

The bottom line of the “Seven Woes” then could be stated as follows:

 If we refuse God and remain in our “spiritual blindness” that we will 

“see [God] no more…” until we finally recognize that 

God the Father has sent Jesus His Son 

with a Message of “Repentance” to the world!!!

 Jesus has made it clear that God is the Judge and the 

Son is the Messenger so why do we have such a problem with taking

 God at His Word??? If we “Choose” to continue rejecting God

 and His Messenger then the “Consequence” is that 

“[our] house [will] be left desolate” 

and that our rejection of God is a 

“witness against [ourself]” and we will not “escape” a verdict

 of “Guilty before God” and will receive the fruits of rejecting God which is “the condemnation of hell” — Jesus also makes it clear that “hell” 

is a eternity spent without God — it would be hard to imagine anything 

more “Woeful” than “eternal separation from God”

but of course that is my opinion and my “Choice” — 

you have to decide for yourself how to answer this Question

 that has “eternal implications”: 

“What do you think about the Christ? 

Whose Son is He?”!?!?!?!? (Matthew 23:42)

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