Monday, October 14, 2024

OCTOBER 14 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#30 “Do you not see all these things?” (Matthew 24:02)



“Do you not see all these things?”  (Matthew 24:02)

LIVING FOR JESUS - Daily Prayer    

JESUS, O Holy Spirit, let my lips ever praise Thee but more important

 let my life be lived “in Christ and with Christ in me” each and every day!

 Lord grant it that my heart be forever grateful that Your Grace restores us

 to the Father and Your Forgiveness frees us from our slavery to sin 

and the world! Lord may each day continue to begin with writing the 

Precious Name “JESUS” but if I write it or not, may my heart, mind, and

 body worship You and witness to Your Glory for it is more important 

for the kingdom’s sake that Jesus Himself is written on the “Way” 

that I live my day-to-day life! 

Lord, may my heart never forget the moving of the Holy Spirit in my life

 nor the Eternal Truth that He is ALWAYS there to comfort, correct and 

to guide us if we but call on Him with a humble and contrite spirit.   



Jesus has a point in first asking “Do you not see…” and then making 

a list of “…all these things?” and as usual that “Divine point”

 is to convey a Truth of God and reveal God to us through our 

reflection on His Question as we try as best we can to “understand” 

the Question Jesus is asking us and to give Him an honest answer — 

for only in knowing the TRUTH OF GOD can we truly 

“understand [i.e. ‘see’] the Creator’s world in which we live”

God had planned long before the Creation “all these things” 

that would come about and 

Jesus is fulfilling that Divine Plan which includes letting 

God’s people know the Truth of God in order to make 

their decision about their own eternities!

 This characteristic of God of letting us “know” the details of His Plan

 “ahead of time” is part of The Divine Prophetic Plan in order that we

 will recognize the TRUTH OF GOD that He has a DIVINE PLAN in place

 for how else could Daniel write so clearly about the 

“abomination of desolation”

 or Jesus give details of the “Great Tribulation” that follows

 (Matthew 24:15-22)

 if it had not already been determined and laid out in detail 

by the Omnipotent, Omnipresent Creator God? 

For instance, Daniel first wrote of the Messiah and 600 years later 

Jesus fulfills the Messianic Prophecy of Daniel so completely 

that there can be no doubt that 


for He fulfilled exactly EVERY DETAIL of the Messianic Prophesy 

and now Jesus is in effect saying that because He so completely

 fulfills Daniel’s Prophecy that we must then look at the other 

prophecies and KNOW that they are from God Himself and therefore

 they will come about! This “fulfilling of God’s Word” can be drawn 

from what Jesus said as He was describing the “Great Tribulation”

 that was to follow the “Abomination of Desolation” Daniel described

 when Jesus said plainly and clearly to His disciples, 

See, I have told your beforehand…” (Matthew 24:26) 

which clearly ties His original Question,

 “Do you not see all these things?” 

with the fact that only Jesus and Daniel can list

 “…all these things…” 

because they are part of God’s Plan and that God Himself revealed 

His Plans to Daniel in a vision and God the Father had worked out

 the details of His Plan with Jesus Himself before the Creation was 

ever in place and now as “…all these things…” that were written 

and told to us “beforehand” happen right before our eyes we should

 certainly be able to “SEE”  what God reveals so plainly to us!

 Jesus then added,

 “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west,

 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:27)

 So Jesus is telling us “beforehand” that we will be able to 

“see” God’s Plan unfold and we will KNOW that it was a PLAN 

told us and written down for us to in order that our 

FAITH WILL BE MADE SIGHT and we indeed will “see all these things” 

are from God!!! For only the ONE that KNOWS the PLAN 

can actually “see” the PLAN unfold in our daily lives and the

 only “Way” we can KNOW THE PLAN is to LISTEN 



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