Friday, December 27, 2024

DECEMBER 27 THE JESUS QUESTIONS JQ#1-33 SUMMARY-13 The Gospel of Matthew: A Study of the Life, Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ



JQ#1-33 SUMMARY-13   The Gospel of Matthew: A Study of the Life,

 Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ 

LIVING FOR JESUS -Daily Prayer   

JESUS we thank You for Your daily Presence in our lives as we see You

 revealed by Your Holy Word and Your Holy Spirit. Lord I pray that

 in my life I will know that You are always there and if I fail to recognize

 Your Presence then may the Holy Spirit give me understanding that it

 is my own flesh that is blinding me to Your Presence — and that upon

 the realization that it is the darkness of the world which prevents

 my eyes from beholding Your Glory in my life that at the realization 

that it is me and not You, that I will take up my cross and be crucified

 with You and know that Your Spirit is Resurrected in us and You

 will illuminate our darkness with YOUR LIGHT! 

Lord, our daily walk is our “now” and our “daily walk now” is the 

only “time” we can experience GRACE! Only if we decrease and You

 are allowed to increase can we behold our Lord Jesus Christ,

 the Messiah! Forgive me of my daily shortcomings and my failure

 to see You working in my life — even so, come “now” Lord Jesus!     



Jesus was first revealed by the Gospel of Matthew as the Messiah 

by circumstances beyond His control but were obviously circumstances

 ORCHESTRATED BY GOD as part of God’s Master Plan

Up to the point where Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan

 river, Jesus was validated as the Messiah by many external 

witnesses and circumstances such as Jesus being born in Bethlehem

 of Judea, being born the son of Mary (a virgin) who was betrothed 

to Joseph whose lineage could be traced back to King David. 

Jesus began His public Ministry after being baptized by John the Baptist

 who was the forerunner of the Messiah as written by the prophets.

 Jesus demonstrated by the way He lived, especially His Earthly 

Ministry from His baptism in the Jordan to His baptism on the cross

 that His Perfect Life and His Sacrificial Death is the greatest “witness” 


 Everything that Jesus does, He does at the direction of His Heavenly Father

 and His Message is “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”

The JESUS QUESTIONS themselves reveal His Divinity and witness

 to Jesus being the Messiah, the Son of the Living God, therefore let us

 look at one more detail of Matthew’s introduction of Jesus that is also

 a separate witness to Jesus being the Messiah and what His “Mission”

 and “Purpose” was in being born in the flesh, at this particular time,

 in this particular place, to these particular parents. 

Matthew starts his Gospel of Jesus Christ with

 “The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 1:1) 

and within this “genealogy of Jesus Christ” is further “witness” to 

God’s Master Plan of Salvation and Jesus being the Messiah sent to earth,

 taking on earthly flesh to Administer God’s Plan!!! 

Jewish tradition, from the very beginning, has always placed great

 importance on the “lineage” or “family line” and the main reason “lineage”

 was so important to Israel was because one’s “lineage” determined 

their “tribal inheritance”! Inheritance among God’s people is based upon

 the fact that at God’s directions, each Jewish tribe or “family” had

 received a particular portion of the “Promised Land” and for a person

 to inherit land in a particular area assigned to that tribe, the person 

had to produce “evidence of birth” that he was from that particular tribe.

 That “evidence” of birth into a “tribe” came through records of 

the family genealogy. The genealogy of Jesus therefore would

 determine His Inheritance and a close look at the genealogy of 

Jesus Christ reveals some very important “signs” or “evidence” of 

miraculous claims by Jesus as they relate to the 

“Purpose and Life of the Messiah”!!! 

This genealogy of Jesus revealed that Jesus through His Lineage was born

 “the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” (Matthew 1:1)  

Now is a good time to revisit the “book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ” 

as listed in Matthew 1:1-17 and ask yourself about your personal 

lineage and understand the

 “Importance” of your “Spiritual Lineage” in “inheriting” 

your “portion of the Promised Land” that has been set aside 

for you in “the kingdom of heaven”!!! 

This investigation of your personal “Spiritual Inheritance” can be

 understood by reading what Jesus told Nicodemus in John Chapter 3

 verses 1-21 which includes these two 

Promises by Jesus that address our “Spiritual Inheritance”:  

(Promise #1) “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, 

he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3) and 

(Promise #2) “For God so loved the world that He gave 

His only begotten Son that whoever believes on Him 

shall not perish but [inherit] everlasting life.” (John 3:16) 

so by reading the “Promises of God” regarding your “inheritance”,

 you must ask yourself:

 “Have I received Him and claimed my Godly inheritance 

and my right to become [a child] of God 

by believing on the [Name and Person] of Jesus Christ.?” 

(See John 1:12-13)    

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