Lessons, Lifestyle, and Parables of Jesus: JQ#1-JQ#33
(Matthew 1:1 thru 3:17)
JESUS, Lord and Savior, You are worthy, You alone are to be praised
above all names. Lord, our lives simply have no meaning outside
Your Salvation, No Hope without Your Cross and Sacrifice, and
no Life outside Your Death and only through Your Resurrection can we
have Eternal Joy and live forever in Heaven itself! Outside of
Your Mighty Deeds the world only offers despair, death, darkness,
and no hope of life.
Lord Jesus, I pray to always be “In Christ”
for outside of Christ there is no “LIGHT”
and only “In Christ” will we ever find “True Rest” —
Lord Christ Jesus, I dedicate myself to Your service, make me
wholly Thine, shape me, mold me, and use me as You Will.
Let my life be Yours to eternally remain “In Christ”!!! AMEN
Jesus has in His Genealogy some very interesting TRUTHS listed
that point to both Him being the Messiah and what His “Inheritance”
as the Messiah might include! Therefore, “The book of the
genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Matthew 1:1) can be used to shine
a “Light” on the “Purpose” of the Messiah and also reveal the
Divine Character of the God that sent Him to be born of a “virgin” and
live a perfect life in order that He might die as “the Lamb of God”.
The following comments are taken from two independent sources —
the first is a sermon given by Dr. Brian Walls on the Genealogy
of Jesus Christ taken from Matthew 1:17 presented on 12/28/16
and the second source is an internet article titled “The Origins of
Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1-25)” written by Robert L. Deffingbaugh
(Copyright 2003 by Community Bible Chapel, Richardson, TX)
in which some very interesting information is presented from this
Genealogy of Jesus Christ as given by St. Matthew in his efforts
to present to the Jewish Community that Jesus IS the Messiah.
In the sermon given by Dr. Walls, he points out that in the genealogy
given by Matthew that in normal Jewish genealogy the inclusion
of women was very rare and the inclusion of Gentiles was even less likely
to appear in a good Jewish genealogy but the very fact that by Matthew
including these women (and them being “gentiles” as well)
points to the “TRUTHFULNESS” of the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
We must also consider these thoughts from the internet article
by Robert Deffingbaugh, who starts his comments on the genealogy
of Jesus Christ found in Matthew with a quote from the
“Apostle to the Gentiles”, the Apostle Paul —
“16 Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,
17 that the person dedicated to God may be capable and
equipped for every good work.” (2nd Timothy 3:16-17)
As we look at the “inspiration” being from “God” for this genealogy
given by St. Matthew then we must trust that God had a “purpose”
for the inclusion of these women and not only their inclusion but the “TRUTH”
of their lives which God Himself thought was important enough to be
included in the Genealogy of His Anointed!
I quote Robert Deffingbaugh as he observed about the inclusion
in the Genealogy of Jesus Christ of these less-than-reputable women:
“One purpose of the first genealogy, then, is to dramatically
underscore the truthfulness of God’s Word.” And as Dr. Walls
pointed out in his sermon, “if you are writing a resume then you usually
don’t included such dubious characters in your list of references”
for we as fallen creatures succumb to the temptation of burying those
shady parts of our pasts because they do not shed a “good light”
on our reputation — so for God to make sure these additions are not
only included but their “problems” were actually highlighted such as
“David the king begot Solomon by her
who had been the wife of Uriah.”
(Matthew 1:6)
Pastor Walls emphasis is that Matthew’s genealogy
of Jesus Christ God reveals the “TRUTH” that David the king was
guilty of both adultery and murder, thereby making Jesus a
Son of David (who was guilty of murder and adultery) and a
Son of Abraham thereby meeting the minimum requirements
of the Jewish Messiah. That St. Matthew would include these
“revealing facts” listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ,
Robert Deffingbaugh states that these less than flattering
facts “dramatically underscore the truthfulness of God’s Word”.
Deffingbaugh points out the heart of God in a quote from Fredrick Bruner’s
comments on Matthew’s inclusion of these “revealing facts” as Bruner writes:
“One gets the impression that Matthew poured over his Old Testament
records until he could find the most questionable ancestors of Jesus
available in order, in turn, to insert them into his record and so,
it seems, to preach the gospel — the gospel, that is, that God can
overcome and forgive sin, and can use soiled but repentant persons
for His great purpose in history.”
So when we read the Genealogy of Jesus Christ in God’s Holy Word
we must trust that there is always a reason and purpose behind everything
that God includes in HIS WORD and they are there for our benefit!
Therefore we should let HIS WORD teach us that truly
“God so [loves] the world that He gave
His Only Begotten Son [Jesus] that whosoever believes
in [the Messiah and His Word] shall not perish
but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Simple-Direct-Truthful and this
can only be found
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